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EYFS Topic Rolling Programme
Year A
Autumn Term
Families and Festivals
Family members (Visiting
babies / grandparents, our
past photos, role-play baby
clinic. Drawing ourselves.
Taking photos of our
friends); Autumn objects and
Windy weather
(Autumn walk. Dancing with
leaves to music. Creating
leaf prints, collages and
rubbings. Listening to
Autumn poems.
Recognising, sequencing and
comparing numbers on
clothes hanging on a washing
line); Harvest, farm produce
and bread making (Acting
out the story of Rosie’s
Walk, using positional
language. Weighing
ingredients to make bread.
Recalling and sequencing the
story of Little Red Hen.
Investigating different types
of bread. Discussing the
story of “Farmer duck”,
Spring Term
1st half term – Toys and Bears
Old and new bears, Teddy bears
and bedtime, Goldilocks and the
three bears, “This is the Bear…”
rhyming stories, and Teddy
Bear’s Picnic. “Kipper’s
Toybox” story. Travelling toys,
push and pull, gears. Toys now
and then (toy shops).
2nd half term – Traditional and
Classical Tales
Stories: “The Elves & the
Shoemaker” (shoe making, roleplay shoe shop, sewing, letter
writing to elves); “The Tiger
who came for tea” (role-play
cafe, writing invitations to
tiger’s tea party); “The
Gingerbread Man” (baking,
storyboard); “The Gruffalo”
(rhyme and den making).
Summer Term
1st half term – Animals
Pets and vets; Wild animals
(“Dear Zoo” story – letter
writing, role-play zoo, clocks
– feeding times, patterns and
endangered species, captivity
versus wild); Farm animals
(old McDonald, farm produce
& shop, scarecrow making);
Dinosaurs (role-play
excavation site, skeletons,
fossil exploring and making,
and large model making).
2nd half term – Gardens
Ponds (pond dipping and
observing the frog life cycle);
mini-beasts (nurturing our
class caterpillars into
butterflies and looking at the
“snail” artwork of Henri
Matisse); Sunflowers
(planting seeds, naming parts
of a flower and recreating Van
Gough’s “Sunflowers”); Fruit
(Naming & tasting exotic fruit
/ making fruit crumble / fruit
-Fire dance
-Birthday dance
------Using tools
------Small equipment
-Throwing and
------Circle Games
-Large apparatus
talking about the importance
of all having helpful hands.
Working with money, in the
Bakers’ shop. Also
discussing what we get from
Year B
Journeys and Wheels
Holidays (Writing holiday
tickets, sorting transport by
colour / type and using a
computer mouse to dress a
teddy for holidays in
different climates); Autumn,
Wind and balloons (blow
paintings, dancing with
leaves / balloons to music.
Autumn walk, counting
conkers, maps and releasing
hot air balloons); Harvest
(Making bread, role-play
farm shop, rolling tractor
tyres in paint and printing,
thanking God for the harvest
and comparing our country
and cultures to others ).
salad & working in role-play
fruit shop with weighing
scales and real money);
Environments (Woodwork –
making pretty maids for Mary
Mary Quite Contrary’s
garden, naming, matching and
sorting 2D & 3D shapes for
recycling. Discussing the
importance of compost bins &
water butts).
1 half term – Nursery
1st half term – Mini-beasts
Investigating: ladybirds (timeRhymes
Incey Wincey Spider (Freezing “The bad tempered ladybird”,
and melting, being weather
adding spots); worms, slugs
forecasters, counting on, when
and snails (creating own
playing spider games, Colour
version of Jackson Pollock’s
mixing with paint powder in
“The Snail”, snail trails,
puddles;); Nursery rhymes with
measuring and comparing
hills and walls: Jack and Jill, The lengths of worms and making
Grand Old Duke of York and
a wormery, “Sam’s sandwich”
Humpty Dumpty. Story of
story); caterpillars and
“Little Lumpty” (drama and
butterflies (lifecycles, visiting
movement as soldiers, making
Butterfly World, “Hungry
bricks from clay, sand and
caterpillar” role-play café,
sawdust, wall building, role-play symmetry); bees and wasps.
building site, investigating how
Ugly bug ball.
to mend a hole in Jill’s bucket,
naming body parts and medical
2nd half term – Food and
equipment in role play Jack’s
-Transport games
-Movement games
-Journeys around
-Threading cards
-----Building blocks
-Acting out nursery
-----Gardening tools
-Ball skills
-Bean game
-----Planting veg
-Bear Hunt
doctors surgery and finding out
about capacity in the water tray).
2nd half – term – Myself
Healthy eating (role-play fruit
shop, making fruit salad and
smoothies); Feelings (photo
book making on emotions,
family love “Joseph’s wonderful
coat”); Growing up (sequencing
pictures / our photos in age
order. Visiting babies, toddlers
and elderly people); Our bodies
(skeletons and “Funnybones”
Year C
1st half term – Homes and
Homes for people and
animals (our homes,
addresses and telephone
numbers, homes now and
then, role-play Estate
Agents, nests and burrow
making); Building Sites and
different Buildings ( St
Francis the builder, Humpty
Dumpty, famous buildings,
castles, visit building site and
sales office); “The three little
1st half term – Water and
Ice, snow and polar regions; The
Three Billy goats gruff, bridges
around the world, designing,
making and testing bridges and
creating own versions of
Monet’s “Bridge of Giverny”;
The sea (painting to music and
exploring sea creatures); Noah’s
Ark (rain and rainbows, arc
building, music making and
counting animals in twos).
Different types of shops,
(money recognition, writing
shopping lists, making
shopping bags); teddy bear’s
picnic, “The Lighthouse
keeper’s lunch” (pulleys,
bulbs and circuits, basket
weaving); healthy breakfast
and “The three bears”
(porridge making, acting out
story, measuring and sorting
by size); different types of
food around the world.
People Who Help Us
Lots of visits and visitors to
stimulate role-play and
broaden knowledge on:
Doctors Surgery, Hospitals &
Ambulances; Opticians and
Dentists; Postal Workers &
Refuge Collectors. School
Staff, Police Officers, FireFighters & Travel Agents.
-Transport movement
-Animal dance
----Leaf dance
-Balloon dance
----Movement / drama
-Noah’s Ark dance
-Snowman dance
----Spatial Awareness
-Shape of body
pigs” and “Once Upon a
time” stories (puppets,
making and testing houses
from different materials, the
wind, role – play houses
from story).
2nd half term – Changes
Autumn & Seasons; Day &
Night / Light & Dark
(Diwali); Wind & Balloons;
Percy the Park-keeper Story
books; Growth & beans; The
Nativity; and Santa’s
2nd half term – Authors
“Elmer the elephant” stories by
David McKee, “Dear Zoo”, “Oh
Dear!”, “Noisy Farm”& ABC,
123 books by Rod Campbell,
“We’re going on a Bear Hunt”
by Helen Oxenbury. Stories on
the Large family by Jill Murphy
and “Thomas the Tank Engine”
stories by Rev Awdry.
-Using tools
-Small apparatus
----Fine motor control
-Gross motor skills