Rise of Nazis essay plan.doc

Rise of the Nazis (1918 - 1933)
Essay Plan
Issue 5 - An evaluation of the reasons why the Nazis achieved power, in 1933
1. Intro - SEAF
Start Date – 1918, End of the First World War, abdication of Kaiser and formation of a new
German republic. Germany forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Versailles 6
months later.
End Date –
1933– Hitler appointed as Chancellor, end of the Weimar years and rise of the Nazis
Argument – How important was the isolated factor? Most important? If yes, say so, if
not, say what was
Factors –
Explain what the other factors were that led to the rise of the Nazis
2. Legacy of the Great War
Resentment towards the Armistice and the Treaty of Versailles. Weimar ‘doomed from the start’
3. Weaknesses of the Weimar republic
Constitution, putsches, enemies on the left and the right
4. Economic Difficulties
Invasion of Ruhr and hyper-inflation, recovery of Weimar during the Golden Years
Great Depression – links to election results for the Nazis
5. The Appeal of the Nazis
(including social and economic divisions – only do this separately if it is the isolated factor)
Fear of communism, promises of quick solutions to Germany’s economic problems, the
Führer Principle, foreign policies, anti-semitism, effective propaganda, financial backing,
social and economic divisions/wide electoral appeal
6. The role of Hitler
Hitler’s personal appeal, reorganisation of the party, oratory, war record, 1932 Presidential
7. The weaknesses and mistakes of opponents
KPD/SPD split, lack of challenge from the moderate right-wing parties, underestimation of the
Nazis, ‘fatal error’ of 1933.
8. Conclusion
WEIGH UP the factors one by one, from least to most important
Finish with a clear answer to the question (JUDGEMENT) and a good quote if you can