Humanities 101

Humanities 101
Introduction to Humanities
Spring 2015
Carson Campus:
Monday 4 - 6:45
Professor: Tami LeHouillier, MFA, MA
Office Hours: By Appointment
Required Text:
The Art of Being Human, 10th Edition, by Janaro and Altshuler
Course Requirements
Multiple choice, True/False, Essay/Short answers.
Cultural Experience and Research Paper
After attending an approved cultural event in the local area, each student will
prepare a 5-page paper that researches some aspect of the event, and highlights
the individual experience of attendance. A 5-minute presentation will be given in
class. We will discuss the paper and presentation in further detail during class.
Regular attendance is an important part of the course and attendance will be taken
at each class session. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and
will be expected to turn in a discussion question on each reading assignment.
Discussion Questions
Throughout the semester, students will turn in one thought-provoking question—
and answer!—or observation for each class reading beginning with week two,
which will be randomly selected for discussion. Please also be prepared to share
your own responses to the question you select. Discussion questions are due at the
beginning of the class session and late questions will not be accepted.
1000 points possible:
Midterm Exam – 200 points
Paper 1 – 100 points
Final Exam – 200 points
Research Paper – 250 points
Presentation – 100 points
Discussion Questions – 100 points (10 points per)
Attendance/Class Participation – 50 points
Final grades are assigned based on a 90/80/70… scale.
Class Policies
Attendance is mandatory. Students with legitimate reasons for missing class
should notify the instructor as soon as possible prior to class to make alternative
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating on an exam will result in a test score of zero. Plagiarism on a paper will
result in a score of zero. Ignorance is not an excuse.
Incompletes and Withdrawals
Please refer to the course catalog for deadlines.
Make-Up Exams
Arrangements to make up excused absences from exams should be made in
advance when possible. Otherwise students should contact the instructor as soon
as possible to explain why the exam was missed and to arrange a make-up. Makeups will not be given for inadequate preparation.
Hard copies as well as emailed copies of papers must be turned in on or before the
due date. Late papers will not be accepted. Exceptions will be made in the event
of a verifiable acute illness or emergency.
Class Courtesy
Please be to class on time and turn off your cell phone. Let me know if you need
to leave early. Please don’t eat or chew gum in class.
Schedule (Subject to Change)
****Readings should be completed prior to lecture****
Week 1 – Jan 26
Introductions; Course policies and expectations
Chap 1: Humanities
Week 2 – Feb 2
Chap 2: Critical Thinking
Focus: Nietzsche’s “Birth of Tragedy”; Apollonian vs Dionysian
Chap 3: Origins of Humanities
Focus: Myths, Archetypes
Week 3 – Feb 9
NO CLASS—Read Odyssey Handout
Week 4 – Feb 16
Week 5 – Feb 23
Odyssey/O Brother
Week 6 – Mar 2
Odyssey/O Brother
Exam Review
Week 7 – Mar 9
Exam 1
Week 8 – Mar 16
Week 9 – Mar 23
Chap 10: Religion
Focus: through Taoism (p 328)
Week 10 – Mar 30
Chap 11: Morality
Paper 1 Due
Week 11 – Apr 6
Chap 4: Literature
Focus: The sonnet, the haiku, the novel, short story handout
Chap 5: Art
Focus: Familiarize yourself with the different types of paintings
Week 12 – Apr 13
Chap 6: Music
Focus: Basic elements
There Will Be Blood
Week 13 – Apr 20
TWBB Cont.
Text Pgs 162-163: Silence;
166-169:Beethoven’s hero/tragedy themes;
198-199: Aristotle on the nature of tragedy;
307: A Word on Critical Viewing.
Week 14 – Apr 27
Project Papers Due
Week 15 – May 4
Final Review
Week 16 – May 11
Final Exam, Elements of Chaps 4-7, 10, 11, handouts, movie, and novel.