“The Lottery” Comprehension Questions /30 Name: ____________________ Please answer all questions fully and to the best of your ability. You will be submitting this assignment to Turnitin.com. 1. Describe the setting of “The Lottery.” Do not forget to examine the social environment of the characters (the manners, customs, and morals of the society) when investigating setting. (K3) 2. Explain the connection between setting and mood of this story. Why does the author go to such lengths to describe the setting? How is the author’s use of setting effective? (K2) 3. Does Jackson use direct or indirect characterization in “The Lottery”? Please be sure to explain which technique is employed by providing a definition of the type of characterization used and by providing an example from the text. (K3) 4. Highlight two conflicts from the story. Be sure to clearly state the type of conflict and to provide examples through textual evidence. (K2) 5. From what point of view is this story told? Please provide an explanation to support your choice. (K1) 6. Identify the following plot elements: (K5) Exposition/Introduction: Rising Action: Climax: Falling Action: Resolution: 7. Normally someone "wins" a lottery, but that word is never used in the story. What expression is used instead? (K1) 8. Trace the changes in Tessie Hutchinson’s attitude throughout the course of the story. What do these changes suggest about a possible theme for the story? (K3) 9. Identify three of the subtle ‘hints’ utilized by Jackson to help foreshadow the conclusion of her story? (K3) 10. Why does nobody seem to care about the lottery? Each person in the community has an equal chance of death, yet they are nonchalant. Why is this? Look for details in the text. (I2) 11. What is the ritual of “scapegoat”? In what way might Tessie Hutchinson be considered a scapegoat? (K/I2) 12. Conformity is often considered a positive attribute of a civilized culture. When can conformity be uncivilized? Be sure to relate your answer to the text. (K/I/C3)