English III Honors 1st 9 Weeks – 2015-2016 August 24 25 Class Intro “The Lottery” 31 26 27 Septmeber 1 2 Sentence types review Possom Drop extended paragraph instruction (Shaffer style format with embedded quotes and limited to be verbs) Path Through the Cemetery SAT Fill-in-the-blank Lit Term Notes Lottery:bloom’s taxonomy questions (1D, 2M & must have the “because” part) 3 4 Tell students to buy Scarlet Letter Vocab 1: choose 10 words and write 10 sentences about the lottery with those words (3M) Go over AP analysis rubric The Lottery paragraph (2D) 7 Labor Day 8 14 15 Plagiarism PPT Finish short analysis paragraph Annotation instruction with passage(s) from OMAMprobably from ch.1 and beginning of ch. 2 HMK: Annotate “Why Don’t We Complain” 28 Start Vocab 1 (quiz on 8/21) Lottery group questions (NG) Turnitin.com HMK: Writing Portfolio (1D, due 8/9) analysis 9 10 Vocabulary SAT Finish The Lottery MG 11 16 17 18 Portfolio Due! Lottery MG Vocabulary SOAPSTONE:“Complain” together (NG) Complete Sentence starters over Complain Vocab 1 Quiz (1D, 1M) OMAM Discussion (use study guide as guide…maybe): themes, characters, chapter focal points (make them name the chapters), use pushpin graphic organizer 21 22 23 Revising and Editing questions Steinbeck OMAM AP style questions (50% MG) together. Can retake on their own. HMK: vocab 2, packet due 30/1)- 1M completion, 2M section 28 29 24 Ch. 6 OMAM Analysis (50% MG) Can retake MC questions HMK: Annotate “Fable of a Lazy Teenager” 30 1 Finish Essay In class Persuasive Essay over OMAM 25 2 Fable of a Lazy Teenager (3D, 2M) 50% sentence starters (Open “to err” extra credit, 10 2 word sentences and sentence starters) due by 10/5 5 50% short analysis paragraph 6 7 Flex Day 12 Vocab 2 Quiz (1D, 1M on next 9 wks) Pilgrim History Puritan Ideals 13 8 9 9 wks Test 14 PSAT Vocab 3 due 26/27 15 16 Half Day Bradford and Puritan streaming Major Grades 1. 2. 3. 4. The Lottery MG OMAM Test OMAM Essay 9 wks test Quiz/Daily Grades 1. SAT 11 2. SAT 12 3. SAT 13 5. 4 P at h Q u es t. 6. G et ty / T r u t h X o v