3 systems for McDonalds to manage records: 1. Store management system (SMS) 2. Restaurant training tracking system (RTTS) 3. People management information system (PMIS) RTTS: For management team or above, Stored information: management team’s training record and system e.g. self-study, training course in Hamburger U can take/enroll courses themselves through this system can check the level status of manager i.e. which course is suitable for this level, on-line test generate exceptional report>>> know the training progress >>> somebody do not fulfill the course Training guidebook Management development program (MDP) 1: shift mgt MDP 2: system mgt MDP 3: restaurant mgt MDP4: business mgt PMIS: Stored info: whole shop’s employment database 1. payroll, MPF 2. training 3. scheduling Transfer: crew allocation Assistance shop manager Change info shop manager approve info Permanent info They have different login level Adv: auto analyze statistic of crew records e.g. pay leave, annual leave, MPF Save records of on-shift: 拉磁咭 Different authority can access different records e.g male-female crew ratio Authority code: 95 shop manager 75 45 needs: 1. fulfill gov’t need 2. server space>>> cost US legal requirement & HK legal: IT dept A/C dept 2 audit/ year 4 audit/year Keep: Inventory : 2 yrs Payroll : 7 yrs A/C centralize stored: because 稅局 require to keep 6 yrs Shop records>>> keep in shop with locker Crew leave, the record keep in the shop Crew work in other shop, record stay in original shop and new record store in current shop No centralized storage because every shop is independent>>>storage based on shop Only A/C, monthly rate staff records>>> HR Channel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. intranet crew web site (Internet) e-mail hard-copy e.g. training manual face to face conversation can sent the message themselves and no need approval by dept head because “open door policy” ordering>> email>>> order to digital centre( logistic company) inventory stock future: logistic can search and allocate the material and deliver to shop manual to record>>> upload central database>>> 10:00 a.m next day generate report storage: past: parallel( 2 small server)>>>break down>>>all data disappear now: local hard disc(office server)>>>ORP server eg. Cash handling ppl record restaurant: keep paper form because law require