The limits of solidarity: Europeanism, anti-colonialism and socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa in Puteaux in 1948. In June 1948 some 300 delegates from all over the world gathered in the Parisian suburb of Puteaux to discuss two questions: the relations of a united Europe with the decolonising world and the situation in eastern Europe. The Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Europe was organised by the Movement for the United Socialist States of Europe with the support of the British Independent Labour Party, the French SFIO and the Indian Socialist Party. This congress brought together European anti-imperial socialists hoping for a Socialist United States of Europe and ultimately World Federation, with socialists and democratic nationalists from Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. At a time of both great insecurity and opportunity, with the possibility of a third world war between the superpowers looming, with nationalism in Europe discredited but starting to blossom in the colonial world, they attempted to bridge difference and create links between peoples from across the globe. The European organisers hoped to create a socialist Europe, covering both east and west. This united Europe would closely cooperate with future independent states in the colonial world in a Third Camp between the superpowers, skirting both capitalism and state socialism. However, they had difficulty convincing the colonial delegates that this socialist Europe would be on the one hand viable and on the other would not resort to neo-colonial practice; would the interests of these aspiring nation states not lie more with the anti-colonial superpowers? While explicitly set up as an inclusive and multiform platform, the diverse backgrounds and priorities of the delegates led to misunderstandings and significant differences of opinion. While the congress at Puteaux created ‘a feeling of fraternity’ among the delegates, it also showed the limits of solidarity. As such, it was at once a highlight and a low point of transnational dreams at the onset of the Cold War. This paper explores how European socialists imagined a new future for Europe and the colonial world. Furthermore, it examines the reasons why, at this time of a solidifying iron curtain and dissolving colonial ties, the interests of the delegates from eastern Europe and the colonial world could not be brought into agreement. It will point to relations with the superpowers as a decisive factor. In doing so, this paper will bring together longer histories of European integration, anti-colonialism and socialist internationalism in the framework of the developing cold war. Anne-Isabelle Richard