The packet


Westford Academy, in collaboration with home and community, provides a safe environment where high expectations advance academic excellence. We are committed to promoting integrity and critical thinking, while fostering tolerance and life-long learning in an ever-changing global society.

- Westford Academy Mission Statement

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Name: __________________________


Ch 1-3 ___________

Ch 4-5 ___________

Ch 6-8 ___________

Ch 9 ___________

Ch. 10-11 ___________

Ch 12- 13 ___________

Ch 14-16 ___________

Ch 17-18 ___________

Ch 19-20 ___________

Ch 21-23 ___________

Ch 24-26 ___________

Ch 27-29 ___________

Ch 30-31 ___________

Westford Academy, in collaboration with home and community, provides a safe environment where high expectations advance academic excellence. We are committed to promoting integrity and critical thinking, while fostering tolerance and life-long learning in an ever-changing global society.

- Westford Academy Mission Statement

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Name: __________________________


Ch 1-2 ___________

Ch 3-4 ___________

Ch 5 ___________

Ch 6-7 ___________

Ch 8-9 ___________

Ch 10-11 ___________


Ch 12- 13 ___________

Ch 14 ___________

Ch 15-16 ___________

Ch 17-18 ___________

Ch 19-20 ___________

Ch 21-23 ___________

Ch 24-26 ___________

Ch 27-29 ___________

Ch 30-31 ___________

END OF PART 2 - Test

These dates will be filled in as we go. Please plan ahead!

Important Terms

Directions : Be familiar with the following characters and themes. Make sure you jot down specific details with page numbers to support both your character descriptions and the existence of each theme.


Jean Louise “Scout” Finch

Jeremy Atticus “Jem” Finch

Atticus Finch


Charles “Dill” Baker Harris

Arthur “Boo” Radley

Nathan Radley

Walter Cunningham Sr. and Jr.

Miss Maudie Atkinson

Miss Rachel Haverford

Miss Stephanie Crawford

Miss Caroline Fisher

Aunt Alexandra

Uncle Jack


Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose

Bob Ewell

Burris Ewell

Mayella Ewell

Tom Robinson

Helen Robinson

Link Deas

Judge Taylor

Mr. Gilmer

Mr. Underwood

Heck Tate

Mr. Avery

Dolphus Raymond

Reverend Sykes



Miss Gates

Cousin Joshua

Mrs. Merriweather


: Themes are messages the author wishes to share with readers. In this novel many of the themes are related to morality and injustice. Please find 2-3 specific pieces of evidence to support each theme.

Prejudice and superstition can lead to injustice.

Courage is doing what is right even when the odds of succeeding are poor.

People often fear what they do not understand.

Insight, maturity, understanding and integrity have no relation to age, social position, or formal education.

One person’s wrongdoing can release evil into the entire community.

Appearances often differ from reality.

Chapter Questions:

Please answer each question completely .

Chapter One

1. What event has sparked the telling of this story? (HINT: look carefully at the opening paragraph.)

2. Who is the narrator of this story?

3. Describe at least two of the rumors that have developed about the Radleys.

Chapter Two

4. Who is Miss Caroline Fisher? What is Jem’s reaction to her?

5. What story does Miss Caroline Fisher share? How do the students react? From this situation what can you infer about Miss Caroline’s relationship with the people of


6. What does Miss Caroline scold Scout for doing? What is ironic about this?

7. Why doesn’t Walter Cunningham Jr. take Miss Caroline’s quarter? What does it mean to “be a Cunningham”?

Chapter Three

8. Who does Jem invite over for lunch?

9. Why does Calpurnia make Scout eat in the kitchen?

10. Describe Burris Ewell. What do we learn about the Ewells in this chapter? (HINT: read the whole chapter before answering this questions!)

11. Other than being the family’s cook, what role does Calpurnia seem to play in Scout and Jem’s lives?

12. On page 30 Atticus gives Scout advice on how to deal with Miss Caroline. Explain his advice in your own words.

13. Do you think Scout is learning more about life and good citizenship at school or at home? Explain using at least three examples.

14. What compromise does Scout make with Atticus?

Chapter Four

15. What is the first thing Scout finds in the old oak tree? The second?

16. What is Scout looking forward to the most about summer?

17. What types of threats/insults doe Jem use to get Scout to do what he wants?

Chapter Five

18. What begins to happen to the friendship between Scout, Jem, and Dill? Why?

19. Describe the relationship between Miss Maudie and Uncle Jack Finch.

20. What is a “foot washing Baptist”? What point does Miss Maudie make about some

“religious” folks?

21. On the bottom of page 44, how does Scout qualify Miss Maudie as her friend?

22. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says, “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets”?

Chapter Six

23. Who is Mr. Avery?

24. How does Jem lose his pants? How does Dill explain the lost pants to the adults?

25. What is the last thing Dill does before he leaves for the summer?

26. Why does Jem go back for his pants? What does this indicate about his relationship with his father?

Chapter Seven

27. Who do you think sewed up Jem’s pants? Why (cite at least two specific details from the previous chapters to support your answer)?

28. What new items do Jem and Scout find in the knot-hole of the oak tree? Who is putting these there? Why do you think that?

29. Why would Mr. Nathan Radley lie about the tree? Why is Jem so upset? READ


Chapter Eight

30. What causes Scout to think the world is coming to an end?

31. What does Atticus mean when he says, “Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight, in one way or another”?

32. Who or what is the “Absolute Morphodite”? How does the situation with the morphodite relate to Scout’s childish naïveté? (If you do not know what “naïveté” means, LOOK IT UP!)

Chapter Nine

33. Who is Tom Robinson?

34. What does Atticus mean when he says, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win”? What is he referring to

(historically and in the present)?

35. Why has Scout started swearing?

36. Why does Scout tell Uncle Jack that he does not understand children?

37. Who is Tom Robinson up against in his trial (i.e. who is accusing him of a crime)?

38. What is Maycomb’s “usual disease”?

39. Why would Atticus want Scout to overhear him speaking to Uncle Jack?

Chapter Ten

40. Why are Scout and Jem embarrassed of Atticus?

41. Who is Tim Johnson and what happened when he came into the Finch’s neighborhood?

42. Why does Heck Tate insist that Atticus take his rifle? What is Atticus’ old nickname?

43. Why didn’t Atticus ever tell Scout and Jem about his skill? What lesson is he trying to teach them?

Chapter Eleven

44. Who is Mrs. Dubose? Describe her and how the children feel about her.

45. What does Jem do to Mrs. Dubose that gets him into trouble? Why does he do it?

46. What is Jem’s punishment?

47. What is Atticus being called that Scout finally asks him about? How does he explain it? Be specific.

48. Atticus reveals the true reason for his forcing Jem to visit Mrs. Dubose on page 112.

What is it? How does it explain her strange behavior?

49. What is Atticus’ definition of “true courage”? Do you agree or disagree with his definition?

Chapter Twelve

50. Why do you think Calpurnia takes so much care in getting Jem and Scout ready for church?

51. How does Cal speak differently in church than at the Finch house? How does Scout react to this?

52. Who is Lula? How does she feel about Cal? Why?

53. How does the congregation sing hymns? Why do they do it that way?

54. Why did Reverend Sykes close the church doors?

55. Who is on the front porch when Jem, Scout and Cal get home from church?

Chapter Thirteen

56. Describe Aunt Alexandra: her looks and personality (HINT look on p. 129-131).

57. How does Aunt Alexandra define a “fine family”? Do you agree with her definition?

58. Is Atticus comfortable with this definition? Back up your answer with examples

(HINT: see pages 130 and 133).

Chapter Fourteen

59. What does Scout ask Atticus?

60. What does Aunt Alexandra tell Atticus to do about Scout? Why?

61. When Aunt Alexandra says on page 137, “We don’t need her now,” about whom is she speaking? Why do you think Aunt Alexandra feels this way? Why does Atticus disagree?

62.Why does Scout attack Jem?

63. How does Dill feel about his parents? Why?

Chapter Fifteen

64. Why does Atticus sit outside the jail?

65. Describe what happens when the men come to the jailhouse. Please be as thorough as possible (name and explain at least five things that occur).

66. What does Scout say to Walter Cunningham Sr.? What effect does it have on him and why?

67. Was Atticus alone and defenseless while sitting outside of the jail? Explain.

Chapter Sixteen

68. Explain what Atticus means when he says to Scout and Jem that they made Walter

Cunningham “stand in [his] shoes.”

69. Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond? How do the people of Maycomb feel about him?


70. Where do the children sit in the courtroom? Why were they able to find a seat?

Chapter Seventeen

71. What is Tom Robinson on trial for?

72. What does Heck Tate testify (i.e. what is the most important fact of his testimony)?

73. What is Bob Ewell’s version of what happened that day?

Chapter Eighteen

74. How does Mayella Ewell react to Atticus’ politeness? What does this tell about her life?

75. What is Mayella’s version of the events?

76. What are the most important facts noted by Atticus in both chapters 17 and 18?

Chapter Nineteen

77. How are you immediately made to be skeptical that Tom Robinson committed the crime (i.e. what suggests he could not physically have done it)?

78. Who does Scout call “the loneliest person in the world” on page 191? Why?

79. Explain Tom’s version of what happened between him and Mayella. Why do you think his version is so offensive to the people of Maycomb?

Chapter Twenty

80. What is Dolphus Raymond really like? Why does he let the townspeople think otherwise?

81. Why is Dill upset? Why is he the only one who is upset?

82. What does Atticus say about all men being created equal?

Chapter Twenty-One

83. In what way is Jem being naïve about the trial?

84. React to the jury’s conviction. Do you think it is fair or unfair? Why?

85. How does the courthouse respond to Atticus after the verdict has been read?

Chapter Twenty-Two

86. Describe the scene in the kitchen the morning after the trial. Why is it so?

87. How does Atticus react?

88. What realization does Jem come to?

89. How does Miss Maudie explain it?

90. How does Bob Ewell treat Atticus? What does he say to Atticus?

Chapter Twenty-Three

91. How does Atticus respond to Bob Ewell?

92. What positive side to the jury’s deliberation does Atticus point out?

93. Who is the jury member whose mind was hard to change? Why is Atticus impressed?

94. What realization does Jem have about Boo Radley? Support your answer with a quotation from the novel.

Chapter Twenty-Four

95. Does this chapter change your perspective of Aunt Alexandra? Please support your answer with evidence from the text.

96. Why does Scout decide to “be a lady” on page 237? What has she learned about ladyship?

Chapter Twenty-Five

97. Why does Atticus go to see Helen Robinson?

98. What does Mr. Underwood write his editorial about? Why?

99. What realizations does Scout come to on page 241 when she says, “in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella

Ewell opened her mouth and screamed”?

100. What reason does Atticus provide for why Tom tried to escape? Translate it into your own words.

Chapter Twenty-Six

101. What is Scout’s new fantasy surrounding Boo Radley?

102. Why have Scout’s ideas about Boo changed so drastically? What does this show that

Scout has learned?

103. What does Miss Gates tell her students about prejudice? Why is this ironic?

104. Does Atticus think it is okay to hate Hitler? Why or why not?

Chapter Twenty-Seven

105. What has Bob Ewell been up to since the trial?

106. The chapter ends with: “Thus began our longest journey together.” What literary device is being employed here?

Chapter Twenty-Eight

107. What do Jem and Scout talk about on the way to the pageant? Be specific.

108. How does the pageant go for Scout?

109. What happens under the oak tree on the way home? Be as specific as you can.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

110. Who carried Jem home after the attack? Why?

Chapter Thirty

111. Heck Tate and Atticus argue over how Bob Ewell died. What are the two theories?

112. How did Bob Ewell die?

Chapter Thirty-One

113. Why does Boo Radley ask Scout to walk him home?

114. Scout talks about neighbors and her relationship with Boo on page 278-279. What does she realize about their relationship? How does she apply Atticus’s teachings to do so?

115. Why does Scout want to read The Gray Ghost ? What lesson from that story can be applied to Scout’s life?
