Redwood City, California
January 14, 2009
Call to Order
President Diaz-Slocum called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the District
Office Board Room, 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City.
Present at the Board Meeting: President Maria Diaz-Slocum, Trustees Alisa
MacAvoy, Shelly Masur, Dennis McBride , Hilary Paulson and Superintendent
Jan Christensen
Others present: John Baker, Raul Parungao, Patricia McRae, Lynn Egan, Jane
Yuster, Joe Siam, Don Dias, Ray Dawley, Sandie Hoover, Kim Combs, Cathy
Okubo, Wendy Kelly, Sara Morgan, Wendy Wheaton, Lydgia Jarvis, Susanne
Pillay, Judy Imperiale, Merilee DeWitt, Trina Warren, Julietta Efigenio, Phil Lind,
Michele Edelstein, Brian Simmons
At 7:00 p.m. President Diaz-Slocum welcomed those present. The Pledge of
Allegiance was recited.
Changes to the Agenda
Trustee McBride requested that Raul Parungao, CBO, give the board an update
on the School Services meeting he recently attended. This item was added as
Item 7.1.
Approval of Agenda
On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by
unanimous vote, the Board approved the agenda as amended.
Community/Staff Recognition
Oral Communication
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
Bret Baird, teacher, asked for the board’s support for students using heart rate
monitors during physical education classes.
Sandie Hoover, teacher, asked how long the district would be able to meet its
payroll obligations to staff given concerns of State budget crisis.
Raul Parungao, CBO, stated that the district would be able to fund payroll to at
least June 30, 2009 even if the State budget crisis continues.
Kim Combs, teacher, reported that in December Taft School held a fundraiser for
Heifer International and raised $1,600. She expressed confidence in the district’s
ability to be successful in all aspects of student learning and achievement.
Susanne Pillay, teacher, expressed concern on behalf of all teachers for the
district to maintain employee benefits.
Sara Morgan, ELD coach, expressed concern regarding the increase in teachers’
workloads and teacher burnout in the district.
Julietta Efigenio, teacher, asked for the board to support teachers having
unencumbered time to meet together and develop classroom materials and share
teaching practices.
Wendy Wheaton and Lydgia Jarvis, parents, expressed concern about the
district’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program for next year. Dr.
Wheaton expressed concern about replacing Linda Quon who has announced
her retirement. Dr. Wheaton urged the board to focus on gifted students who do
not attend North Star Academy.
Superintendent Christensen stated that there has been no discussion about
eliminating the GATE program for next year. Superintendent Christensen
reported that the district had not received a retirement request from Ms. Quon.
School/Community Reports
Update on School Services Workshop
Raul Parungao, CBO, reported on state budget information received at the
recent School Services Workshop. Mr. Parungao reported on the decreases
in state revenue, latest figures are that it could be as high at $4-8 million for
our district. He also reported on possible sources of revenue enhancement
being discussed such as an increase in sales tax and lottery funding. Mr.
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
Parungao stated that the Governor is considering suspending the cap on the
K-3 class size reduction while maintaining the funding.
Discussion Items
Potential Parcel Tax Strategic Conversations
Superintendent Christensen updated the board on the Parcel Tax Advisory
Group’s activities on the feasibility of a parcel tax measure. She reported
that the district would be distributing a flyer to survey the community on
the feasibility of placing a parcel tax measure on a future ballot.
Superintendent Christensen reported that she and Mr. Parungao have
started open discussion meetings with staff members at lunchtime.
San Mateo County Financial Systems Program
Mr. Parungao explained the process of reviewing the San Mateo County
financial program used by districts.
Board members expressed concern about the negative aspects of the
county’s financial program and their appreciation for Mr. Parungao and
Superintendent Christensen for their work with San Mateo County to make
changes to the system.
Consent Items
On motion by Trustee Paulson, seconded by Trustee Masur, and by unanimous
vote, the Board approved the consent items, taking the following action:
9.1 Recommendation re: Approval of December 8, 2008 Board Minutes
9.2 Recommendation re: Approval of December 10, 2008 Board Minutes
9.3 Recommendation re: Approval of December 17, 2008 Board Minutes
9.4 Recommendation re: Ratification of Warrant Register, November 19
– December 15, 2008
9.5 Recommendation re: Acceptance of Donations
9.6 Recommendation re: Approval of the Community Based English
Tutoring Program (CBET) Agreement
9.7 Recommendation re: Approval of Grant Agreement between
Redwood City School District and San Mateo County Office of Education,
Homework Center
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
10. Action Items
10.1 Recommendation re: Approval of LEA Plan Addendum
Patricia McRae, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction,
reviewed the addendum to the District’s LEA Plan.
Wendy Kelly, principal, reported that a representative from HoughtonMifflin would be working with the Gill staff on the multi-age setting.
Michele Edelstein, staff, expressed concern regarding the increase in
workload for teachers because of the LEA Plan.
Phil Lind, principal, expressed his support of the District’s LEA Plan.
Trustee McBride requested a list of people who worked on the
development of the LEA Plan Addendum.
On motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by
unanimous vote, the board approved the LEA Plan Addendum as
10.2 Recommendation re: Approval of School Start Date for 2009-2010
Superintendent Christensen suggested that the district maintain the school
start dates for the 2009-2010 school year. She recommended the district
create a task force to consider all school calendar issues.
Lynn Egan, library assistant, encouraged the board to do what was best
for the students and district.
Judy Imperiale, CSEA, stated that employee unions would still have to
negotiate the school calendar. She suggested that the district calendar task
force look at ways to save funds by having a common start date.
Trustee Masur reported that if the district decides to go to one calendar,
the board would have to amend board policies.
Trustee McBride recommended that the board keep the start dates for
2009-2010, but the 2010-2011 start dates might change following the task
force’s consideration.
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
Trustee Masur requested that the board work with the YMCA and
Redwood City Parks and Recreation to provide for child care or programs
for parents of traditional year students until school starts on September 8.
President Diaz-Slocum expressed concern about the impact of dual
calendars on children. She suggested the district consider one calendar
because of financial considerations.
Trustee McBride suggested the board consider adding one week to the
summer school schedule.
Trustee MacAvoy concurred with recommendation of Superintendent and
felt that it was important to honor our commitment to staff and parents
for the start dates for next year given the late date, but that in future years,
we should try and come up with one start date for the whole District and
ideally one calendar if possible.
On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Masur, and by
unanimous vote, the board approved the recommendation not to change
the 2009-2010 school year start dates.
11. Board and Superintendent Reports
11.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent
Trustee McBride complimented the Opportunity School for their school
flyer. He suggested that the board recognize Nancy Lewis, teacher, for the
excellent job she is doing at the Opportunity School.
Trustee Paulson announced that the Redwood City Education Foundation
raised $8,000 at the recent music fundraiser.
Trustee Masur reported she recently attended a parent meeting for John Gill
parents and staff at the district office.
Superintendent Christensen reported that she and Dr. Baker visited
Kennedy Middle School and MIT and were impressed with the quality of
instruction in the classrooms.
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
11.2 Report Out of Action Taken in Closed Session on Student Expulsion,
(Cases 2008-2009/13 and 14)
President Diaz-Slocum reported that by unanimous vote the board accepted
the administration’s recommendations on student expulsion Cases 20082009/13 and 14.
12. Information
12.1 K-6 Math Adoption Process Update
Mrs. McRae reported on the process the math adoption committee used to
analyze the Houghton-Mifflin, Harcourt and Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
math programs. She reported the math committee recommended the
McGraw-Hill math program and an overview would be presented to the
board in February. She stated that the math books would be displayed at
the IMC on Friday, January 16.
Mrs. McRae reported that the district applied for and received a math grant
from Oracle.
12.2 Data Analysis Report of Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
(AMAOs) for English Learners
This item was postponed to the January 21, 2009 board meeting.
13. Correspondence
The board received a letter of commendation regarding Don Dias.
Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agendas
Trustee McBride requested that the board have a placeholder on future agendas
for a state budget update.
Trustee Masur requested that the board place the “Children’s Bill of Rights” on a
future agenda for discussion.
15. Board Agenda Calendar
15.1 Changes to Board Agenda Schedule
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009
Board discussion was held regarding holding a special board meeting on
March 4 regarding a parcel tax ballot measure.
16. Closed Session
16.1 Closed Session on Potential Litigation (San Mateo County Investment
President Diaz-Slocum, Trustees MacAvoy, Masur, McBride and Paulson
went into closed session at 10:00 p.m. with Superintendent Christensen,
Deputy Superintendent Baker, and Chief Business Officer Parungao for a
conference call with Josh Goodman, representing counsel for the San Mateo
County school district. The board came out of closed session at 10:45 p.m.
16.2 Closed Session on Negotiations (CSEA Unit)
President Diaz-Slocum, Trustees MacAvoy, Masur, McBride and Paulson
continued in closed session at 10:00 p.m. with Superintendent Christensen,
Deputy Superintendent Baker, and Chief Business Officer Parungao
regarding negotiations with the classified employees, CSEA. The board
came out of closed session at 11:10 p.m.
17. Adjournment
On motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by unanimous
vote, the board adjourned the meeting at 11:11 p.m.
Alisa MacAvoy, Clerk
Board Minutes
January 14, 2009