DRAFT NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY ON THE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS FOR PERSISTANT ORGANIC SUBSTANCES (POPs) 1.0 Introduction The need for environmental education and public awareness is identified as a major requirement for the success of the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP). This is the policy framework through which government recognises the need to promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting appropriate policies in environmental management for current and future sustainable development. This need has also been expressed in many other government related policy policies. The Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act Cap 204 of 1990, which established the ECZ, also recognises the need for public awareness and education to facilitate information exchange and transformation of such information into practice. Therefore, one of the major responsibilities that the Zambia environmental legislation places on ECZ is environmental education and public awareness creation through different channels. These channels include activities such as networking, training, resource development, awareness campaigns and media liaisons. Environmental education and public awareness activities are carried out through the ECZ’s Education and Communications Unit (ECU). The overall Unit's mandate is to undertake education and awareness responsibility by accurate and timely dissemination of information aimed at informing and educating the public on environmental issues, regulations and standards, and their role in managing the environment. This is in order to promote and encourage active participation of all sectors of the Zambian society in managing the environment. 2.0 The NIPs Communication strategy 3.0 Rationale and Objectives of the strategy The development of the NIP involves evaluation of the options for management and/or elimination of POPs and identification of effective methods for the reduction/resolution of outstanding problems. One of the needs in the development process of the NIP is the formulation of a prioritised and costed National Implementation Plan, and specific Action Plans on POPs. Under this activity one of the outputs is development of a national strategy for information exchange, education, communication and awareness raising, taking into account risk perception of POPs by the public, particularly the least educated. Thus, the main purpose of the strategy is to outline means of effective information dissemination on POPs within the NIPs context in order to promote and encourage active participation of the general public and to obtain commitment of stakeholders and decision-makers to POPs related issues. The overall objectives include: 1. To enhance levels of information, knowledge and awareness on POPs not only to key groups such as industries, farmers and policy makers but also the community at large. 2. To raise the profile of POPs on the agenda of journalists and program designers in order for them to contribute to public awareness. 3. To support POPs awareness in the formal education processes. 1 4. To support targeted project activities that will prepare Zambia and the International community to meet the obligations set under the POPs Convention. 4.0 Project Framework The Education and Communications Unit (ECU) will implement the strategy under the supervision of the Senior Communications Officer/Component Manager. The unit shall ensure that all the planned activities are carried out accordingly 5.0 Channels of Communications and Activities 5.1 Channels of Communications In order for the disseminated information to be useful and effective in enhance levels of information exchange and strengthen the knowledge and awareness capacity on POPs of the general public, key priority activity areas have been identified for purposes of achieving information dissemination on POPs and the NIPs. These are discussed in greater detail in 5.2. Taking recognisance of the variety of interest groups, and varying public information needs, the activities will be designed and carried out depending on the type of themes or issues and type of audience. 5.2 Dissemination Strategies The overall objective is to inform the general public about the seriousness of POPs in terms of their effects, threats they pose and cost to the nation if left unmanaged. Themes and messages in each activity will be developed and provided according depending on the type of the audience. In some cases a combination of activities will be applied. Awareness creation activities will include 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 Television Documentary Radio Spot Adverts Media Training and Sensitisation Schools Essay Competitions Posters 1. Television Documentary Television has been transmitting for over forty years in Zambia. It is acknowledged that this medium is one of the most significant and powerful tools of communications that influences public opinion and fosters attitude change. Its effectiveness lies in its immediacy and ability to communicate in both picture and sound thereby leaving an indelible impression on its viewers. There is an essential justification for the use of this medium. One school of thought identifies it with the idiom “a picture is worth a thousand words”. It is in this psychology however that we get the reasoning that best reflects the strength of television and its power to communicate. Human psychology informs us that “ the power of retention of the human mind is greatly enhanced when one or more senses are engaged in a communication situation.” Television engages both the senses of sight and hearing. 2 In Zambia the choice of television is predicated on decisions that have to do with the level the level of outreach that television has. Admittedly, it reaches less people than radio, but to its credits, its able to capture specific targets which radio cannot ordinarily reach effectively. In Zambia, television is relatively well diffused and watched in all the provinces of the country (Refer to Table 1). It reaches approximately a quarter of the Zambian population. The range of its viewers is as it is wide. The cross section of its viewers includes the illiterate to the literate, low to high society, the youth to adult, influential viewers to decision makers. The key challenge in the effective use of television rests, however in producing programmes that reach and impact a part of this wide audience by either informing, entertaining and educating or motivating them to a desired course of action. Table 1: Census Statistics of Televisions NAME OF PROVINCE CENTRAL PROVONCE COPPERBELT PROVINCE EASTERN PROVINCE LUAPULA PROVINCE LUSAKA PROVINCE NORTHERN PROVINCE NORTHWESTERN PROVINCE SOURTHERN PROVINCE WESTERN PROVINCE TOTAL VIEWERS SOURCE: NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS 178,820 289,647 NUMBER OF TELEVISION SETS 29,464 117,851 RATIO OF VIEWERS PER TELEVION SET 6 6 TOTAL VIEWRS 176,784 707,106 254,603 164,739 272,094 258,887 111,113 9,244 4,826 123,221 10,057 3,248 6 6 6 6 6 55,464 28,956 739,326 60,342 19,488 204,398 150,420 29,494 5,239 332,648 6 6 176,988 31,434 1,995,888 CSO CENSUS 2000 The NIPs preparation process comprises targeted a activities that will prepare Zambia and the international community to meet the obligations set under the POPs convention. From the foregoing background and justification of the use of television, this strategy proposes production of a fifteen (15) minutes television documentary based on the concept of current national status of POPs in relation to the work of the Task force. This documentary will ideally highlight, types of POPs in the country, effects of these POPs, current efforts in meeting both national and international obligations and future possibilities of alternative or phase out programmes. As mentioned, television captures specific targets which radio cannot ordinarily reach effectively. This strategy therefore will not only focus on airing the documentary on national television, but also distribution of copies of VHS tapes to strategic audience such as, Parliamentary Committee on Energy and Environment, Local Authorities, Agricultural co-operatives and Unions, Health Management Boards, Media training Institutions, Educational Institutions and other stakeholders. Currently, ECZ has over 600 organisation and institutions on its distribution list for materials, which is extensively used for information dissemination. It is envisaged that this mailing list would also be used for distribution of the production and other pops related information. Further, as part of the process of increasing levels of outreach, the production could also be used for awareness raising during such activities as workshops, national exhibitions or during talks. 3 2. Radio Programmes Radio is the widest diffusion media in the country. The number of radio stations, in particular, community radio stations in Zambia (Refer to table 2) has steadily increased since the 1999 review of media coverage of environmental issues and an evaluation of its impact on public opinion and awareness in Zambia. This means a huge potential for the dissemination of environmental information to the public. One of the effective ways of delivering specific information on issues such as POPs is through well-packaged short messages on the specific POPs issues that are immediate to the Zambian context. This strategy will therefore seek to employ the use of spot adverts to disseminate information on POPs. The spot advert will be translated into the seven local languages. This will facilitate heightened understanding of POPs issues and take care of low literacy. It will also directly respond to the audience’s desire to have information presented to them in their particular languages. Experience from the current radio spot adverts that ECZ is running on both national and some community radio stations has indicated favourable response through press and public queries. Some of the radio stations have provided free airtime for the sport adverts. This is an opportunity that should be ceased as the adverts could still continue even after the project lifetime. These sport adverts will have a call to action and not be a mere information giver. This is in order to prompt post program activities. Table 2: Commercial and Community Radio Stations and their respective coverage areas NAME OF STATION 1. Radio Phoenix 2. Radio Choice FM 3. Q-FM Radio 4. Sky FM Radio 5. Yatsani Radio 6. Icengelo Radio 7. Radio Maria 8. Breeze FM Radio 9. Mazabuka Radio 10. Radio Chikuni 11. Radio Chikaya 12. Radio Chikankata 13. Radio Lyambai 14. Radio Mus-oa-tunya 15. Christian Voice COVERAGE AREA Lusaka and Parts of the Copperbelt and Central Provinces Lusaka Lusaka Monze Lusaka Copperbelt, Central, Luapula and North-western Provinces and parts of DR Congo 150 km radius covering Chipata, Katete, Chadiza and Mambwa 120 km radius covering Chipata Chadiza, parts of Katete, Sinda, Petauke and Mambwe 50 km radius covering Mazabuka Monze Lundazi Chikankata Mongu Livingstone Lusaka 3. Media training and Sensitisation The media as a vehicle for information dissemination can create an atmosphere where society can effectively relate to particular issues. As an important partner in communication, media capacity in issues such, as POPs need to be built and sustained. In other words, in order for the media to achieve a good level of contributing 4 to public awareness issue, there is need to recognise the critical need to raise the profile of POPs on the agenda of journalists and program designers. The curricula of most of the media training institutions in Zambia do not include training on environmental reporting. Constraints in covering issues, on the environment, especially those of a scientific nature such as POPs are mainly therefore attributed to among other things, negative attitudes amongst journalists due to lack of interest and knowledge on the importance of raising awareness about such issues. In 2003, ECZ commissioned a study whose main objective was to assess the extent of media coverage of environmental issues and evaluate its impact on public opinion and awareness in Zambia. This was a build up on the results and recommendations of an earlier study that was carried out in 1999 through the Environmental support Programme (ESP), which had a similar objective. Both studies recommended training for journalists in specific environmental concerns as a basis for providing knowledge, stimulating interest as well as creating a more receptive atmosphere to stories on particular issues, as well as environment in general. It has therefore increasingly become necessary to devise strategies of not only to integrate environmental issues in curricula of media training institutions, but to also develop and support appropriate training opportunities with focus on specific environmental concerns. This strategy therefore proposes, as part of the awareness activities, a media training and sensitisation workshop specifically tailored on POPs issues. The purpose of this training is not only to provide training and information on POPs but to also establish strong relationships with different media to report on the NIPs programme activities. Although there is strong recommendation to identify journalists who have demonstrated interest in environmental training, the strategy shall target the following category of media institutions: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. Institution Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) Zambia News Agency (ZANA) Zambia Information Services (ZIS) National Agricultural and Information Services (NAIS) Times of Zambia Zambia Daily Mail The Post Newspaper Radio Icengelo Radio Phoenix Green Times National Mirror Radio Yatsani Green Times Type Electronic Print Print Electronic Print Print Print Electronic Electronic Print Print Electronic Print Freelance (to be identified) Freelance (to be identified) Freelance (to be identified) Freelance (to be identified) Print Print Print Print 5 4. Schools Essay Competition The goal of the schools competition program is to stimulate interest by creating awareness of POPs issues in school children in order to develop a future population that is aware of, and concerned about POPs and their associated problems. In other words, the competition specifically aims at increasing understanding of POPs issues and risks, by fostering awareness of, and concern about their economic, social, political and ecological interpretation. It is envisaged that the direct participation of students in POPs issues is essential because it is much easier to impart knowledge at this stage through awareness raising strategies that not only elaborate on such issues but also provide opportunities for interaction through their participation in the activity The schools competition will focus on Essay writing with the following specific objectives: To develop a broad understanding the different POPs To provide students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes, commitment and skills needed to protect and improve the environment. Development and production of booklet to be used as supplementary reader in schools. The target audience for the competition will be secondary school level. The implementation strategy for this programme will focus on nation wide participation of schools. This will be done in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Curriculum Development Centre. A concept on which the essay will be based will be developed based on the identified major POPs themes or issues in Zambia. This concept will then be advertised to schools through the following suggested channels: Print Media, which will include, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, The Green Times, The Lowdown, The Post Newspaper and Trendsetters. An informative brochure in the framework of this project is produced in order to be disseminated in schools and municipalities. Low cost posters will printed and be placed in strategic places such as Supermarkets and shopping malls. Each province will have three winners for the first, second and third prizes. The NIPs secretariat will select the winners of the competition, while the Newsletter Editorial committee will compile and edit the information from the winning essays into a draft booklet. This booklet will then be presented to the Curriculum Development Centre for onward discussion and consideration for use in the formal education system. 5. Posters Posters provide a critical visual interpretation of issues. 6 This strategy will focus on developing posters aimed at providing information on 4 thematic areas i.e. DDT, Agricultural Pops, PCBs and Dioxins and Furans. The particular poster themes will range from effects of discharges POPs from chemical plants or agricultural spraying to Promoting proper use of chemicals. The specific titles of the posters will be provided through the working groups. The Posters will target the general public. 6. Other supporting activities Given the understanding that ECZ has other on-going sensitisation and awareness creation programmes, these will also be used to compliment activities in this strategy. These programmes include: a) The ECU facilitates weekly recordings environmental radio programmes on ZNBC Radio 2 and Radio Yatsani. These programmes are on-going and feature a wide range of issues. These programmes can be uses as an effective way of delivering information on POPs related issues. b) ECU facilitates production of a newsletter called Enviro-line. The primary purpose of this newsletter is to promote the corporate image of ECZ by providing information on the activities of the institution. The newsletter is mailed to more that 600 institutions in Zambia. The newsletter can be used to incorporate articles on POPs. c) The schools programme, which focuses on general environmental activities in schools, will include talks and other activities on POPs. 7.0 Monitoring and Evaluation To ensure that communication strategy fulfils its requirement of education and public awareness information on all planned activities it is vital that there is a systematic way of tracking implementation of planned activities and documenting outputs. This will ensure an accurate and timely sharing information to all partners on the agreed upon indicators in this communication strategy. A monthly follow up of the indicators below is desirable for monitoring progress. The Indicators below are derived from planned activities Detailed in the Annex Table. Indicators on activity; Television Documentary Availability of Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consultants by July 2004. Availability of a consultant by July 2004 Availability of a concept paper by July 2004 Availability of TV VHS 100 Tapes produced by August 2004 Number of times documentary will be aired on TV as per plan. Distribution of the VHS Tapes to stakeholders by December 2004. Indicators on activity 2; Radio adverts Availability of TOR for the consultants. Availability of a consultant by July 2004 Availability of a concept paper by September, 2004. 7 Availability of translated scripts by September, 2004 Availability of radio adverts between November, 2004 & May 2005. Number of times adverts aired on national and community radio stations. Indicators on activity 3; Media training and sensitisation A media training and sensitization workshop conducted by August 2004. Indicators on activity 4; School Essay Competitions Availability of a concept paper on School Essay competition by June 2004. Availability of topics by June 2004. Availability of TOR for the contestants and judges by June 2004. Advertising of competition in the national dailies by July 2004 Availability of books of essays by August, 2004 Indicators on activity 4; Posters Availability of a concept paper on posters by February, 2005 Availability of posters in the ECZ by April, 2005 Number of posters distributed to strategic stakeholders by May 2005. 8 WORKPLAN AND BUDGET Activity 1 Specific Activities Media training and Sensitisation Outputs 1.1 Logistical arrangements for workshop 500 1.2 Venue arranged, workshop programme developed participants identified e.t.c 500 1.3 Conducting workshop Workshop conducted TOTAL 2 Budget Period Activity Duration 1 July – 15 August 2004 2 weeks 15 – 30 August 2004 2 weeks 20 – 21 August 2004 2 days Overall Activity Duration 1 month 3 weeks 2 days 11,000 US$12,000 Schools Essay Competitions 2.1 Development of Concept 7 – 14 July 1 week 2.2 Development of TORs for contestants and judges 2.2 TORs developed 15 – 22 July 1 week 23 – 30 July 1 week 2.3 Advertising and distribution 2.3 Advertising in the national press 1 August – 30 September 2 months 15 September 1 30 September 1 day 1 – 17 October 2 weeks November 1 month 2.4 Collection of Essays 2.5 Judging of Essays TOTAL 5 months 2.1 Development of themes and topics for contest 1,000 2.4 Essay collection and classification takes place 2.5 Secretariat sits to judge essays 1500 2.6 Presentation of Essays 2.6 An award giving ceremony conducted 2000 2.7 Compilation of Wining Essays for printing 2.7 Dummy created 2.8 Printing of Book of essays 2.8 Book produced and distributed to strategic stakeholders days 2000 US$ 6,500 9 3 Posters 3 months 3.1 Development of thematic concepts 3.1 Concept paper developed 1,000 1 – 15 October 2004 2 weeks 3.2 Artwork and design 3.2 Draft posters 2,000 15 October – 15 November 2004 1 month 3.3 Printing 3.3 Dummy and final posters produced 5,000 16 November – 15 December 2004 1 month 3.4 Posters distributed to strategic stakeholders 500 16 – 31 December 2004 2 weeks 3.4 Distribution TOTAL 31. Television Documentary TOTAL US$ 8,500 1.1 Developing of TORs 1.1 TORs 200 01 – 15 January 2005 2 weeks 1.2 Advertising and Engagement of consultant 1.2 Consultant hired 1,000 16 – 30 January 2005 1 month 1 – 28 February 2005 1 month 1.3 Development of Concept 1.3 Concept Paper approved 6,400 1 – 30 March 2005 1 month 1.4 Production: filming and editing 1.4 Dummy 1,200 1 – 15 April 2005 2 weeks 1.5 Final Production and Dubbing 1.5 1 betacam and 100 VHS tapes 1500 1.6 Documentary aired on national television 16 April – 30 August 2005 1.6 Securing of airtime and Airing of the Programme on ZNBC 3,200 4 months (once per month) 1 – 30 September 2005 1 month 1.7 Distribution of VHS tapes 1.7 Documentary distributed to stakeholders 500 6 months 3 weeks US$ 14,000 10 5. Radio Spot Adverts 5.1 Development of TORs 3.5 TORs 200 1 – 30 April 2005 1 month 7 months 5.2 Advertising and Engagement of consultant 3.6 Consultant hired 800 ! – 25 May 2005 25 days 5.3 Development of Concept 3.7 Concept paper developed and approved 1,000 26 May – 15 June 2005 20 days 16 June – 30 July 2005 2 weeks 5.4 Production and Translation 3.8 Dummy `000 5.5 Final Production and Dubbing 3.9 100 audio tapes and 100 cds `000 1 – 15 August 2005 2 weeks 3.10 1,000 30 September – January 2006 4 months 5.6 Placing of Advert on national and community radio stations Advert distributed and air time secured TOTAL US$ 3,000 GRAND TOTAL US$ 44,000 11