WWI Basic Review The Causes of War War as the result of Human Nature: States that war is the outcome of the very nature of human beings. Supported by Confucius to present day behavioral scientists. Implication: to prevent war one must change human nature! Optimists: human nature can be modified to make war less likely Pessimists: Human nature cannot be changed and war is inevitable. Things that could be done to Change Human Nature: Offer alternatives to war i.e.: demanding physical activities. Education: humans to be educated with a love of peace and hatred of war (there are human societies where war is unknown) Cultural exchanges (better understanding btw peoples) Screen Potential leaders: ensure that they are not predisposed towards violence. Criticisms: Human nature is infinitely variable. Far too general for any practical use. If war is caused by human nature then so is peace. War As the Result of the Internal Structure of States: Argues that wars are caused by ‘bad states´ / i.e.: an unpopular government engages in a war against another state in an attempt to promote internal unity. What is a ‘bad state´? In recent past bad = autocratic. More difficult to define what constitutes a ‘good state´ Marxists define it in economic terms. Good state is one in which there is a fair distribution of wealth. USA and allies define it in political terms based on multi-party democracy, sovereignty of people, … Fundamentalists Islam defines it in terms of a states which bases itself upon the word of God. Therefore, this theory has not much practical value when attempting to eliminate war. War as the result of the Structure of the State System: Argues that war is the result of the nature of relations between states, i.e.: Gov. of a state will represent its own interests and in the event of a serious clash in interests there will be war. Implications: Groupings of states in an attempt to promote the wellbeing of all / establishment of an alliance which would deter attack on an individual state / disarmament programs (i.e.: NATO, Non-Proliferation treaty) Transfer of authority from national Gov. to regional or global organizations (i.e.: EC, UN) World Government! Criticisms: Alliances in the past arguably have been as much responsible for the outbreak of war as they have been useful in preventing it. It does not address the most common form of warfare since 1945: civil war. The Origins of the First World War 1. German Responsibility: Fischer’s View: (German Historian) Germany responsible for war b/c of its aggressive pursuit of its weltpolitik. Germany willed the war in order to realize expansionist ambitions and to resole an acute domestic crisis. Fear of ‘encirclement´ after the Triple Entente and Russian army reforms meant that ‘a moment so favorable from a military point of view might never occur again´. Germany put pressure on A-H to retaliate against Serbia (even if it meant General war) ß ‘blank cheque´ Criticism of Fischer: German policy before 1914 seems contradictory and lacking in clear aims. No evidence that German leader help expansionist aims before the ‘September Programme´ (which Fischer uses to explain the German desire for war) Places too much importance on the domestic crisis in the decision to launch a war in 1914 Bulow and Hollweg dismissed war as a solution to the socialist problem. More Correct View: Distinguish btw Germany´s contribution to the growth in international tensions from 190013 w/ her role during the July crisis itself. All Gov. responsible for tension until 1914 but not equally responsible for the fatal turn of events — for which Germany was culpable. 2. The Responsibility of Other Powers: Austro-Hungary: Contributed to conflict in Balkans by lengthy delays in responding to Sarajevo. (i.e.: the ultimatum to Serbia was not delivered until almost a month after Sarajevo.) Declaration of war on Serbia came only 5 days after ultimatum Refused to halt military operations (as Kaiser suggested) even though talks with Russia were scheduled for July 30. Russia: Clear that Russia was the expansionist force in the Balkans. Unable (unwilling?) to restrain/control Slaw nationalism even though it was a force endangering peace/stability in Europe. Balkan Wars might have been a ‘war by proxy´ for Russia. Promise of support to Serbia (influenced decision to reject the ultimatum) France: (not a crucial role) Promised French support to Russia (but this was more the work of French ambassador in Russia rather then official policy from Paris) Hopes of recovering Alsace-Lorraine was worth fighting for but not sufficient for wanting war. Britain: (not a crucial role) Underestimated gravity of crisis in late July. Maybe a clearer statement of British intent to support France would have restrained Berlin. Naval talks with Russia convinced the German Chancellor that the ‘ring of encirclement´ was complete. The Balkans Tension between Russia and A-H. (A-H´s prestige depended on its influence in the Balkans) Pan-slavism / nationalism Do NOT in themselves explain how an Austro-Serb dispute escalated into a general European war. Alliances, International Anarchy, and Armaments: The system of alliances helps explain why so many powers became involved in the war of 1914. After her isolation at the Algacires conference, Germany realized that A-H was virtually her only ally and the alliance w/ A-H took on a new importance. (blank-cheque of 1914 transformed a defensive alliance into an offensive one) Similarly France gave a ‘blank cheque´ (1912) to Russia turning a defensive alliance into an offensive one. The importance of the alliance systems was not its existence but rather that their defensive nature had been altered. Alliance system reduced flexibility of responses in the event of a crisis (i.e.: German response to Franco-Russian alliance was the Schlieffen Plan, therefore the answer to a Russian threat was to invade France!) However in some respects the alliance system was in some disarray in early 1914 (i.e.: Britain disenchanted w/ agreement w/ Russia over Persia // Britain still did not support France by July 1914) Yet the system of alliances had been successful before at preventing conflicts and maintaining an aspect of a balance of power. Why did war break out in 1914? One answer is that Germany was intent on war in 1914 (and thus rejected most proposals for mediation in 1914). Germany could not tolerate a diplomatic defeat for her ally. The Arms Race can be both a cause and an effect of international tension. Determination of Germany to become a naval power threatened Britain. Russian army reforms (due to be completed by 1917) led to a point of view of the German high command that a preventive war against Russia in 1914 made sense. Maybe the arms race contributed to the feeling that war could not be postponed indefinitely. Gov. in the leading states had warlike attitudes (i.e.: in Germany the General Staff had enormous influence.) However there was a current of anti-militarism in both France and Germany (i.e.: in the socialist movements) Capitalism, Imperialism and Nationalism Capitalism: Arguments For: Simple belief that industrialists had an interest in provoking war Capitalist economic pressures were the driving force behind imperialist rivalries. Anglo German Trade Rivalry Arguments Against: Armaments manufacturers had markets overseas which might be lost in wartime. Financiers needed stability. Anglo-German commercial links were growing closed from 1904-1914. Imperialism: Lenin said that the war was an ‘imperialist war´ b/c it sought a re-division of colonial territories. Germany had a prime interest in acquiring the colonies of other states. German Weltpolitik was a challenge to British/French Empires. Yet, agreements were being made on colonial issues prior to the war. Psychological consequences of a generation of imperialism: Exacerbating mutual suspicion and hostility (contributed to the mood of 1914) Contributed to ‘nationalist revival´ Conclusion: Four central factors: Legacy of Weltpolitik: failed by 1914 / harmed Germany´s relations with other powers / meager achievements contrasted with its high expectations / increased German feeling of insecurity. Growth of Russian power: economic expansion, pop. growth, army reforms, and strategic railways (close to German borders) alarmed Germany. Disruptive effect of nationalism: threatened A-H in terms of her ability to act as a great power & disintegration. Inadequacy of Germany policy during the July crisis: failure to devise diplomatic alternatives in case the Triple Entente held and France and Britain supported Russia. Four subsidiary factors: The decline of the ‘Concert of Europe´: statesmen unwilling to behave with restraint for the sake of ‘Europe´ as a whole. The Arms Race: increased expectations of war / led Germany to believe she had a better chance of winning in 1914 rather then later. The legacy of imperial rivalries: increased animosities among the great powers (affecting public opinion, press, and Gov.) The influence of domestic tensions: encouraged ruling circles to consider war as a relief from such tensions. World War One Peace Settlements The Fourteen Point Program (January 1918 — Woodrow Wilson) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Open Diplomacy Freedom of Navigation Free trade Disarmament Self-determination Evacuation of all Russian Territory Belgium must be evacuated and restored (from German occup.) Freeing of French territory (Alsace-Lorraine) Readjustment of Italian borders Autonomous dev. for the peoples of A.H. Independence for the Balkan states Securing of Turkish territory/sovereignty / the Dardanelles as a free passage The establishment of an independent Poland The creation of the League of Nations Rejected by Germany immediately The Armistice: (following a change in German Gov.) o o o o France and G.B. changed the Fourteen point program Absolute freedom of the seas was not offered Germany would have to pay compensations Signed on November 11th 1918 and WWI ended (after Ebert the Socialist came to power in Germany following the abdication of the Kaiser) The positions of various countries on peace negotiations: o o o o o USA: Wilson was most concerned with the long term and the adoption of the Fourteen Point program (but not backed by Senate) France: wanted a peace that would never allow German attack on France again (reparations, etc…) — destroy Germany G.B.: The popular opinion was very hostile towards Germany — cripple Germany Italy: wanted to punish A.H. and obtain territory promised in the 1915 Secret treaty — when no backed by allies on this, Italy left the conference table and this later gave rise to Fascism in Italy as Italians were not content on the peace terms Germany influenced the conference in that the allies (especially Lloyd-George from G.B.) feared a communist revolution. The Treaty of Versailles and other post-war Treaties you should know everything about Versailles by now!!! Criticisms of the Settlement: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Didn’t respect the 14 Point Program: Germany was not present Britain did not give up right of search (for ships) Tariff barriers increased (against free trade) No multilateral disarmament G.B. and France gained colonies The Allies intervened in Russia The Italian frontiers’ issue was not fixed Self-determination was not applied Should Germany have been present? Could Germany afford the reparations? Resentment in Germany at having to pay reparations Divisions amongst the allies as over reparations Keyne’s influence Didn’t respect Self-determination It was economic and strategic factors which influenced the establishments of frontiers/countries The ‘War guilt’ clause : was it necessary? Created German resentment against the Versailles Settlement. Were the allies entitled to the reparations they demanded? Long term criticisms: o o Treaties were completed in haste Procedural difficulties (views of allies on how to deal with matters differed) o o o o o o o o o The treaties were on the whole a compromise btw differing views The treaties assumed the allies would remain united The USSR was excluded (this weakened the settlement) It broke up A.H. This: Created rivalries in the Balkans Prevented economic cooperation in the newly formed states The balance of power in Europe was disturbed The league did not function as had been hoped The changes brought by the settlement were incomplete. Economic Consequences of WW1 and Reparations o o o o o o o o o o There was a massive direct cost to all nations involved in WWI The opportunity cost of all the resources used to destructive ends There was a change in the financial center of the world (from Europe and G.B. to the USA) since European nations became debtor nations A fall in European living standards (European countries had to cut down on imports) Increase in USA’s economic strength Decrease in international trade (lack of a stable currency) Worldwide markets shrunk Established trade patterns were disrupted Intense hatred between the two sides meant that is was (in the short term) impossible to reestablish previous trading patterns. Few saw beyond the short term, therefore most politicians sought revenge, and not the recovery of the defeated states (this was also the result of popular opinion) The Reparations Problem: Division amongst the allies on this topic The Germans did not believe such reparations could ever be paid (especially with its post-war losses) Countries relied on reparations to finance reconstruction and the delaying of reparation payments meant the delaying of the reconstruction process Major Developments 1921-1933 o o o o o o o Genoa Conference (1922) — world economic conference Prosperity could only be restored if recovery plans included all countries (inter dependence of countries) The conference failed The USA refused to attend French did not admit the Russians/Germans Germans & Russians had a revolution of their own The occupation of the Ruhr (1923) German workers refused to cooperate The French and the Belgian intervened but the cost of intervention outweighed any benefits made by the seizure of German goods. The German Economy collapsed — there was high inflation & it was unable to pay reparations o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o There was social unrest in Germany (led to the rise of movements like the fascists) however, a coup led by Hitler and General Ludendorff failed Britain refused to support France/Belgium The Dawes Plan (1924) End of occupation of the Ruhr Two year moratorium of German reparation payments International loan for Germany Introduction of an annuity basis on reparations Financial controls imposed on Germany The Young Plan (1929) The total sum owed by Germany was cut down by 25% Annual payments fixed to run until 1966 In the event of financial difficulties a part of the payment could be deferred for up to two years 1/3 of payments could be made in kind International controls (established by Dawes Plan) were abolished Bank for International Settlements established International loan made to Germany ($200 million) October 1929: Wall Street Crash 1931: Germany stops reparation payments 1932: Lausanne conference: fixed reparation payments very low 1933: Hitler became chancellor Evaluation of Reparations: o o o o o o o o o Could Germany afford them? Keynes criticized reparations. He later admitted he might have underestimated Germany’s ability to pay reparations. Some argued that there was a lack of will in Germany to pay for reparations Some argue that Hitler spent more on rearmament (in a short time) then the total revised reparations payments How much did Germany actually pay? Estimations point to $9 billion but she receive $8 billion in loans Reparation payments did little to help the recovery of the allies Reparations contributed to inter-war period tensions Britain and France linked war debts and reparations and refused to pay war debts until reparations were paid to them