History Lesson for Overture for Winds: Charles Carter Content Knowledge Ilona Widomska Lesson Plan for: History Lesson for Overture for Winds Learning Objectives Date Due: Tuesday Students will be able to recall historical information about Charles Carter and the Overture. Students will be able to describe the origin of the Overture. Students will be able to say different overtures from different composers. Students will have a knowledge of what was going on in history during Overture for Winds was composed. Total Time: 30 minutes Benchmarks 1. I will ask students to research the history of the overture and Charles carter. The rubric for this assignment is located at the bottom. 2. Describe the assignment to the students after showing the powerpoint presentation (15 Min.) 3. Play through the piece to get an idea of the piece and sight reading! (15 Min.) 4. The students will follow the instructions to the unit provided below. Assessment 6. The assessment is their writing assignment. (rubric provided at the bottom) WarmUp/Reflection Warm Up for this lesson will include the introduction powerpoint to Overture for Winds. Reflection Students will be able to reflect on the topic through the writing assignment given. Materials: Computer, Notes, Journal Blog Lesson Plan for: History Lesson for Overture for Winds Notes: Date Due: Tuesday If students are having an issue with getting to a computer then they may ask to go into the computer lab hours in school. SPEAK with students privately if they need accommodations. CATEGORY 4 - Above Standard 3 - Meets Standard 2 - Approaching Standard 1 - Below Standard Identifies music as After instruction, being associated with student can identify a time or culture the time/culture associated with 5 or more pieces of music without assistance. After instruction, student can identify the time/culture associated with 3-4 pieces of music with little or no assistance. After instruction, student can identify the time/culture associated with 1-2 pieces of music with little or no assistance. Cannot identify music by time/culture without significant assistance. Analyzes how music Accurately describes fits time/culture several dominant elements of music associated with a particular time period or culture and can relate them to other elements in that time or culture. Accurately describes a Accurately describes Has difficulty couple of dominant 1-2 dominant elements describing any elements of music of music associated dominant elements of associated with a with a particular time music associated with particular time period period or culture. a particular time or culture and can period or culture. relate them to other elements in that time or culture. Grammar and Spelling Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Learning Goals: · Students will learn the history of Charles Carter and about the time period in which Overture for Winds was composed. · Students will depict their understanding of the history in their writing. Assignment: 1. Using the web, discover as much information as you can about Charles Carter and of the time period in which Overture for Winds was composed. 2. After researching your information, you have the choice to: • Create a journal entry (500 words) • Discover another piece of this time period similar to Overture for Winds and write a paper about the similarities and differences. (500 words) 3. If you decide to create a journal entry, travel back in time and imagine yourself as a member of society in 1959. What is life like? How does music influence society? How does music affect you? 4. Each writing assignment must include at least five pieces that are overtures/compositions by Charles Carter 5. In your writing, describe what you like/dislike about the information you found. 6. If you do not have a computer available please ask Ms. Widomska to meet with you to assign a time to go to the computer lab. *** Credit for this assignment to Overture for Winds. Teacher Guide. Kansas State University. 2011/2012.