Descriptive Writing – Haunted House

I wandered lonely through the towering oaks and I saw in the distance a
scrappy run down cottage. A tree with branches like arthritic fingers
towered around it. This cottage looked like no-one had been there for
thousands of years .It stood in a dark, misty, mysterious, spooky forest.
The house stands coiled between trees and it had minor fragments of
glass shattered on ground.
As I scuttled forward it I touched the door and it collapsed. So I tip toed
with my heart in my throat. My thoughts and fears now started to spiral
around my confused head like a dangerous whirlpool and I was
absolutely petrified. As I stood still bats flew at me like jumbo jets.
I stared to explore. I crept into the garden it was like an over grown
rainforest. The garden gate was hanging off its hinges. As I raced forward
the ground in the house was green with mould and so were the walls. As I
was getting hypnotised into going deeper in the ghostly house you could
hear a dim moaning and it got louder and louder. We were in the room
with a screeching ghost which smelt like a dead rodent. There he was
starring at me was a bony, ragged old man.