AP HG-Is Walmart Good for America

HG-Is Walmart Good for America?
Pre-Video ?’s
Name _________________ Hour _____
1-Do you shop Wal-Mart-why or why not?
2-What did you know about WalMart before viewing the documentary?
3. Would you ever work at Walmart? Explain why or why not:
Discussion Questions
4. Choose one strategy that WalMart is using that is discussed in the video and describe it.
5. Do you believe the strategy from #4 is fair to all people (consumers, workers, producers, suppliers)?
Explain why or why not:
6. What new kinds of jobs might be created as a result of outsourcing?
7. Who gains the most from WalMart's price policies (consumers, manufacturers, workers, Walmart)?
Explain your choice:
8.What most surprised you about the film?
9. Will this video change your opinion of WalMart-change your shopping habits?
CQC-On the back of this paper please write down 5 ?’s, 5 Comments, and 5 Connections from this video
to your life and/or Economics. (NOTE-these will be helpful for the essay topic: Is Walmart good for
America? –that you will do upon completion of this video)
HG-Is Walmart Good for America?
Pre-Video ?’s
Name _________________ Hour _____
1-Do you shop Wal-Mart-why or why not?
2-What did you know about WalMart before viewing the documentary?
3. Would you ever work at Walmart? Explain why or why not:
Discussion Questions
4. Choose one strategy that WalMart is using that is discussed in the video and describe it.
5. Do you believe the strategy from #4 is fair to all people (consumers, workers, producers, suppliers)?
Explain why or why not:
6. What new kinds of jobs might be created as a result of outsourcing?
7. Who gains the most from WalMart's price policies (consumers, manufacturers, workers, Walmart)?
Explain your choice:
8.What most surprised you about the film?
9. Will this video change your opinion of WalMart-change your shopping habits?
CQC-On the back of this paper please write down 5 ?’s, 5 Comments, and 5 Connections from this video
to your life and/or Economics. (NOTE-these will be helpful for the essay topic: Is Walmart good for
America? –that you will do upon completion of this video)