Sociology FInal Exam 2014

Sociology Final Exam: 2014 Review
1. Sociology focuses on the study of: Groups and how people behave in groups
2. Sociologists use the Scientific Method to study many areas of sociology like
poverty, health, gender, families, location, economics and more.
3. The collection of group memberships that determine who YOU are is called
your:Sociological Identity
4. Studying groups without attributing your own perceptions and opinions to it
is known as:Sociological Perspective
5. Theory that states you are less likely to receive help/offer help in a larger
group than a smaller group due to diffusion of responsibility is
called:Bystander Theory
6. “Extensive research has proved that smoking is a distinct risk factor for cancer”
is an example of a:cause
7. “There is a definite link between hospitalization and death” is an example of:
8. “What is the cause of racism?” is a question that can be answered by other
ideas. Theoretical Question
9. The theory that states confusion arises when social norms conflict or don’t even
exist. The differences between socially accepted goals and the availability of
means to achieve those goals. Example: After working hard to get a scholarship
and move away from his dangerous neighborhood, Sam finally graduates college.
Sam can not find a job in his field of study. Discouraged and frustrated, he
decides to join the gang in his neighborhood that he always promised himself he
would never get involved with.Anomie Theory
10. “Is there racism in American Society?” is a question that can be answered
through investigation and observation.Empirical Question
11. Family made up of large number of people usually three generations or more
who live together or by each other – type typical of pre industrial societies.
12. What historic era lead to the development of sociology?Industrial Revolution
Sociology Final Exam: 2014 Review
13. What result should be in the third box?Growth of cities
14. How did the Industrial Revolution changes human relationships?Personal
relationships were now replaced by work relationships
15. In the book “Freakonomics”, the authors suggest that names of children may
play a role in their future socioeconomic status. What are their theories on this –
(correlations) and what were the real causes?
16. Sociograms are patterns that sociologists look at to determine group dynamics,
strengths, weaknesses, sources of conflict and patterns of improvement as time
progresses. What did you learn from your own personal sociogram? What would
you change if you could? What changes/improvements do you see in these dynamics
over the course of the next ten (10 Years)?
Sociology Final Exam: 2014 Review
17. Sociologists study symbols - things that represent something else: ex. Handshake
– greeting, thumbs up = okay. There are words in other languages that express
thoughts that take an entire sentence in English to describe. In Germany
“Schadenfreude” means that you are getting pleasure from the discomfort of others.
The view that language shapes our cultural reality is called the Whorf-Sapir
18. Your baseball team, the lacrosse team, girl scouts, neighborhood, all have their
norms and values that are unique to the group though never in opposition to
mainstream culture. These are known as: sub cultures
19. The Amish, the Hippie Movement in the 1960’s, even perhaps Mormans who
practice polygamy could be considered:counter cultures
20. Everyone sits down and eats dinner at the same time. There are all major food
groups included. Everyone also takes their vitamins, doesn’t curse, smoke or insult
anyone else in the family. This would be considered:
a. subculture
b. culture
c. ideal culture
d. culture clash
21. They use a variety of tactics to mentally manipulate members to join; among
these tactics are repeatedly emphasizing one phrase or blame on one group, “love
bombing” they love you immediately, have a strong charismatic leader everyone
looks up to, isolate you from former relationships, family and friends.
a. subculture
b. counterculture
c. cult
d. ideal culture
22. Doing something against the “norm” can be bad or harmless…..fighting during
a hockey game isn’t that against the norm, yet fighting in a grocery store would be.
This trait is called:
a. anomie
b. looking glass self
c. deviance
d. values
23. Formed by adults who have married previously and who bring children from
their previous marriage to the new marriage, forming a new family unit:
Sociology Final Exam: 2014 Review
a. Extended
b. Nuclear
c. Reconstituted
d. Household
24. A group of people who live in the same accommodation and do not support each
other economically.
a. Household
b. Extended
c. Nuclear
d. Reconstituted
25. Wider collection of related people beyond the immediate family.
a. Household
b. Polyandry
c. Reconstituted
d. Kin
Essay Section: (Choose 1 of the 2)
Please complete one (1) of the two essays below. Write an essay of 5 paragraphs
including Introduction and Conclusion and addressing the required tasks:
1. Rwandan Genocide: When two cultures or groups come into contact with each other,
some conflict is to be expected and in Sociology is referred to as “Culture Clash”. In
situations where the differences between groups has to do with
ethnicity/religion/territory/religion, sometimes these conflicts lead to violence. In April
1994, Rwanda experienced a genocide where the majority Hutus were encouraged to kill
the Tutsis.
In your essay you should address:
Why was there a division between the Hutus and the Tutsis and from where did it
What role did the radio station RTLM (Hate Radio) play in the genocide?
What role did the West play in ending this genocide? What was the role of the
United Nations?
Why do you think the world abandoned Rwanda?
From a sociological perspective; Where there any people or groups that acted
altruistically – completely without self interest?
How can sociology explain the genocide in Rwanda using Empiricism?
2. Deviance and Crime: Deviance is any behavior that violates social norms and is
usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society.
Deviance can be criminal or non-criminal – it is always “deviating” from the norm.
Deviance is deviating from the norm, breaking social rules. Control Theory states that
people listen to external rules and internal rules to be a “good person”. Labeling
Sociology Final Exam: 2014 Review
Theory is giving groups labels or categories. Choose an incident from current issues
and address the possible correlations and causes for the incident from a sociological
perspective. You could also use the topic from your Sociology Research Paper.
Some possible incidents could be:
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Shooting inside the Century Movie
Theater in Aurora, Colorado, Virginia Tech., Any of the topics you researched in
your Criminology Research Paper, etc. You are not limited to these suggestions.
In your essay you may address:
Differential Association Theory states that people learn deviance from others. Is
there any evidence of this in your chosen example? If so, explain.
Control Theory inner and outer controls against deviance and pro-conformity
Anomie Theory is that there are no norms…or people are powerless to adhere to
them. Is there any evidence of this in your chosen example? If so, explain.
Labeling Theory is giving groups labels or categories and then members of those
groups fulfill the roles assigned to them. Is there any evidence of this in your
chosen example? If so, explain.
Sociopathy often plays a role in violence and crime. Is there any evidence of this
in your chosen example? If so, explain.
What events or issues led up to the incident? How did society react to this
incident? What steps could’ve been taken to prevent this incident or other
incidents similar to this one from happening again? What social norms could
possibly contribute to this problem?