Gilgamesh -

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an Akkadian poem composed around 2500 B.C.E. It is the
earliest known epic. The theme of the poem concerns human beings’ search for
immortality. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. What is the relationship between human beings and their deities?
2. How is Gilgamesh linked with the world of nature and animals?
3. What is the meaning of friendship, family, and public duty?
4. What caused Gilgamesh live to want immortality?
5. What tests did Gilgamesh face throughout his life?
6. How does this epic inform the reader about ancient history?
7. Which story has a parallel version in the Old Testament?
8. How does Gilgamesh attempt to become immortal? Why is he not successful?
9. In what sense does Gilgamesh achieve immortality?
10. What are your thoughts/opinions on the epic?