The Evolution of Democracy from Jefferson to Jackson

Name ________________________
Period _____
Date _______
The Evolution of Democracy from Jefferson to Jackson
Part A: Complete the chart below to organize your research about the differences between Jeffersonian
Democracy and Jacksonian Democracy.
To what extent was universal white
manhood suffrage achieved?
Which citizens were considered
eligible for office-holding?
How were candidates for President
In what way did Jackson expand the
concept of the “chosen class”?
How did each man view
What was each man’s attitude
toward the Bank of the United
What was each man’s attitude
toward slavery?
What was each man’s attitude
toward equality for women and
Native Americans?
How did each man view education?
How did each hope to remove
obstacles to upward social mobility?
To what extent was separation of
church and state accomplished in
each period?
Jeffersonian Democracy
Jacksonian Democracy
Name ________________________
Period _____
Date _______
Part B: Use your completed chart from Part A to help you answer the interpretive questions below:
1. In what respects was Jacksonian Democracy more democratic than Jeffersonian Democracy?
2. In what ways did each of the following contribute to the growth of democracy between 1800 and
a. State constitutions:
b. Changes in political party procedures:
c. Actions taken by Jackson himself:
3. To what extent was Andrew Jackson responsible for changes in the period often called
“Jacksonian Democracy”?
4. Did democratic changes in the “Age of Jackson” have greater political or economic impact?
Explain your answer.
5. Both Jefferson and Jackson used the slogan “Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.” To
what extent did each achieve their goal?
6. How did the periods of Jeffersonian Democracy and Jacksonian Democracy illustrate the idea that
democracy is a process rather than a conclusion?