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Walmart: PAY UP NOW!
Pay the compensation you owe to Rana Plaza and Tazreen survivors and families in Bangladesh
Dear Walmart Store Manager:
We are here in solidarity with the families of the workers who were killed at Walmart supplier
factories Bangladesh. As people of conscience and consumers of your products, we ask you to
pass this message along to Walmart’s corporate office, and join us – and others across the
country – in urging Walmart to pay full and fair compensation to the victims of the Rana Plaza
building collapse and Tazreen fire.
The April 24, 2013 collapse of Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which housed at least one
factory that did regular business with Walmart, claimed the lives of at least 1,138 workers,
making it the deadliest accident in the history of the garment industry. Yet it was an accident that
could have been prevented. But because your company failed to uphold its social responsibility
commitments, hundreds of families have suffered a tremendous loss and still struggle with the
emotional and financial ramifications of this tragedy.
On November 24, 2012, 112 workers were killed and 150 injured in the fire at Tazreen Fashions,
where the bulk of the production was destined for Walmart.
Then on October 8, 2013, another seven workers were killed in a fire at Aswad Composite Mills,
another Walmart supplier.
Walmart profited from the cheap labor of these workers and yet has failed to take meaningful
responsibility for these disasters. We urge Walmart to immediately pay the full and fair
compensation to the survivors and families who lost loved-ones.
Please let Walmart’s corporate office know that we were here today, and that we will continue
demanding full and fair compensation from Walmart to Bangladesh factory fire and building
collapse victims. We also urge Walmart to sign onto the legally-binding Accord on Fire and
Building Safety in Bangladesh to help curb the death toll in Walmart’s supply chain.
Thank you for your attention on this deeply concerning matter.