Crime and Punishment Assignment: Demonstrate a close reading of

Crime and Punishment Assignment:
Demonstrate a close reading of the text by compiling thorough notes on the following
topics. Maintain a formal tone, cite examples from the text to support your claims or
assertions. Avoid plot summary:
Due to the length of the text you will be reading Crime and Punishment in two sections.
The novel will be broken down as follows:
Section 1 – Part I – Part III and you will be responsible for topics 1-5 Due February 29
Section 2 – Part IV – Epilogue and you will be responsible for topics 6-10 Due March 14,
Dostoyevsky is able to achieve and sustain suspense in his novel. Indicate scenes that are
particularly suspenseful. How does suspense contribute to the meaning of the work?
2. Dostoyevsky uses nature imagery and description extensively. Examine how the use of
description and imagery enhance the turmoil in Raskolnikov’s mind and help convey
Raskolnikov’s sense of loneliness.
3. Compare the characters of Roskolnikov, Luzhin, and Svidrigailov. How is each of these men a
"villain?" What is Dostoyevsky saying about guilt and conscience?
4. Compare and contrast Raskolnikov and Marmeladov . Pay particular attention to the
suffering and isolation experienced by each character.
5. Compare and contrast the major female characters: Sonya, Dunya, Katerina Ivanovna.
Examine how each character connects to or becomes a catalyst for Roskolnikov's actions.
6. Chance plays a significant role in the development of the novel? Indicate scenes where
coincidence figures heavily in the outcome. What is Dostoyevsky interfering about the
randomness of life, free will, and divine intervention?
7. Dostoyevsky includes particular motifs in the novel. Discuss the importance of the story of
Lazarus, the crucifix, and any other biblical allusions.
8. Discuss the significance of dreams in the novel. How do these dreams function in the text?
How do they contribute to the development of theme?
9. Raskolnikov’s personality is divided. Thus many of the characters act as foils, or mirrors for
his personality. Discuss the characters who act as Raskolnikov’s foils; which character traits
do they represent and what are their functions in the development of theme.
10. Dostoyevsky integrates many philosophical ideas into his text. Discuss Roskolnikov's theory
of the ordinary versus the extraordinary man. Discuss the danger of an intellect
unrestrained by moral purpose. Discuss the idea that human beings suffer because they are
not worthy; only in suffering can they feel compassion for one another.