
Plagiarism Scavenger Hunt
Name: _________________________________
Student ID: _____________________________
Instructions: Using information found in the websites identified on the assignment page, answer the
following questions. Submit your answers through Blackboard.
Purdue OWL
Define plagiarism. ______________________________________________________________________
In addition to words borrowed from a book, magazine, song, web page, or other written medium, name
four other kinds of source material that require credit or documentation. _________________________
List three examples of “common knowledge.” _______________________________________________
In how many credible sources should you locate information before defining it as common knowledge?
Council of Writing Program Administrators:
The WPA notes that one reason students plagiarize is that they fear failure. List three additional reasons
students might plagiarize. _______________________________________________________________
What are the four student responsibilities for research assignments?
Office of Research Integrity:
What constitutes “inappropriate paraphrasing”? _____________________________________________
Jill Hallam-Miller
When authors publish articles, they typically give up copyright to the publisher. However, they often
retain the rights to pre-publication versions, and may be free to post these on their websites. Why is it
unacceptable for a student to cite a published paper when he or she has actually used the pre-published
version from the author’s website?
Central Penn College Student Handbook: “Academic Integrity”
How does the College define plagiarism?
Plagiarism is considered to be an act of academic dishonesty. What are the minimum and maximum
sanctions for plagiarism?
Jill Hallam-Miller