Advanced Theatre Critique Format

Critique Format
Advanced Theatre Courses
Due Dates: Mark your calendar now!
Semester One: January 10, 2014
Semester Two: May 9, 2014
Directions: Follow the format given below for all critiques of theatrical
performances. You must use 12 point font and double-space your critique.
Attach a copy of the program or the ticket stub. Turn in your critique no
later than ten school day after seeing the performance.
Paragraph One: Lead
This paragraph should introduce your show in an interesting and engaging way. You
could start with a zinger or a catchy one-sentence grabber that plays off the production.
Or you could use the dramatic describer, which tells about an interesting moment in the
production. You need to include to italicize the title of the show or put it in quotes.
Paragraph Two: The Story
This paragraph should include two to three well-crafted sentences that cover the major
plot points. Mention key characters, settings and timeframes as well as what happened.
You should also include information about the history of the show as well as any awards
that it may have received.
Paragraph Three: The Overall Production
Make some broad observations in this paragraph about the concept, the cast’s energy,
what production element anchored the show or technical elements. Write three to four
sentences about the show’s successes or failures.
Paragraph Four: The Leads
This paragraph should include information about the lead actors and actresses in the
show. You could mention their commitment, accent, physicality, singing and dancing
ability. Remember not just to say that something was good. Say how and why it was
Paragraph Five: The Supporting Characters and Ensemble
This paragraph should include information about the supporting characters and ensemble
in the show. How do they help or hinder the telling of the story? What did they do that
was successful?
Paragraph Six: Tech
Pick two or three of the following technical elements to discuss in this paragraph: sets,
costumes, lights, sound, props and effects, stage crew, and makeup. Explain why they
were successful or problematic in telling the story.
Paragraph Seven: Closer
Sum up the show and what you thought about it. Make sure to use colorful language.