Chapter 13-16 questions

Paris 1919 questions: Chapters 13-16: The German Question
Chapter 13 – Punishment and Prevention
1. What was a major problem for the Allied forces when Germany accepted the armistice?
2. Why was the German blockade wavering by Spring 1919?
3. Why did Germany fear using their own ships to retrieve supplies following the armistice?
4. Why did France not want Germany to use their gold reserves to pay for its food?
5. What 4 items did the Big 3 agree upon in punishment, payment, and prevention?
6. How did Germany demonstrate aggression by imposing the Treaty of Brest Litovsk and the
Treaty of Bucharest?
Chapter 14 – Keeping Germany Down
1. Who is Ferdinand Foch? And what was his ‘famous’ quote about the Treaty of Versailles?
2. What tactics did the French employ in the Rhineland to pacify the peoples living there?
3. Why did House believe that the League would protect France?
4. Why does GB not agree with the French proposal of occupying the Rhineland?
5. Why is the Panama Canal mentioned in this chapter
Chapter 15
1. What questions had to be answered (according to the participants at the Conference) to
determine Germany’s reparation payments?
2. What was the goal of the U.S.? (concerning German reparations)
3. What 2 countries suffered the most damages in WWI?
4. What phrases describe how history would view the reparations forced on Germany?
5. Who is John Maynard Keynes? What was his opinion on German reparations?
6. What type of suspicions developed between the Allied countries?
7. Why did Lloyd George continually go back and forth on the many issues of German reparations?
8. What percentages were decided upon in 1920? And what monetary amount was decided upon
in 1921?
Chapter 16 –Deadlock Over the German Terms
1. Why did France continually demand control over the Saar?
2. What were the provisions in the ‘Fountainbleau Memorandum’?
a. Did the U.S.A. and France agree to the memorandum?
3. What did Clemenceau say that made Wilson threaten to leave the Conference?
4. Who is Poincare? And why does he get into a heated argument with Clemenceau?
5. What does the Conference decide to do with the Saar region? With the Rhineland?