Free Writing (Optional, turn in with essay for extra points)

Argument Essay Freewriting, ENGL 106, Jessica Mehr
1. What is your potential issue, and why is it important?
2. What do you already know about this subject?
3. What questions does this issue raise?
4. Create a for/against chart identifying both sides of the argument.
5. Based on this information, what stance will you take?
6. What assumptions are you basing your stance on? (For instance, if I say abortion is wrong
because it’s murder, I’m assuming that you believe a fetus is a life. This is an assumption
that needs to be proven with logos, pathos, and ethos.)
7. What strategies might you use to shoot down the opposing arguments?
8. What targeted research will you have to do in order to sufficiently prove each of your
claims? Is it too extensive for the time you have (i.e. 1 week)? If you need to conduct more
than 2-3 hours of research, your topic must be narrowed in or changed.