The Adventures of Aeneas

The Adventures of Aeneas
The son of Venus
On the Trojan side, he was the second hero only to Hector
one of the few Trojans who were not killed in battle or enslaved when Troy
Escape from Troy with his mother’s help after the ruin of the city
The real founder of Rome
Aeneas’s adventure – from Troy to Italy
Was told in a dream that the place for them is Italy
Got a prophetic warning from Helenus, the new husband of Andromache
Met troubles in Sicily because of Juno, who hated all Trojans
Arrived in Carthage and had fair with Dido
Aeneas and Dido
Carthage – was founded by Dido
Aeneas told Dido about the fall of Troy
Dido fell in love with Aeneas
Dido made Carthaginians treat Aeneas a ruler
Aeneas left and Dido killed herself
Aeneas’s adventures – a descent into the lower world
Went to the underworld to learn more future from his father Anchises
Taking a golden bough growing on a tree – with this in hand, Aeneas can
go to the underworld
The ferryman Charon and Aeneas
Saw Dido in the underworld unexpectedly
Aeneas’s adventure – the war in Italy
Soon after arriving in Italy, Aeneas made war against the city of Falerii.
Latinus, king of the Latins, welcomed Aeneas's army of exiled Trojans and
let them reorganize their life in Latium. And Latinus married his daughter
Lavinia to Aeneas
Married Lavinia and founded the Roman Race