Good Night Mr. Tom Study Guide: Chapters 11-23

Good Night Mr. Tom
Michelle Magorian
Chapters 11-23
Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper in complete
Chapter #11 Friday
1.) What exciting news did Zach share? How do you think it could affect Will?
2.) What did you learn about Carrie? About Zach?
3.) What two things occurred to show Will is getting better? (physicall and mentally?
Chapter #12 The Show Must Go On
1.) How did Will become an important part of the play? Do you think he fits the part?
2.) What roll was Tom asked to fill? Why do you think this is important for Tom?
Chapter #13 Carol Singing
1.) How do we further see Tom “coming out” of his hibernation?
Chapter #14 New Beginnings
1.) Why is this chapter called “New Beginnings”?
2.) What positive changes do you see occurring in Will?
3.) How is the war affecting the people of Weiwold?
4.) What new conflict seems to arise at the end of this chapter? Predict what you think
might happen.
Chapter #15 Home
4.) What did Will Fantasize that his reunion with his mother would be like? Explain what it
was really like?
5.) Name at least two things that Mrs. Beech was angered at about the “new” Will.
6.) Describe the child abuse evident to Will regarding the new baby.
7.) Why did Will feel like going to Weirwold had not been a good thing??
Chapter #16 The Search
3.) Why did Tom decide to go to London?
4.) Explain how Tom was able to find Will?
Chapter #17 Rescue
2.) Why do you think it is significant that Will no longer wants to be know as “Willie”?
3.) Explain the conflict that exists between Tom and the nurses. Between Tom and Mr.
4.) The nurses come to think of Tom as a volunteer. How do you think this can be an
advantage to him?
5.) Why did Tom decide to kidnap Will? How did he carry out the plan?
Chapter #18 Recovery
5.) What are some negative effects of Will’s abuse?
6.) Explain how you would feel if you were Tom trying to care for Will. What thoughts and
emotions would you experience?
7.) Will went to see Annie Hartridge’s baby. What was his reaction and why did it have
such a power over him? How did this experience help him recover?
Chapter #19 The Sea, the sea, the sea
8.) Explain the joy experienced by Tom, Zach, and Will. Think of and explain the time that
you felt this joyous.
9.) How does looking at the sea affect Will? What effects does it have you? Why is this
a special time for Zach too?
What foreshadowing occurs at the end of this chapter? Explain.
Chapter #20 Spooky Cott
5.) Why do you think Will was braver than Zach about going to see Spooky Cott?
6.) What are three things the boys learn about Geoffrey (Spooky Cott)?
7.) Explain how Will stood up to the policeman and the warden. What was the result?
8.) Compare the “new” Will with the “old” Will (when he first cam to Mr. Tom’s). How is he
similar to his old self? How is he different? Be specific.
Chapter #21 Back to School
6.) Explain how you would feel if you were Zach and were separated from your parents
during war time. Be specific… DO NOT JUST WRITE “I would be sad.”
7.) Why did Zach go to London? Why should Zach be concerned?
8.) If you were separated from your parents for a long time, would you try to reunite with
them even if it were dangerous?
Chapter #22 Grieving
1.) What unfortunate news does Will get from London? How does it affect Will?
2.) What are some ways Will tried to deal with his loss? How does he finally come to
accept it?
3.) What does Will learn about dealing with loss?
4.) Why is Carrie having problems at her new school? What does this tell you about her?
Chapter #23 Postscript
1.) How are Will and Carrie developing their relationship without Zach?
2.) What do you think Will has learned about himself by the end of the chapter?