What do we learn about the character of Odysseus from his

What do we learn about the character of Odysseus from his wanderings?
Leaving Cerficate Exam Question 1996:
From your reading of the Odysseus, what is your opinion of Odysseus as leader of his
The Odyssey is an “epic from ancient Greece” = epic = story of heroes in exalted
Homeric hero = marks of a Homeric hero are their words and deeds.
Does Odysseus meet the criteria of a hero?
Key words from film – “clever Odysseus” and Penelope says at the end “brave
Odysseus came up with the idea of the wooden horse.
In the film it says Odysseus was impious to the gods. Is this a good representation
of his character?
Odysseus’ wanderings and what we learn about his character from each of
the episodes:
1. Island of the cyclops –
2. Circe’s island (crazy island!!):
his willingness to take advice, his infidelity, he rescues his men but remember it is Hermes who does
this would he have been able to do it on his own.
3. Aeolous winds
Sirens – what qualites does he exhibit in each of the following places:
His journey to the Underworld