King Lear Essay

King Lear Essay
Your arguments are to be supported by the text King Lear (use direct quotations). Remember that the use of literary
language and the analysis of Shakespeare’s literary techniques is mandatory. Length of 5-6 pages, double spaced, size
12, TNR, MLA Format, [Don’t forget your works cited page], 11 Paragraph structure.
1. King Lear claims that he is “…a man more sinn’d against than sinning” (3.2.59-60). Formulate your essay and
thesis statement to prove or refute this statement based on the comparison/contrast of three different ways Lear
has sinned.
Paragraph 1. Introduction
Paragraph 2. A1a – Reason one - sinner (blame him)
Paragraph 3. A1b – Reason one – more sinned against (he’s not to blame)
Paragraph 4. Compare to resolve A1
Paragraph 5. A2a – Reason two - sinner (blame him)
Paragraph 6. A2b – Reason two – more sinned against (he’s not to blame)
Paragraph 7. Compare to resolve A2
Paragraph 8. A3a – Reason three - sinner (blame him)
Paragraph 9. A3b – Reason three – more sinned against (he’s not to blame)
Paragraph 10. Compare to resolve A3
Paragraph 11. Conclusion
2. The fool is said to be essential to understanding the nature of humanity. Consider what lessons the fool teaches
the audience? Using three observations made by the fool about human nature, compare and contrast two
characters in King Lear, deciding which is the greater actual fool. (At least one of these characters must be
selected: Cordelia, Kent, Albany, or Edgar)
Paragraph 1. Introduction
Paragraph 2. A1a – Character 1
Paragraph 3. A1b – Character 2
Paragraph 4. Compare to resolve A1
Paragraph 5. A2a – Character 1
Paragraph 6. A2b – Character 2
Paragraph 7. Compare to resolve A2
Paragraph 8. A3a – Character 1
Paragraph 9. A3b – Character 2
Paragraph 10. Compare to resolve A3
Paragraph 11. Conclusion
3. King Lear and Hamlet are both tragedies. Using the Shakespearian elements of a tragic hero, compare and
contrast Lear and Hamlet, deciding which is the greater tragic hero. (You can only select this topic if you went to
the performance…no further class lessons will be taught on Hamlet.)
Paragraph 1. Introduction
Paragraph 2. A1a – Hamlet - Is Hamlet a noble figure who suffers a reversal of fortune?
Paragraph 3. A1b – Lear – Is Lear a noble figure who suffers a reversal of fortune?
Paragraph 4. Compare to resolve A1
Paragraph 5. A2a – Hamlet - Does Hamlet have a tragic flaw (Hamartia)?
Paragraph 6. A2b – Lear – Does Lear have a tragic flaw (Hamartia)?
Paragraph 7. Compare to resolve A2
Paragraph 8. A3a – Hamlet - Does Hamlet recognize the consequences of his actions?
Paragraph 9. A3b – Lear – Does Lear recognize the consequences of his actions?
Paragraph 10. Compare to resolve A3
Paragraph 11. Conclusion – Whose plight enobles or enlarges the audience most based on the preceding