Explanatory/Informational Essay Checklist

Explanatory/Informational Essay Checklist
Introduction Paragraph
_____ Subheading
_____ Topic sentence that catches the reader’s attention,
“hooks” the reader in, and makes them want to continue reading.
_____ Detail 1: Main idea of Subheading 1
_____ Detail 2: Main idea of Subheading 2
_____ Detail 3: Main idea of Subheading 3
_____ Conclusion Sentences: raps up the introduction
and transitions into the first body paragraph.
Paragraph One
_____ Subheading
_____ Topic sentence: I introduce the main idea of the first paragraph.
_____ I used facts from the article that were reworded into my own
language and support the main idea for this paragraph.
_____ I defined what I was writing about so that my topic is clear
to the reader. Example: Global warming is the rising of
temperatures on the Earth due to human actions.
_____ I used a direct quotation. Example: According to the article
Polar Bears in Peril, “Polar bears cannot survive on land.”
_____ Every time I used a direct quotation, I then followed with
a sentence of my own to explain what the article said.
_____ Conclusion Sentence: I wrap up my ideas on this main idea
and transition into the next paragraph.
Paragraph Two
_____ Subheading
_____ Topic sentence: I introduce the main idea of the first paragraph.
_____ I used facts from the article that were reworded into my own
language and support the main idea for this paragraph.
_____ I defined what I was writing about so that my topic is clear
to the reader. Example: Global warming is the rising of
temperatures on the Earth due to human actions.
_____ I used a direct quotation. Example: According to the article
Polar Bears in Peril, “Polar bears cannot survive on land.”
_____ Every time I used a direct quotation, I then followed with
a sentence of my own to explain what the article said.
_____ Conclusion Sentence: I wrap up my ideas on this main idea
and transition into the next paragraph.
Paragraph 3
_____ Subheading
_____ Topic sentence: I introduce the main idea of the first paragraph.
_____ I used facts from the article that were reworded into my own
language and support the main idea for this paragraph.
_____ I defined what I was writing about so that my topic is clear to
the reader. Example: Global warming is the rising of temperatures
on the Earth due to human actions.
_____ I used a direct quotation. Example: According to the article
Polar Bears in Peril, “Polar bears cannot survive on land.”
_____ Every time I used a direct quotation, I then followed with
a sentence of my own to explain what the article said.
_____ Conclusion Sentence: I wrap up my ideas on this main idea
and transition into the next paragraph.
Conclusion Paragraph
_____ Topic sentence that summarizes the point of the paper.
_____ Detail 1: Main idea of Paragraph 1,
This is reworded in different words than the first paragraph.
_____ Detail 2: Main idea of Paragraph 2,
This is reworded in different words than the second paragraph.
_____ Detail 3: Main idea of Paragraph 3,
This is reworded in different words than the third paragraph.
_____ Conclusion Sentences: I wrote a creative sentence that
wrapped up my paper and leaves the reader with a memorable
ending, or inspired them to act, or learn more about the topic.
Items to correct THROUGHOUT the essay:
_____ Underline at least 3 adjectives in my paper in BLUE.
_____ Underline at least 3 adverbs in my paper in RED.
_____ Underline at least 3 plural nouns in my paper in GREEN.
_____ I circled words that were misspelled,
and found out how to spell them.
_____ I double checked my grammar and made corrections.