Syllabus - The University of Southern Mississippi

SCM 450: Women and Public Discourse
MWF 9-9:50, LAB 207
Dr. W. Atkins-Sayre
Spring 2008
Instructor information:
Office: LAB 475
Phone: 601-266-4370
Web site:
Office Hours: M/W/F 10-10:50, T/TH 1112, and by appointment
(please email me to set up a time)
Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Man Cannot Speak for Her, Vol. I: A Critical Study of Early
Feminist Rhetoric and Man Cannot Speak for Her, Vol. II: Key Texts of the Early
Feminists (Praeger, 1989).
Photocopied reserve materials available at Cook Library
Eleanor Flexner, Century of Struggle: The Woman’s Rights Movement in the United
States (Harvard, 1975; 1996).
Course goals:
This course is designed to introduce you to a number of concepts. First, through discussion of
key rhetorical texts in the early feminist movement, you will be introduced to rhetoric and
rhetorical analysis. Second, in studying the early feminist movement as a whole, you will learn
about social movement rhetorical strategies. Finally, our focus on the suffrage movement will
provide you with an understanding of that particular historical movement, the rhetorical
obstacles that women faced, key figures in the movement, and key texts produced during the
time of the movement. Although this is not a writing intensive course, students will
demonstrate the abilities to create short essays and to present brief presentations demonstrating
their understanding of the material and stating their opinions.
Course objectives:
The student will gain an understanding of the US woman suffrage movement
The student will gain an understanding of women’s rhetorical styles in particular contexts
The student will gain an understanding of rhetoric and rhetorical criticism
The student will gain an understanding of social movement rhetoric
The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze rhetorical texts
The student will demonstrate the ability to construct clear and compelling written arguments
The student will demonstrate the ability to construct clear and compelling oral arguments
Course requirements:
Midterm exam (25%): In-class short answer and essay exam
Final exam (25%): In-class short answer and essay exam
Analysis papers (3 papers for 40%; 1st=10%, 2nd and 3rd=15%): 4-5 page papers that
analyze particular topics throughout the semester. You will receive additional
information about these papers.
Participation (10%; 5% discussion, 5% attendance and general participation):
Students will be graded based upon participation in daily in-class discussions, answering
discussion questions in class, and attendance. You will receive additional information
about discussion questions.
Course policies:
1. Participation: I expect all individuals to participate in class discussions, assignments, and
exercises. The course cannot succeed without that participation. Consequently, you need to
read the assigned materials on the assigned days and come to class ready to interact in
discussion or activity. I also encourage you to participate in your class grade throughout the
semester by keeping track of grades and making appointments with me if you are concerned.
Late work: All written assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the assigned
day. Papers will be considered late if received after that time. Late papers incur a penalty of
one letter grade (10 points) per day. Exams will only be allowed to be taken late if you have
made prior arrangements with me.
Attendance: I expect you to be in class everyday and on time. Absences will affect your
participation grade. It is your responsibility to find out what happened on all missed days.
Any assignments will be due on the due date at the beginning of class regardless of your
absence (unless we have reached an agreement).
Grievance procedure: If you are dissatisfied with a grade (after carefully reading
instructor comments), you will need to submit a typed argument explaining why you
disagree with the grade. The paper should specifically mention why you disagree with the
grade and use support (textbook, class notes, etc.) where appropriate. This paper will need
to be given to me within one week after receiving the grade. I will then read the argument
and respond either in writing, via email, or in a meeting.
Classroom rules: Please turn all cell phones off upon entering this class. Please be on
time to class; I often make announcements that you will need to hear. Please do not start to
pack up your belongings early. Do not read newspapers, text message, etc., during class. In
short, be considerate.
Computer proficiency: Students enrolled in this course must have Internet access
available to them, including email and web page access, and have the basic knowledge
needed to efficiently use these Internet technologies. All course assignments will be posted
on the course web site. Students are also expected to type all assignments using a word
program. Problems with computers or printers do not excuse you from meeting deadlines.
7. Academic Honesty
From the 2007-2008 Southern Miss Undergraduate Bulletin:
Plagiarism is scholarly theft, and it is defined as the unacknowledged use of secondary sources. More
specifically, any written or oral presentation in which the writer or speaker does not distinguish
clearly between original and borrowed material constitutes plagiarism.
Because students, as scholars, must make frequent use of the concepts and facts developed by other
scholars, plagiarism is not the mere use of another’s facts and ideas. However, it is plagiarism when
students present the work of other scholars as if it were their own work.
Plagiarism is committed in a number of ways:
1. reproducing another author’s writing as if it were one’s own
2. paraphrasing another author’s work without citing the original
3. borrowing from another author’s ideas, even though those ideas are reworded, without
giving credit
4. copying another author’s organization without giving credit
Plagiarism is a serious offense. An act of plagiarism may lead to a failing grade on the paper and in the
course, as well as sanctions that may be imposed by the student judicial system.
Refer to the plagiarism tutorial on the Southern Miss libraries website
( for more advice about
avoiding plagiarism.
If a student has a disability that qualifies under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and
requires accommodations, he/she should contact the Office for Disability Accommodations
(ODA) for information on appropriate policies and procedures. Disabilities covered by ADA
may include learning, psychiatric, physical disabilities, or chronic health disorders. Students
can contact ODA if they are not certain whether a medical condition/disability qualifies.
The University of Southern Mississippi
Office for Disability Accommodations
118 College Drive # 8586
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
Voice Telephone: (601) 266-5024 or (228) 214-3232 Fax: (601) 266-6035
Individuals with hearing impairments can contact ODA using the Mississippi Relay
Service at 1-800-582-2233 (TTY) or email Suzy Hebert at
Course Grading
The following grading scale will be used:
90 and above=A
59 or less=F
Support for Writing and Speaking
Keep in mind that you have support for both speaking and writing on the Southern Miss
campus. For free, one-on-one tutoring in writing and speaking, visit the Writing Center and the
Speaking Center. The Writing Center is currently located in LAB 218, but will move to the first
floor of Cook Library some time this spring. For more information about their services, visit the
web site:
For help with your presentations, you should plan to visit the University of Southern Mississippi
Speaking Center. The Center is a free peer-tutoring center, focused on improving students’ oral
communication through consulting. Consultants (undergraduate and graduate Speech
Communication majors) meet one-on-one with students, at any stage of the speech-writing
process, working on organizing, outlining, developing, and delivering speeches. The Center
offers speaking handouts, a speaking library, and a video-recording room to record your
speeches. For more information about the center, visit them at:
Cook Library 114
Tentative Daily Schedule
* indicates possible discussion day;
KKC I refers to Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Vol. I;
names with dates indicate texts to be found in Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Vol. II
Jan. 14
Introduction to the course
Jan. 16
Introduction to the study of rhetoric
Read: Campbell and Burkholder, chap. 1
Jan. 18
Intro. to rhetoric, cont’d.
Jan. 21
No class—MLK day
Jan. 23
Intro. to social protest rhetoric, cont’d.
Read: Stewart, Smith, and Denton, chap. 1
Jan. 25
Roots of the movement: Women’s early activism
Read: Zaeske
Jan. 28
Roots of the movement: Abolition and women’s activism
Read KKC I, chap. 1, 2
Jan. 30*
Roots of the movement, cont’d.
Maria Miller Stewart (1832)
Feb. 1
Introduction to descriptive analysis
Read: Campbell and Burkholder, chap. 2, pp. 17-31
Feb. 4
No class—Mardi Gras holiday
Feb. 6*
Descriptive analysis, cont’d.
Read Grimke (1838)
Feb. 8
Women’s Rights Conventions
Read: KKC I, chap. 4
Feb. 11
WRC, cont’d., Seneca Falls
Read: Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions (1848); Declaration of Independence;
Cady Stanton (1848)
Feb. 13*
WRC, cont’d.
Read: Truth (1851); KKC I, pp. 19-22
Essay #1 assignment posted to course web site
Feb. 15
No class—Mississippi Communication Association Conference
Feb. 18
The movement through 1860, 1860 convention—Marriage and divorce
Read: KKC I, chap. 5; National Women’s Rights Convention Debate (1860)
1st draft of essay #1 due—bring to class
Feb. 20*
Debate, cont’d.
2nd draft of essay #1 due—bring to class for peer editing
Feb. 22
Civil War, conflict in the movement
Read: Davis, chap. 4
Final draft of essay #1 due—bring to class
Feb. 25*
Civil War, cont’d.
Feb. 27
Judicial route to suffrage
Read: KKC I, chap. 7; Anthony (1872-73)
Feb. 29*
Judicial route, cont’d.
Mar. 3
Social feminism, connection of suffrage movement to other movements
Read: KKC I, chap. 8; Willard (1890)
Mar. 5*
Social feminism, cont’d.
Mar. 7
Mar. 10-14
Spring Break
Mar. 17
Humanistic feminism
Read: KKC I, chap. 9
Mar. 19*
Humanistic feminism, cont’d.
Read: Stanton (1892)
Mar. 21
No class—Easter Break
Mar. 24*
Issues of religion and feminism
Read: Gage (1890)
Essay #2 assignment posted to course web site
Mar. 26
Religion, cont’d.
Complete first draft of essay#2—do self-editing
Mar. 28
Racism and the movement, the African-American experience
Read: KKC I, chap. 10; Ida B. Wells (1893)
2nd draft of essay #2 due—bring to class for peer editing
Mar. 31*
Racism, cont’d.
Read: Douglass (1852)
Final draft of essay #2 due—bring to class
April 2
Racism, cont’d.
Watch: Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice
April 4
No class—Southern States Communication Association
April 7
Racism, cont’d.
Watch: Ida B. Wells: A Passion for Justice
April 9*
Racism, cont’d.
Read: Terrell (1906)
April 11
Anti-suffrage arguments
Read: Palczewski
April 14*
Anti-suffrage movement, cont’d.
Read: Maddux
April 16
Suffrage after 1900
Read: KKC I, chap. 11
Essay #3 assignment posted to course web site
April 18
No class—National Association of Communication Centers conference
Complete first draft of essay#3—do self-editing
April 21
Suffrage after 1900, cont’d.
Watch: Iron Jawed Angels
April 23
Iron Jawed Angels, cont’d.
Final draft of essay #3 due—bring to class
April 25*
Iron Jawed Angels and discussion
April 28
Suffrage after 1900, cont’d.
Read: KKC I, chap. 12
April 30
Suffrage after 1900, cont’d., Carrie Chapman Catt’s leadership
Read: Catt (1916); Shaw (1915)
May 2
Beyond the suffrage movement
Read: Eastman (1920)
May 5-9