Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment
Questions for Essay and Discussion
1. Dostoevsky introduces Svidrigaylov quite late into the novel. Examine Svidigaylov's character.
What do you think are the aims and conflicts of Svidrgaylov's character?
Why do you think Dostoevsky introduces Svidrigaylov into the story? What difference do
you think he makes to the story?
What affect do you think his suicide has on the other characters? Does it change their
2. Raskolnikov tries justifying his crime with his superior man theory, claiming, "power belongs to
those who take it"
What are the underlying principles of the superior man theory? Does it take its
ideas from any ideas that surfaced during the mid-nineteenth century? Why do
you think this idea was such an issue during the mid-nineteenth century?
What do you think Dostoevsky opinions are on the theory? In what way does he voice
these opinions?
3. The painter Nicolas falsely confesses to the old lady's murder. What meaning do you think
Nicolas's character brings to the novel? In what way do think Nicolas's social standing
contributes to his false confession? What do think would have happened to Nicholas if he were
found guilty? Do you think his punishment would of been more severe than Raskolnikov's?
4. Dialogue plays an important part in the novel and one chapter consists of just a dialogue
between Raskolnikov and Porfiry. Using example from the novel discuss the important part
dialogue plays in the following areas.
Character development.
Plot development
The development of the novel's themes.
5. In what way do you think dialogue can be overused?
6. Identify the main themes in the novel and describe how Dostoevsky expresses each theme in
the book. What do you think the themes say about his opinions as a writer and intellectual?
7. Crime and Punishment is a psychological drama.
Using examples from the book describe what you think are the main elements of a
psychological drama.
In what way is Raskolnikov a typical character from a psychological drama? Are
there any similar characters in contemporary psychological dramas?
What influence do you think Crime and Punishment has had on the psychological novel?
8. Raskolnikov states that the masses "are inferior men" who are "conservative, respectable and
docile". Examine this statement in relation to Raskolnikov's character. Why do you think
Raskolnikov is reacting against the masses? Do you think he believes what he says?
9. Define nihilism. In what way(s) does Svidrigailov live a nihilistic life style? Why do you think
Dostoevsky presents the nihilistic views through Svidrigailov, a pervert, and Lebeziatnikov, a
10. Both Svidrigailov and Luzhin are described by some critics as representing the evil side of man.
Cite incidents from the story to discuss the extent to which you agree with this idea. In your
opinion, which man represents the greater evil?
11. What does Raskolnikov consider to be Sonia’s greatest sin? In what way does Luzhin help her
to understand Raskolnikov’s point of view on this subject?
12. What do Svidrigailov’s dreams about the young girl reveal about his character? Svidrigailov
admits to Raskolnikov that he is afraid to die, why then does he decide to kill himself?
13. What do the number 3 and the color yellow represent in the story?