Osmosis Carrot Lab: Exploring Solution Effects on Plant Cells

Osmosis / Carrot Lab
Purpose: To observe OSMOSIS by examining the effect of solution type
(% solute concentration) on plant tissue / cells: water gain, water loss, or no
Hypotheses: Write a hypothesis for EACH solution. (If …., then ….)
( in a _% salt solution …, carrot mass will … )
Procedure / Protocol:
Start Day: Date ______________
o Prepare % salt solutions (0% salt,
% salt, and
% salt)
o Mass each carrot on the electronic scale and record data.
o Place carrots in prepared solutions
Final Day: Date _______________
o Remove carrot from solution (pat dry to remove excess water)
o Mass carrot on electronic scale and record data.
o Complete DATA Chart
o Graph your data.
Caption graph: State trends observed for each
o Extrapolate the % salt solution that is isotonic to the carrot
Isotonic Solution = 0% change in carrot mass
Conclusion / Analysis:
Discuss osmosis in general and the three basic types of osmotic solutions:
isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic.
What happened to the carrot MASS in each solution? Discuss TURGOR
and PLASMOLYSIS. Trends observed.
Use your data to provide