RM1 119 Homework - Warren County Schools

Dear Parents,
In order to move your child forward in reading as quickly as possible, I will be sending home the story that we have read in class for your
child to practice. Please have him/her practice multiple times until they are able to read the story without missing words and fairly
quickly. Please sign and return this sheet so that I will know that the homework has been done.
Thanks you for your help and support in making your child a better reader.
Mrs. Pinkerton
RM 1
al and sal
al said, “will wE gO hOme?”
sal said, “nO.
wE will gO to Tat farm.”
al said, “will wE have fun on that farm?”
sal said, “wE can run wiT a cow.
wE can fEEd pigs.
wE can Eat
wE can sit in the
al said, “I hAte to sit in lAkes.”
sO sal and al did not sit in the lAke.
sal and al
Story 119
had fun with the pigs.