SIOP - World History II & III 2014-2015 Course Syllabus Instructor: Jeremy Hunter 1. Course Overview: This is a yearlong course focused on the history of the world with emphasis on Western Civilization, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This year's study builds from where freshmen year left off and brings students up to the world today and the critical issues facing humanity. “Why is World History important?” If you have ever wondered why things are the way they are today, somewhere in history is the answer to your question. You have a responsibility as a member of the human race to understand the roots of the world we live in. More specifically, we will see that the social, political, economic and cultural norms we see around us did not suddenly appear like instant coffee, but came into being over centuries of struggles to improve human society. Our civilization continues to be a work in progress and we are participants in it. Finally, as thoughtful citizens of the world, we should be critical about how the past is presented to us and pursue the many interesting stories and perspectives that are being left out by those who write history--usually the victors. Overall, the study of world history will help us gain a perspective and appreciation for the many peoples and events that impact your life and world to this day. 2. What do we study? Concepts/Themes Power Standards Enlightenment: Government Social 1. 2. 3. Nationalism: French Revolution Napoleon Congress of Vienna Other Revolutions Industrial Rev/Rise of Imperialism: Capitalism, Marxism/Communism Rise of Great Britain / Empire 4. 1. 2. I can describe the characteristics of a revolution. I can describe the political, and social philosophies of the Enlightenment. I can identify and analyze the causes, course and consequences of the French Revolution. I can describe and analyze the impact and spread of nationalism on various regions. I can identify and analyze the causes, course and consequences of the industrial revolution. I can differentiate between philosophies of political & economic models. Approximate Time Frame Quarter 1: ~ 4 weeks Quarter 1: ~ 2 weeks Imperialism in Action: Comparison of two of the following: East Asia South Asia Africa Latin America Russian Revolution: 1905-1917 WWI: Fall of Ottoman Empire Treaty of Versailles Interwar Years: Rise of Totalitarianism Global Depression Holocaust 1. 2. 3. I can identify the different forms of imperialism – political, economic, social. I can identify and analyze impacts of imperialism on the colonizing nation. I can identify and analyze the impacts of imperialism on the colonized people. I can identify and analyze the causes, course and consequences of the Russian revolution. I can identify and analyze the causes, course and global consequences of World War I. 1. 2. 3. WWII: (no US emphasis) Theaters of Battle (Europe and Asia) War Atrocities Impacts and Results of WWII: Creation of UN & Decl. of Human Rights Nuremberg Trials New World Map Cold War Modern World -Decolonization, Independence, and Nationhood: Case Study Options: South, East, SE, Asia Africa, ME, Lat America Social Studies Skills: The following skills will be further developed during this year. 1. 2. I can identify and analyze the rise of totalitarianism. I can explain the causes and consequences of the global depression. I can identify the changes to political boundaries after WWI. I can identify the causes, course and consequences of WWII. I can explore and evaluate moral issues involved in war. Quarter 2: ~ 2 weeks Quarter 2: ~ 2 weeks Quarter 2: ~4 weeks Semester 2 Quarter 3: ~ 2 weeks 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I can explain the purpose of the formation of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2. I can explain the geo-political impacts of World War II. 3. I can define the Cold War and its impact on the world. 1. I can compare and contrast post-war independence movements. 2. I can explain political, economic and social development since World War II. 3. I can connect contemporary global issues in to their historical origins and evaluate their impact. I can use organizational strategies to support my learning. I can find and evaluate a variety of sources through research. I can differentiate between primary & secondary sources. I can use critical thinking skills when evaluating social studies content. I can demonstrate effective communication through a variety of methods. I can employ multiple strategies to effectively read and understand a variety of materials. I can articulate a clear position/thesis. I can support a position/thesis with appropriate evidence. I can use proper MLA citation (parenthetical notation & works cited). Quarter 1: ~ 2 weeks Quarter 3: ~ 2 weeks Quarter 3 & 4: ~ 12 weeks Used throughout each unit. Expectations: As you read in the Course Description, we will be covering a broad span of history in World Studies. In order to help make this year a successful learning experience for both you and your classmates, below are some expectations for our class. Your Expectations of Me: Just as I have expectations of you, here are some that you can expect from me: I will treat you with the respect you deserve as a young adult, an individual, and as a human being. I will come to class each day prepared with a meaningful lesson. I will meet you at the level you are, but I will care enough to challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone. My Expectations of You: Here are some of the expectations I have of you: Take Care of Yourself: You are expected to arrive to class on time and ready with Materials and Assignments. You are expected to TRY, even when it may seem too hard, too boring or too easy. You are expected to take care of matters due to your absences (excused and unexcused)--please do this at appropriate times. Take Care of Each Other: You are expected to be polite and respectful when interacting with your teacher and classmates. Listen to what is being said--Don’t distract yourself or be a distraction. Observe appropriate times to make a statement, ask questions, etc. Be thoughtful about your words--both in discussions & informal conversations. You are expected to participate fully in class/group activities, so that everyone can succeed. Course Guidelines: In addition to below, student guidelines for tardies, homework, dress code, and use of electronics outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Homework: The homework assignments in this class are designed to prepare you for the next day’s activities. As such, all homework is due at the beginning of class. If a homework assignment is turned in during or at the end of class, it is considered late. Late Work: You will be given ample notice of all assignment deadlines. Homework that is not turned in at the beginning of class is considered late, and will only receive partial credit. You have one week from the original due date to turn in late assignments; after this day, you will receive a zero for that assignment. Extra Credit: Extra credit may sometimes be an option for students who have turned in their work to earn extra points for the semester. It is not substitute credit. Extra credit does not carry over from first to second semester and will not raise a failing grade to passing. Honesty Policy: You are required by the Shoreline School District to abide by its board policies on Ethics and Honesty. This means doing your own work and appropriately citing sources when you paraphrase or quote someone else’s ideas; overall, be honest and truthful in what you submit in class. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM ARE ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE and grounds for disciplinary action. Any time you copy the writing, words, ideas or concepts of another and pass them off as your own, you are plagiarizing. If someone else does your work, you are cheating. If you let someone else copy off of your work, you are cheating as well. If you work with someone on individual work, copy homework, let someone copy your homework, cheat on a quiz or test or use language or ideas directly from a research source, you will be subject to the Shoreline School District’s uniform policies on Ethics and Honesty. Assessment: B+ = 89.4- 86.5 B = 86.4 - 82.5 B- = 82.4 – 79.5 A = 100 - 92.5 A- =92.4-89.5 C+ = 79.4 – 76.5 C =76.4 -72.5 C- = 72.4 – 69.5 D+ = 69.4–66.5 D = 66.4 – 59.5 F = 59.4 – 0% Your grade will be determined in the following categories: 1. Tests and Projects (45%) 2. Homework and Daily work (40%) 3. Participation/Citizenship (15%) Your performance will be assessed in a variety of ways. Of course you can expect regular tests and quizzes, but in addition you will be responsible for completing such tasks as: -Socratic seminars -essays/research projects -Cornell Notes -textbook and supplemental readings -group/individual projects -debates Tardy/Attendance: Your attendance is your responsibility. When you are gone for an excused absence, check the website and assignment calendar, ask your classmates for information, or see me outside of class hours. For each day you have an excused absence you are allowed one make up day for daily assignments; if you are going to be absent during a test, presentation or role play, you must see me in advance. If you do not, PARTICIPATION POINTS EARNED DURING A ROLE PLAY OR PRESENTATION CANNOT BE MADE UP. Work missed during unexcused absences (including exams or in-class work) cannot be made up and will receive a zero. Materials: For each class period please be prepared with; 1. Binder with a section for World Studies. You will need to save assignments and notes to help you prepare for your semester assessments (Yes! There will be a comprehensive final exam!). 2. Pens and Pencils. 3. A charged Ipad. 4. World Connections Text Book (replacement cost $70). Relevant reading packet (replacement cost $10). Course Commitment I have read and understand the World Studies II & III course outline and the Shoreline School District’s Ethics and Honesty Policy. I agree to abide by the course and district expectations for me as a student in this course. I also take responsibility for my own learning, and will do my best to be successful in this class. Student Name (Print): ___________________________________________________ Student Signature: _________________________________________Date_________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print): _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date__________ For Guardians: What is your email address? What is the best way to contact you during the day? During the evening? Is there anything I should know to help your student do well in this class? (Any and all information is helpful!).