The odyssey book 4-10 C.Haines BOOK 4 The best part about book 4 is when Menelaus retells his story of being stranded on the island of pharos The most effective visual technique in book 4 is the use of colour E.G. the dining hall is a vibrant red whereas the outside is dry and dull. BOOK5 The best part about book 5 is when Odysseus meets the mermaid at sea. The most effective visual technique is the use of colour E.G. The dark blues for the ocean symbolising a storm. BOOK 6 The best part about book 6 is when Odysseus walks out and scares the women by the river. The most effective visual technique is object placement E.G. Odysseus is always centre where the women are always to the side or behind him. BOOK 7 The best part about book 6 is the feast that the people are having and Odysseus joins. The most effective visual technique is the contrast E.G the colours are dull but the fires are bright red. BOOK 8 The best part about book 8 is the dancing the men and women do at the end of the games. The most effective visual technique is the vectors E.G page 85 panel 3 and 5 the lines and words lead you to the rock that ahs been thrown. BOOK 9 The best part about book 9 was when the Cyclops got stabbed in his only eye by Odysseus. The most effective visual technique is the colour scheme E.G. the red for the cave which makes it seem bad and the light blues and greens outside make it seem peaceful and normal. BOOK 10 The best part about book 10 is when the crew open the wind bag and make Odysseus get blown around and they wash ashore an island and get turned into pigs. The most effective visual technique is the camera angles E.G. they make the main character (Odysseus) look bigger and the crew look smaller and not as important. BOOK 11 The best part about book 11 is when the dead people drink the goats blood and speak with Odysseus. The most effective visual technique is the symbolism E.G. the dark colours symbolise the dead while the brighter colours symbolise the living. BOOK 12 The best part about book 12 is when the men eat the cows and are almost killed on the seas. The most effective visual technique is the layout of the panel E.G. the meaner and bigger characters have bigger panels. BOOK 13 The best part about book 13 is when Athena moves the fog and shows him that his land is still the same just older. The most effective visual technique is the camera angles E.G. close ups of Odysseus and low angles of the land BOOK 14 The best part about book 14 is when the dogs attack Odysseus and the old man welcomes him into his home. The most effective visual technique is the colour symbolism E.G. the warmer colours remind you of home. BOOK 15 The best part about book 15 is when Telemachus invites the son of Eumaeus on his boat to travel home. The most effective visual technique is the facial expressions E.G. The Eumaus’s face when his son walks in the room. BOOK 16 The best part about book 16 is when Odysseus and his son are reunited and go se Telemachus’s mother. The most effective visual technique is foreground, middle ground and background E.G. Page 168 panel 4 the hills are the background Odysseus is the middle ground and Telemachus is the foreground. BOOK 17 The best part about book 17 is when Athena revives Odysseus’s dog in the god’s land. The most effective visual technique is the colour E.G. The outside is colourful and happy whereas the world of the gods is peaceful and plain. BOOK 18 The best part about book 18 is when Odysseus beats the young man to the ground. The most effective visual technique is facial expressions E.G. The small smile Odysseus has on his face when he wins. BOOK 19 The best part about book 19 is when Odysseus gets his feet washed and the old lady finds out that he is Odysseus. The most effective visual technique is the colour change E.G. The inside is warm and cosy whereas outside the colours are dry. BOOK 20 The best part about book 20 is when they throw a cows foot at Odysseus’s and it hits him in the face. The most effective visual technique is the outlining E.G. Athena the god is outlined in blue. BOOK 21 The best part about book 21 is when Odysseus threads the bow and beats the suitors. The most effective visual technique is the camera angles E.G. The low shot on Odysseus making him look bigger. BOOK 22 The best part is when the suitors find out that Odysseus has hid the weapons and they find them. The most effective visual technique is the vectors E.G. The spears point to the dead along with blood splatter. BOOK 23 The best part about book 23 is when Odysseus tells the story of how he made his bed from the olive tree and only a craftsman can move his bed. The most effective visual technique is the contrast E.G. The orange is contrasting with the black music notes. BOOK 24 The best part about book 24 is when Odysseus goes back to see his father in the orchid to get him for the war. The most effective visual technique is the symbolism E.G. the colours symbolise happiness and peace around the town.