ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 10 AGRICULTURE P FERTILISER TRIAL ASSIGNMENT STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________________________ TEACHER’S NAME: Date due Draft : Final : Assessment Technique: Written Assignment – Scientific report TASK A Group of farmers are unsure of how much urea, a nitrogen fertiliser, they should use on a field of grain sorghum. You are to design and perform a field trial to determine how much urea they need to apply to their grain sorghum crop to gain maximum production. Your report to the farmers will need to follow the format as shown below. TITLE AIM (What are you going to do?) HYPOTHESIS (What do you expect the results to be?) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Research into growing of grain sorghum, nitrogen, fertiliser use, nitrogen fertiliser, nutrients, plant nutrient uptake, etc.) MATERIALS (What have you used to set up and run the trial?) METHOD (Experimental design, step by step process explaining the setting up of the trial, performing the trial, and collecting data.) RESULTS (Data tables, graphs.) DISCUSSION (Explanation of the results. What were the differences, why were there differences, what influenced the results. Was there experimental error or bias? Explain any patterns found. Refer to background data to confirm your results.) CONCLUSION (Summing up of the trial. Address your hypothesis. Was your hypothesis correct? Make recommendations on the amount that is best to use. Make suggestions for how the trial could be improved, how to avoid experimental error. What suggestions are there for further research? Are there additional things to find out? NEVER USE FIRST PERSON WHEN WRITING A SCIENTIFIC REPORT As part of this assignment students will be exposed to several aspects of Dimension of Learning. DIMENSION 2 DECLARATIVE AND PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE Declarative Knowledge To reach a satisfactory level in this assignment students will need a sound knowledge on plant physiology and factors that affect plant growth. Procedural Knowledge Students will gather data on their trial and represent this data in a scientific report which will include graphical representation. DIMENSION 3 EXTEND AND REFINE KNOWLEDGE As part of dimension 3 students will: ABSTRACTING : Students will identify trends of growth and nutrient levels and identify general patterns of behaviour based on learned knowledge REASONING: Students will use generalizations and principles to sate conclusions about specific data and results CONSTRUCT SUPPORT: Students will construct support using facts and proven scientific theory gained through their research ANALYSE PERSPECTIVES: Students will identify multiple perspectives on plant growth and examine why the data collected supports this or otherwise. DIMENSION 4 USE KNOWLEDGE MEANINGFULLY DECISION MAKING: Students will make decisions on experimental design and rates of application of fertilizers. PROBLEM SOLVING: Students will overcome constraints or limiting conditions that are in the way of conducting a scientific experiment. EXPERIMENTAL INQUIRY: Students will generate and test explanations of results INVESTIGATION: Students will need to identify and resolve issues (results) that are contradictory to scientific theory SYSTEM ANALYSIS: Students will analyse a production system and its components and make judgement on the manner in which they interact