CJ 211 Study Guide

CJ 211 Mid-Term Study Guide
Be able to articulate the rules of law outlined in these cases:
Brady v Maryland
Brady v U.S.
Brecht v Abrahamson
Burch v Louisiana
Bushell's Case
Chapman v California
Cherokee Nation v Georgia
Cooper v Aaron
Crosby v U.S.
Dartmouth College v Woodward
Duncan v Louisiana
Ex Parte Merryman
Gibbons v Ogden
Imbler v Pachtman
J.E.B. v Alabama
Johnson v Louisiana
Kalina v Fletcher
Koon v U.S.
Marbury v Madison
Martin v Hunter's Lessee
McCulloch v Maryland
Michigan v Harvey
North Carolina v Pearce
Patton v U.S.
Powers v Ohio
Singer v U.S.
Stack v Boyle
State ex rel Unnamed Petitioners v Connors
Stone v Powell
Taylor v Taintor
Teague v Lane
U.S. v Bagley
U.S. v Havens
U.S. v Nixon
U.S. v Salerno
Weatherford v Bursey
Williams v Florida
Worcester v Georgia
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v Sawyer
Zenger’s Case
Be able to identify these terms/concepts/ideas in detail:
amicus curiae
bail bond (different types and different time frames)
bill of particulars
bench trial (why judges don’t like them)
change of venue (trial venue/jury venue)
challenge the jurisdiction (list all four kinds)
clemency (differentiate between clemency and commutation; why
concurrent jurisdiction
consolidation hearing
coram nobis
corner’s inquest (who present, what happens, standard of proof,
possible outcome)
diversive jurisdiction
exclusive jurisdiction
ex post facto appeal
expert testimony
expungement (differentiate between expungement and pardons)
fundamentally fair
grand jury (as differentiated from a petite jury)
harmless error
hearsay evidence (4 specific tests)
interlocutory appeal (who generally files, why, process dynamics, why
so rare)
initial appearance (where held, who present, what happens, etc)
judicial notice
jury nullification
motion in limine (define, why granted)
motion to quash
nolo contendere
objections (list the 10 kinds as discussed in class)
omnibus hearing
order of preclusion (define, why granted)
overlapping jurisdiction
pardon (review the dynamics of receiving a pardon, list the 3 legal
impacts of receiving a pardon, and the 7 reasons that pardons are
plea in abatement (who, where, when, why)
plea of jeopardy
plea of standing mute (why is it used; what are the 4 challenges)
plea of statute of limitations
plea to the jurisdiction (what are the 3 challenges)
preliminary hearing (where held, who present, what happens,
standard of proof, possible outcomes)
privileged communication (5 types; why court allows)
severance hearing
slow plea of guilty/summary judgment (where, who involved, desired
spontaneous declaration (3 specific tests)
writ of demurrer
Be able to answer these essay questions:
l. Discuss hearsay evidence issues - what four specific tests must be
met for any hearsay evidence to be admitted as evidence in court;
what three tests must be met for a spontaneous declaration to be
admitted as evidence in court; what test must a dying declaration
meet to be admitted as evidence in court.
2. Determine the flow of events in the justice process - really have
this one nailed down.
3. Differentiate between a bind over, a complaint, a true
bill/indictment, and a writ of information.
4. Preliminary hearing issues and procedures - what transpires at a
preliminary hearing, who can have them, who does what, how do
they proceed, level of proof required, possible outcomes?
5. Review Jefferson's opinion of the Marbury case and his overall
attitude toward judicial review.
6. Review the factors that we discussed in class that affect a
prosecutor’s decision to re-file (5 factors) or not re-file (5 factors) a
case after it has been remanded for re-trial subsequent to a
successful appeal.
7. Review the standards whereby a successful civil suit might be
brought against the police for false arrest/illegal arrest and/or against
the prosecutor for malicious prosecution. Review two court cases
that speak specifically to this issue.
8. List and discuss the reasons why prosecutors may decide not to
prosecute a case (we will list 20 in class).
9. List and discuss the things that can be done to get a criminal case
prosecuted if the county attorney won’t file.
10. In what ways do grand juries function as a crime control
11. Explain the harmless error doctrine as outlined in Chapman v.
California. In what way is it reflective of the crime control model? In
what way is it reflective of the due process model?
12. What are the factors that would be considered in determining
where a case would be prosecuted in the event that there is
overlapping jurisdiction?
13. What is an interlocutory appeal and why are they used so rarely?
14. When can and when can't a sentence be increased after a reconviction subsequent to a successful appeal? What court case
speaks to this issue?
15. Explain the concept of discovery (formal and informal
dimensions), and articulate the rules of law handed down in
Weatherford v. Bursey, Brady v. Maryland and U.S. v. Bagley.
16. Explain the concept of the zone of indifference as it applied to the
17. List five types of privileged communication relationships - why do
the courts allow information shared in such relationships to remain
secret and under what circumstances may each privileged
communication relationship be breached.
18. Describe the voir dire process.
19. List and discuss four reasons that a judge might grant an order of
20. List and discuss five reasons that a judge might ask an expert
witness to step down and order that their testimony be excluded from
the court record.
21. What are the five options that could result subsequent to a
preliminary hearing in which probable cause was not found?
22. Discuss the historical development of the American court system
starting with the medieval English model.
23. Explain the concept of the "King's Peace," and discuss how the
development of that notion impacted upon the development of the
contemporary judicial system.
24. Distinguish between a dismissal with and without prejudice.
25. What can trial judges do during the general adjudication process
to correct what they see as miscarriages of
justice? Review options that they have in each of the four conceptual
time frames as discussed in class.
26. Discuss the power relationship between the Supreme Court and
the President. Should the Supreme Court be able to review
Presidential actions? What is the Presidential argument? List at
least two court cases/scenarios to support your position.
27. Differentiate between pardons and expungements.
28. What possible sanctions might an individual prosecutor face for
failing to comply with the discovery requirements (ie., they
withheld/concealed exculpatory evidence; evidence that is favorable,
material and of substantial weight from the defense standpoint)?
CJ 211 Final Exam Study Guide
The final exam will be comprehensive. Consequently you should take
the time to review the study guide supplied for the mid-term. In
addition, be familiar with the material that follows.
Be able to articulate the rules of law outlined in these cases:
Chandler v Florida
Chisholm v Georgia
Estes v Texas
Farretta v California
McMann v Richardson
Pulliam v Allen
Be able to identify these terms/concepts/ideas:
concurring opinion
dissenting opinion
en banc
in camera
in forma pauperis
khadi justice
legal efficacy
legislative default
log rolling
Lord Chancellor
majority opinion
olive leaf
ordinary error
per curiam decision
pro bono
pro se
sociological jurisprudence
special masters
undue hardship
writ of certiorari
Be able to answer these essay questions:
1. Discuss the evolution of the presence of cameras in the court
room. Discuss the two leading cases. What is the current law?
2. Discuss the pros and cons of allowing television cameras into the
3. In what ways is the legislature considered to be a part of the
judicial system?
4. In what ways are the police part of the judicial system?
5. In what ways are correctional officials part of the judicial system?
6. What does the Williams study say regarding attorney negotiation
7. Discuss Blumberg's arguments regarding the practice of law.
8. Explain the different ways judges are selected.
9. Discuss the different ways to remove a judge from office.
10. Discuss the pros and cons of the rent-a-judge concept.
11. List and discuss several reforms that might be used to deal with
jury problems.
12. What are the responsibilities of the minor trial courts.
13. What are the responsibilities of the major trial courts.
15. List and discuss a number of factors that influence prosecutors in
their charging and bargaining decisions.
16. List and discuss a number of reforms that address the problem of
court delay.
17. List and discuss a number of factors that seem to influence
Supreme Court decision making.
18. List and discuss a number of reforms that deal specifically with
issues of sentencing problems.
19. List and discuss a number of powers and offices held by the Chief
Justice of the United States.
20. List a number of reasons why we are experiencing an increase in
the number of cases appealed of late.
21. Discuss the history and development, and the current state of
affairs with respect to the 3 “world courts.”
22. Review the principles outlined by Murton in his model of
successful reform.