midterm essay

The purpose of this essay exam is for you to demonstrate your understanding and
knowledge of the material read and discussed in class. In forming your answers support
your arguments with specific references to assigned readings.
Answer any 2 questions; each answer should be 3 to 5 pages in length.
1. Bill Joy, Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems is very pessimistic about the future of
technology and the role of man. Perhaps the opposite end of the spectrum is the euphoric
future forecasts of Glenn and Gordon. How can you account for the difference in
outlook? In structuring your answer, consider the writings of Max More’s
“Grasping the Future: Comparing Scenarios to Other Techniques” and Eric Drexler’s
Engines of Creation, Chapter 3: “Predicting and Projecting.”
2. In “David Boies The Wired Interview,” the lawyer who defended Napster prior to trial
went on the record about his strategy and legal arguments. In his chapter, “What Went
Awry” in Promises To Keep, William W. Fisher III reviews the case along with some
other milestones that have led to the present legal situation. Summarize Fisher’s
understanding of the Napster case and contrast it to Boies’ arguments. Use other Fisher
milestones and Stamatoudi’s article “Copyright and Multimedia Products” to explain why
copyright looms so high on the horizon. In the legal battles being raged around
copyright, who is being protected? Remember to cite cases to support your argument.
What is the mission and importance of the Electronic Frontier Foundation on this murky
issue? Consider EFF’s historic importance in terms of the cases it has been affiliated
with and the significance of MGM v Grokster.
3. In the assigned readings in Techgnosis, Erik Davis provides the social background, key
figures, and technologies that formed the underpinnings of a cyber culture. Summarize
the highlights as identified by Davis. In attempting to peer into the future, why is it
important to understand the past? David Bolter in “Theory and Practice in New Media
Studies” in Digital Media Revisited attempts to differentiate theory as understood and
practiced in computer science and the humanities. How does he distinguish the two? Is
this an important concept for us to grasp as we attempt to anticipate the future? Why?
How do these approaches for making assumptions about the future fit in with Max
More’s various techniques for Scenario Planning?
4. In Techgnosis, Davis attempts to trace the beginnings of a cyber culture and marks it
with an end of innocence with the Heaven’s Gate cult. It can be argued “that the cut and
paste cyber culture is actually making it difficult to interpret the world around us causing
the type of confusion experienced by Heaven’s Gate.” Review the writings of David
Banash, Gerald Gaylard, and Eric Hayot and Edward Wesp. You may also draw upon
examples from the “Me TV: Finally, you are in control" and “Broadband Breaking the
digital gridlock" to support or argue against the above statement. Be sure to make direct
references to the readings in arguing your points.