
Global Haitian Diaspora Congress 2012
Unity for Results In and Out of Haiti
Opening Ceremony
8:00 - 9:00 am.
Hall of the Americas
Dr. Rudolph Moise and Judge Sybil Elias
Welcome Remarks:
Ambassador José Miguel Insulva, Secretary General of the OAS
Opening Remarks:
Dr. Joseph Baptiste, President, Haitian Diaspora Federation
Opening Remarks:
Ambassador Thomas Adams, US Department of State Representative.
Opening Remarks:
Ambassador Duly Brutus, Permanent Representative of Haiti to OAS.
Keynote address:
Engaging the Diaspora:
Paul Altidor, Ambassador of Haiti to the US
Keynote Address:
State of the Nation
Daniel Supplice, Minister of MHAVE
Keynote Address:
State of the Haitian Parliament.
Simon Dieuseul Desras, President of the Senate
Coffee Break
10:00 - 10:10 am
10:10 – 12:00 pm:
Plenary Reports
Hall of the Americas
Context of Haiti’s Recovery and Global Diaspora Mobilization
Joseph Bernadel and Erna Letemps
Video Address to the Haitian Diaspora
President Bill Clinton
Video of Haiti then and after the earthquakes
OAS Report on initiatives for Haitian Diaspora Mobilization
Ambassador Albert Ramdin
Report on the Second Haitian Diaspora Congress of 2009;
Dr Rudy Moise
Progress Report on the Town Hall Meetings in North America;
Dr Bernier Lauredan
12:00 – 12:30 pm
12:30 – 2:30 pm:
Lunch at OAS
Reporting on Global Haitian Diaspora Organizing Efforts.
Hall of the Americas
Katleen Felix & Judge Lionel Jean Baptiste
Dominican Republic, Caribbean and Latin America:
Minister Edwin Paraison,
Europe & Africa: Samuel Collins, (Haitian Diaspora Federation of Europe and Africa)
Massachusetts: Luckner Bayas, Haitian Diaspora Working Group (HDWG)
Harry Fouche, (Haitian Consortium)
New York:
Dr. Pierre Pean, (Diaspora)
Joseph Alfred
Washington DC: Dr. Henry Paul (NOAH)
Dr. Ludovic Comeau, (GRAHN – Monde)
Monica Ricourt, (Mayor Office of Montreal, Canada)
Jean Robert Lafortune / Haitian Grassroots Organizations)
Florcy Morisset, (Haitian Professional Association of Pennsylvania)
New Jersey:
Dr. Bernier Lauredan, (The Haitian League)
Concurrent Roundtable Reflections
3:00 – 5:00 pm:
Perspectives for Global Haitian Diaspora Engagement in Countries of Adoption
Group A: Political leverage: Civic involvement, Governance, Advisory support.
Moderator: Joseph Champagne nhaeon.chairman@gmail.com
Gurrero Room
Rapporteur: Marc Antoine Archer
Presenters: Marc Antoine Archer; Judge Sybil Elias; Rodnese Bichote; Judge Lionel Jean Baptiste
Group B: Economic Leverage: Remittances, Investments, and Alliances.
Moderator: Carl Braun fcbraun@unibankhaiti.com
Miranda Room
Rapporteur: Natalie Liautaud,
Presenters: Paloma Adams-Allen; Alex Abrantes; Paul Bénédique, Jean-Pierre Roy, Rose Registre; Katleen Felix
Group C: Organizational Leverage: Lessons Learned from Diaspora Movements.
Moderator: Reginald Jean Marie tiyogann@yahoo.com
Colon Room
Rapporteur: Firmin Baker
Presenters: Emmanuela Desmaret; Edwin Paraison; Jean Robert Lafortune
Group D: Operational Leverage: Policy Advocacy, Program Planning & Evaluation
Moderator: Prof Robert Fatton rf@eservices.virginia.edu
St Martin Room
Rapporteur: Dominique Desmangles
Presenters: Francois Pierre-Louis; Kysseline Jean-Mary Cherestal; Robert Maguire ; Maxo Marseilles
6:00 – 9:00pm
Keynote Speakers: TBA
Cocktail Reception and Award Ceremony
Hall of the Americas
SATURDAY, October 20, 2012
Keynote Addresses:
9:00 - 10:00am:
Hall of the Americas
Dr. Joseph Baptiste and Erna Letemps
Mustering All Our Strengths Coming Together for a New Haiti
Speaker: Hon. Michaelle Jean, UNESCO Special Envoy to Haiti.
Prospects for Greater Diaspora Engagement in Haiti
Speaker: Simon Dieuseul Desras, President of the Senate
10:00 - 10:15am
10: 15 – 12:30 am:
Coffee Break
Concurrent Roundtable Reflections
Perspectives for Haitian Diaspora Engagement in Haiti
Group E: Preventing Future Health and Sanitation Crises in Haiti.
Gurrero Room
Moderator: Dr Pierre Paul Cadet ppcadet@juno.com
Rapporteur: Dr. Claude Surena
Presenters: Jon Kim Andrus; Michael D. McDonald; Romann Datus ; Cléane Prelat; Leah Nevada Page
Group F: Diaspora-supported Disaster Preparedness for Haiti .
Moderator: Dr Adly Castor aldyc@att.ne t
Miranda Room
Rapporteur Dr. Patrick Richard,
Presenters: Phil Gelman; Peggy Cadeaux; Mephisto Mathurin; Philippe Francois; Abel Nazaire; Jocelyn Jn-Louis
Group G: Discussion of Dual Nationality and Diaspora Rights.
Moderator: Judge Lionel Jean-Baptiste lioneljb@aol.com
Colon Room
Rapporteur: Jean Michel Voltaire
Presenters: Jean Michel Voltaire; Alix Claude; Max Gustave Joseph; Rosney Desroches; Edwin D’Haiti.
Group H: Security, safety, and Rules of Laws
Moderator: Samuel Colin
St Martin Room
Rapporteur: Dominique Desmangles
Presenters: Mario Lapaix; Gary Eugene; Michel Placide; Gerald Germain; Pierre S. Aristide
12:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 – 4:00pm
Lunch at OAS
Joint Perspectives for Unity “Rebat Kat La”
Discussants / Moderators: Ministers Edwin Paraison, Daniel Supplice, and Alix Baptiste
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Deliberations and Resolutions
5:00 – 5:30pm
Closing Remarks:
Rudolph Moise and Bernier Lauredan