Rome Study Guide *Review Identification and Source Book Readings- homework and in class* How did Rome fulfill the characteristics of Civilization? 1. What were benefits of Rome’s geographic location? 2. When was Rome founded? By whom? 3. Into what two periods is Roman history divided? 4. Political Crisis #1: How did government change greatly in 509 BC?? 5. What was the function of the Senate? Of consuls? 6. About how long did the republic last? 7. What was the earliest Roman law code? 8. Describe early Roman religions: 9. Early in Roman history, what were the two major social groups? 10. What was the role of women in Roman society (vs Greek women)? 11. Where did slaves come from? Numbers? 12. Example of rebellions: Describe the Roman economy: 13. On what was the Roman economy based? 14. What two things helped develop Roman trade? Explain the influence of the Etruscans and Greeks on Roman life: 15. What group conquered the Latins about 600 BC and had a well developed civilization? 16. Describe their characteristics/ contributions to Rome: 17. How did the Greeks impact the culture of Rome? 18. In what areas was Roman culture NOT interested? Explain how the Roman Republic was impacted by the Punic Wars 19. What does Punic mean? 20. Who was involved in the Punic Wars? Why? 21. How many were there? Who won? 22. Who was Hannibal? What did he do? 23. How did Livy describe the mood in Rome after Hannibal and Cannae? 24. What did Scipio do at Zamma? Impact? 25. What was the result of the wars? Describe how Roman government changed as the Republic grew 26. Political Crisis #2- What social problems were created by the wars? 27. How did Gracchus propose to fix social problems? 28. Who would these changes help politically? 29. Results of his proposals? 30. Political Crisis #3- How did Marius propose to fix social problems? 31. Who would gain power under Marius’ plan? 32. What new political problems resulted from his approach? 33. Political Crisis #4- How did Sulla get attention? 34. What was Sulla’s solution to government problems? 35. How did he achieve this? 36. What job did Sulla get? How different from Cincinnatus? Compare and contrast the First and Second Triumvirate 37. Who were the members of the First Triumvirate? 38. How was Julius Caesar like Sulla after 47BC? 39. What issues did he need to address/ 40. What was he then declared in 44 BC? 41. Name at least two economic/ two political reforms he tried to make: 42. Then what happened in the Senate 3/ 15/ 44 BC? 43. Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate? Explain the Battle of Actium and its impact on political power 44. Who fought at Actium? Outcome? 45. Back in Alexandria, what happened next? 46. What was Octavian made in 27 BC? 47. What were some of his political reforms (4+)? 48. What were some positive results of his rule? How did Rome conquer and rule its empire? 49. When was the Empire period? 50. Who added the most territory? Describe the cultural characteristics of the Pax Romana 51. Describe the Pax Romana? 52. What were some positive actions of the Good Emperors? 53. What did Emperors have built? 54. What was the Cult of the Emperor? 55. What is marked as the end of the Pax Romana? Explain causes of the decline of the Empire 56. What political problems grew as the empire expanded? 57. How was the economy changing during the Empire (4+)? 58. Describe the poor of Rome and the social problems they faced: 59. What were Bread and Circuses: 60. Political Crisis #6- Name several ways Diocletian tried to improve the Empire: 61. Why did he divide the Empire? 62. Political Crisis #7- How did Constantine finally restore order? 63. Describe external problems of the Empire: 64. Political Crisis #8- What did Alaric do to create crisis? 65. What did Odoacer do worse? 66. Describe several results of the Fall of Rome: Describe the achievements of the Pax Romana and contributions to Western Civ: 67. What was the political contribution to Western Civilization: 68. Name their scientific/ technological/ math contributions: 69. Describe Roman engineering/ architecture: 70. Describe Roman advances in law: 71. Describe Roman art styles: 72. What were some new ideas behind Christianity? 73. What was the role of P. Pilot? 74. How did Paul impact this religion? 75. How did Constantine impact this religion? 76. How did Theodosius impact this religion? 77. How did the Council of Nicea contribute to Western Civilization?