Exam #2- Spring 1998 Name: ART 200 - ART HISTORY I Unit 2 Exam Chapter 04:Aegean Art and Chapter 05: Greek Art - Spring 1998 SLIDE IDENTIFICATIONS 1. Title: Culture /Period: Apx date: 2. Title: Culture/Period: Apx Dates: 3. Title: Culture/Period: Apx date: 4. Title: Artist: Culture /Period: Apx date: 5. Title: Artist: Culture /Period: Apx date: 6. Title: Culture /Period: Apx date: a. Archaic Greek c. Early Classical Greek e. Hellenistic b. d. Mature Classical Greek Late Classical Greek 1 Exam #2- Spring 1998 7. Title: Culture /Period: Apx date: 8. Title: Culture /Period: Apx date: 9. Title: Culture /Period: Apx date: 10. Title: Culture/Period: Apx date: a. Archaic c. High (Mature) Classic b. d. Transitional or severe Hellenistic 2 Exam #2- Spring 1998 Name: ART 200 - ART HISTORY I Unit 2 Exam Chapter 04:Aegean Art and Chapter 05: Greek Art - Spring 1998 MULTIPLE-CHOICE. Select the response that best answers the question or completes the statement. 11. A nude standing figure of a young man is known in Greek art as a a. kore b. kouros c. ka d. stele 12. Whose statue was known as the Canon? . 13. is the oldest of the classical architectural orders. 14. The roof tiles of Greek temples were made of 15. The basic architectural principle of Greek architecture is post and . . 16. How are the Kouros and Kore sculptures unlike any preceding large stone sculptures of the human form? 2pts 17. List two fifth century Greek sculptors: 2pts 18. List two fourth century Greek sculptors: 19. Name an Ionic building on the Athenian Acropolis: 20. Name the primary Doric building on the Athenian Acropolis: 3 Exam #2- Fall 1996- 4 Name: ART 200 - ART HISTORY I Unit 2 Exam Chapter 04:Aegean Art and Chapter 05: Greek Art - TAKE HOME PORTION Spring 1998 (4 pts) 21. Considering the importance of pediment sculpture for storytelling, how did the Greek sculptor solve the problems of composition in placing figures within the triangular form of the pediment? (8 pts) 22. Describe Red and Black figure pottery. Cite examples of each. (8 pts) 23. Describe the structure of a beehive tomb. (10 pts) 24. Compare and Contrast the Kouros figures to Egyptian figural sculpture. Cite examples (10 pts) 25. Analyze the Parthenon as the epitome of the Greek temple, discussing structural elements, plan, original purpose. In what ways was the Erechtheion different? What specific structural refinements and optical illusions can be found in the Parthenon? Why would the architects find such adjustments important. (20 pts) 27. Discuss the development of the female figure in Greek sculpture from Archaic through the Hellenistic periods,. Select four figures that you think best demonstrate the development - one from the Archaic, two from the Classical, and one from the Hellenistic periods. Pay particular attention to the amount of motion given to the figures, the degree of realism, the use of drapery, and the means used by the sculptors to achieve these effects. How does each illustrate the stylistic characteristics of her period?