
Foundations through The Classical Era: From Human Prehistory to Classical Civilizations
AP World History Ch 4 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 76-87 (GREECE ONLY)
1. Why did Greeks call Non-Greeks “Barbarians”? Greeks thought that foreigners’ speech sounded like
“bar-bar-bar” so they called them barbarians as a contrast to their own identity.
2. What was the extent and impact of the early classical Persian Empire? It stretched across the northern
Middle East to northwestern India.
3. What was the basic unit of Greek civilization? The basic unit was a city-state.
4. Describe the rule of Pericles in Athens. 5th c. BCE-Aristocrat, but helped form a democratic system in
which each citizen could participate in assemblies to select officials and pass laws. He tried to rule by
5. Describe the conquests of Alexander the Great (begun by his father Phillip II). He expanded the
Macedonian empire through the Middle East, Egypt, Persia, and into India.
6. How did this lead to the Hellenistic period? What was the impact of this period? The Hellenistic period
is characterized by the blending of Greek and Middle Eastern cultures, which was made possible by the
conquests of Alexander the Great. It was important because trade flourished and scientific centers were
established. It allowed for the preservation of Greek culture and the creation of new culture.
7. Describe democracy and direct democracy. A democracy is when the government is under the control
of the people or an elected representative chosen by the citizens. A direct democracy is when major
decisions were made by an assembly (All citizens attend, meet every 10 days, chosen by lot)
8. What was Pericles’ attitude toward rule and government? What were the drawbacks of this condition?
That government rule should be by many and not by few; poverty should not be a barrier to political
participation. The drawbacks of this were that some people just wanted government jobs or spoils of war
and steered Athens in a destructive direction for their own personal gain.
9. What is aristocracy? How does it operate? “Rule by the best,” It works by having wealthy landowners
or military (Sparta) run the government.