Protection and welfare of animals, 10 hp (HV0040) Aim: A scientific centred course on animal welfare concepts and animal protection legislation processes Content: o Lectures and exercises 1. Animal protection legislation, national and international 2. Animal welfare and animal rights NGOs 3. Animal welfare research methods 4. Animal welfare assessment, risk analysis, epidemiology 5. Animal ethics o Discussion seminars lead by teachers Research paper based seminars led by teachers. Teachers choose papers of interest, to be read before the seminar. o Student seminars Research paper based seminars led by students. Students choose by themselves papers of interest. All students should read the paper before the seminar to be prepared to be able to create good discussions o Group project on animal welfare The examination will be participation in a group project and oral presentation. Students should design an animal welfare related study with relevant methods and experimental techniques. o Reflections Students will meet (in pairs or 3) and discuss what they have talked about and learnt during the week and hand in written reflections. 1 Schedule for ‘Protection and welfare of animals’ Date Time Content Topic Hall Mon 17/11 9.00-15 Introduction Lectures Concepts of Animal Welfare Sal E Linda Keeling Tue 18/11 9.00-10 Group work Introduction to group projects Sal E Linda Keeling Wed 19/11 10.00-12 13.00-15 9.00-12 Lectures Exercises Seminars lead by teacher Animal welfare research Discussion about papers on animal welfare research Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Ragen TrudelleSchwarz Thu 20/11 13.00-16 Lectures Fri 21/11 9.00-10 10.00-12 Lectures Seminars led by students International animal welfare legislation and guidelines Swedish animal welfare legislation 13.00-15 Reflections Mon 24/11 10.30-12 13.00-16 Lectures Exercises Tue 25/11 9.00-11 11.00-12 Lectures Exercises Wed 26/11 9.00-12 13.00-15 9.00-11 Lectures Exercises Lectures 13.00-16 Seminars lead by teacher 9.00-12 Lectures and exercises 13.00-15 Reflections Mon 1/12 9.00-12 Lectures Tue 2/12 9.00-12 13.00-15 Group work Thu 27/11 Fri 28/11 Farm animal welfare – examples of current research and debate Risk assessment Applied animal welfare research Science and legislation Animal welfare guidelines and legislation Animal welfare and animal rights organizations Sal E Sal E (9-10) Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner (10-12) Sal E (13-15) Sal E Sal E Sal E Sal E Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Sal E Sal E Animal welfare work in the EU Group work on animal welfare project Sal E Sal E (9-10) Rudbeck, Juhlin- Responsib le person Lotta Berg Birgitta Larsson - Bo Algers Bo Algers Harry Blokhuis Helena Elofsson Lotta Berg Harry Blokhuis 2 Dannfelt, von Post, Branner (9-15) Wed 3/12 9.00-12 13.00-15 Lectures Exercises Companion animal welfare - current research and debate Thu 4/12 9.00-12 Seminars lead by students Fri 5/12 9.00-12 Group work 13.00-15 Reflections Discussion about research papers on companion animal welfare research Group work on animal welfare project Mon 8/12 13.00-16 Seminar lead by teacher Tue 9/12 13.00-16 Lectures and exercises Wed 10/12 9.00-12 13.00-16 Thu 11/12 11.00-12 13.00-15 9.00-11 Lectures Seminar lead by teacher Lectures Exercises Group work 11.00-12 13.00-16 Reflections Seminar Mon 15/12 13.00-15 Lectures Tue 16/12 9.00-12 Seminar discussions 13.00-15 Seminars led by students Discussion about research paper on zoo/wildlife Lectures Exercises Discussion seminars Written home exam Animal ethics Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Hebbe Animal ethics Sal E Fri 12/12 Wed 17/12 Thu 18/12 Fri 19/12 9.00-12 13.00-15 9.00-12 13.00-15 9.00-12 13.00-16 Ethological methods in animal welfare research Laboratory animal welfare – current research and debate 3R Animal Welfare epidemiology Group work on animal welfare project PhD dissertation by Sofie Fröberg Zoo animal and wildlife welfare – current research and debate Zoo animal and wildlife welfare – current research and debate Sal E Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Anna Lundberg & Frida Lundmark Anna Lundberg Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner - Sal E Maria Andersson HVC AU20 Bart Savenije Sal E Bart Savenije Hebbe Jan Hultgren Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Location to be specified later HVC AU20 Hebbe Lotta Berg Jens Jung & Per Eriksson Jens Jung & Per Eriksson Per Eriksson Stefan Gunnarsson Stefan Gunnarsson None 3 Mon 22/12 until Fri 2/1 Mon 5/1 Tue 6/12 Wed 7/12 9.00-12 Christmas and New Year Holiday None 9.00-16 None None None Thu 8/1 9.00-12 13.00-15 Work at home Holiday Day for re-writing missed previous exams. Work on project. Presentations Fri 9/1 9.00-12 13.00-15 Presentations Course evaluation Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner Rudbeck, JuhlinDannfelt, von Post, Branner (13-15 also Sal E) Lotta Berg & Linda Keeling Lotta Berg & Linda Keeling 4