Good Night, Mr. Tom


Good Night, Mr. Tom

By Michelle Magorian

Project by: TitoT .


This book is historical fiction. It is set in the time of WWII in England. Children were evacuated to live with strangers in the countryside in fear of being bombed. The main character is Will and Tom. Willie is a young boy who was abused by his mother, but after being sent to Mr. Tom, he became healthy and discovered his talent of art.



William Beech

Tom Oakley



Justin Cooper

Lloyd Bridges

Serap Aksoy

Justin Cooper is ideal to impersonate William Beech, because they both have sandy hair and are around the same age.

Lloyd Bridges is perfect to act as Tom Oakley, because Tom has white hair and is built, as is Lloyd.

Serap Aksoy and Zach are both Jewish and Serap is only about three years older.


Since the setting in the book is real, we could use the same towns and cities. Little

Weirwold is a semi-desolate location, but the population is gradually inclining with waves of evacuees arriving. Tom’s house would be like a small but spacious cottage. The

London train station is always bustling with passengers rushing everywhere, conductors yelling, and trains whistling. Deptford is similar to London, but tinier. Will’s apartment would appear dark and gloomy, with prayer books, and newspapers acting as blackouts.


In this scene Tom is slyly sneaking into the hospital room where Will is sleeping.

Tom, since he isn’t related to Willie, cannot take back him. He bundles will up and heads out the door. On seeing them Sammy yaps, but Tom quiets him down and there is nothing stopping them from returning.
