מדינת ישראל משרד החינוך וטכנולוגיה המינהל למדע האנגלית הפיקוח על הוראת Weather Forecast English Topic Developed by Date Grade Suggested Time 21st Century Skills Domains Purpose of Activity Appreciation of Literature and Culture Osnat Bachman and Michal Shimoni, Hayovel School, Modi'in March 2012 4th Grade One lesson Being actively involved in meaningful learning Being creative Working in pairs YouTube Social Interaction Access to Information Appreciation of Language Grammar (placement of adjective / noun) Introduction to the new vocabulary of weather and applying it to different countri "Click 3" – Chapter 4 – "The Weather Today" 1. The teacher hands out a list of 20 vocabulary words. The students have to words apply to the weather. 2. Show the children the on the YouTube - "What's the Weather Like Today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVuKr5y9AbY Description of Activity 3. The teacher asks the students which words given in class were seen in the 4. The teacher shows on the board a table with the comparison of the weathe Sydney, Australia. (as shown on the clip). 5. The students complete the table. 6. The teacher asks the students for the information they found and writes th table. 7. The teacher sums up the answers. 8. The teacher gives the students five more cities around the world (Santiago Bangkok, London, Jerusalem) and the students have to choose one. The st have to write a paragraph under the picture while the weaker students can same table as done before. 9. In pairs, students present "The Weather Forecast" of the city they chose. Students' Outcomes Homework Follow-Up Teacher's Reflection Students are able to present their "Weather Forecast". Students make a role-play. Prepare the role-play. Some students can make-up their own story by changing th cities. The students display their plays. Those who have written "new" forecasts can read front of the class. Highlight the words that you think you will see in the video about WEATHER weather today warm sunny happy sad Sydney hot cold sun windy snowy cloudy wet dry like rainy nice