The rise of Nazi Germany Pages 32 - 35 Important New Words (pg. 32 -35) Dictator Human rights Treaty Reparations Nationalists Propaganda Mass media Stormtroopers End of World War I 1918 – German Kaizer overthrown and forced to flee into excile. - Newly elected government = Weimar Republic - Government realized Germany will lose war – decided to make peace with Allies . - Germany surrender in November 1918 - Allies draw up a Peace Treaty (TREATY OF VERSAILLES) Treaty of Versailles PUNISHMENT OUTCOME Germany to pay all reparations Pressure on economy, poverty Germany gives up colonies in Africa German- speaking people live in other countries Germany to size down armed forces Prevent Germany from starting a war Germany alone started World War I Germans blamed Government for signing Treaty, Other wanted to take revenge. . Treaty laid foundations for World War II and did not create peace as Allies hoped. Hitler and the NAZIS – 1920’s ▪ Germans look for new solutions. ▪ 1920 – New political party starts under Adolf Hitler: the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) ▪ People believed Nazis could solve problems in Germany. ▪ 1923 – Hitler tries to seize power in Munich – FAILS ▪ Hitler is sent to prison for treason. ▪ Jailed for 9 months and here he writes a book where he promises to make Germany great again (Mein Kampf/ My Struggle). ▪ NB: In the book he blames the Jews and wants create a ‘master race’. The Great Depression ▪ 1929 – World Wide economic crisis ▪ Trade came to a stop, Factories and mines closed – people lost their jobs. ▪ 1932 – 6 000 000 people were unemployed ▪ Government struggled to solve problems cause by economic collapse – people lost confidence in Weimar Republic Failure of Weimar Republic and support for Nazi Party ▪ Weimar Republic first democratic party – not much experience. ▪ German Nationalists blamed the Weimar government for signing the Treaty. – seen as traitors. ▪ Weimar constitution made it possible for president to make decisions without parliament. – Democratic system starts to fail… ▪ Nazis promise to bring LAW and ORDER, JOBS, UNITE GERMAN PEOPLE and make GERMANY STRONG AGAIN. ▪ Nazis used PROPANGANDA and INTIMIDATION to win votes Test link will go live on 13 May 2020 at 08h00. Please ensure to complete it.