NC Theta Pledge Test Questions

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
NC Theta Pledge Test Questions
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Pledge Test 1
1. What is the Founding Date?
2. Who are the Founding Fathers?
3. Founding Father?
4. Founding Father?
5. Founding Father?
6. Founding Father?
7. Founding Father?
8. Founding Father?
9. Founding Father?
10. Who is the First Eminent Archon?
11. Who is the First Pledge?
12. Where was the First Meeting Held?
13. Who is the First Person to die in the Civil War?
14. What is a Topoi?
15. What is the shape of the SAE pin called?
16. Which founder was not present at the first Meeting?
17. What are the colors of SAE?
18. What is the creed of Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
19. What is a Province in SAE?
20. What the Province Omicron Chapters, schools and Greek letters?
21. Who is the Province Archon, where is he located, and what chapter/class year is he?
22. When was our chapter founded, and by whom?
23. Name the first pledge class of our chapter at Davidson.
24. Who is our chapter advisor?
25. Who is our faculty advisor?
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Pledge Test 2
1. Who wrote “The True Gentleman”?
2. How many sentences make up the “The True Gentleman”?
3. What are men who travel road #1 called?
4. What are men who travel road #2 called?
5. What are men who travel the “Broad Highway of Minerva” called?
6. Where was the second chapter founded?
7. Where was the first Convention held?
8. What did the Grand Chapter do?
9. Who was selected as the first Grand Chapter?
10. What is the designated chapter name for the Mother Chapter?
11. Where was the second Convention supposed to be held?
12. How many ’s were killed in the War of Northern Aggression?
13. Who is the only woman ?
14. What chapter is she pledged to?
15. What did she do that is so important?
16. What is the only  chapter to survive the War of Northern Aggression?
17. What symbols are engraved on the Brother Badge?
18. Who is our patron goddess?
19. What is ’s mascot?
20. Write “The True Gentleman” on the back of this page.
Extra Credit
What is the chapter designated name for this Chapter and what Province are we?
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Pledge Test 3
1. What does the Phoenix represent?
2. Who was the first chapter to organize after the War of Northern Aggression?
3. Who was the second chapter established after the War?
4. When was North Carolina Chi established?
5. What school?
6. Who were the founders of North Carolina Chi?
7. Why was the “address” sent by KY Chi to VA Kappa in 1877 important?
8. What is the name of the Fraternity magazine and when was it first published?
9. Which fraternity tried the hardest to merge with Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
10. What year was North Carolina Theta established?
11. What school?
12. What year was North Carolina Sigma established?
13. What school?
14. What year was North Carolina Nu established?
15. What school?
16. What year was North Carolina Alpha established?
17. What school?
18. What year was North Carolina Omega established?
19. What school?
20. What year was North Carolina Epsilon established?
21. What school?
22. What year was North Carolina Delta established?
23. What school?
24. What was the first Northern school  expanded to?
25. At what school did a  chapter build the first house?
26. How many members made up the first Supreme Council?
27. What is the head of  called?
28. What are the regional districts of the Fraternity called?
Extra Credit
List all the Fraternities (not local eating houses) at Davidson.
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Pledge Test 4
1. Who is the ultimate governing body of the Fraternity?
2. How many votes does each chapter have at the Fraternity Convention?
3. How often does the Fraternity hold its Convention?
4. What are the chief matters of business discussed at Convention?
5. How many members are on the current Supreme Council?
6. What does the Supreme Council do?
7. What does the Fraternity Board of Trustees do?
8. What does the SAE Foundation do?
9. How many brothers does it take to start an Alumni Association?
10. Who makes up the Chapter Alumnus?
11. What is the address of the Fraternity office in Evanston?
12. Who manages the operations of the Fraternity office in Evanston?
13. What does the Fraternity Office do?
14. What is the penalty for any member who indulges in drugs?
15. What is the philosophy SAE practices for the running of local chapters?
16. Who is responsible for the explosive growth of SAE in the late 1800’s?
17. How many new chapters did he start between 1887 and 1894?
18. How many new chapters was the goal for SAE?
19. What is the name of the private publication started in 1892 by Harry Bunting?
20. What is the name of that publication today?
21. What is the purpose of that private publication?
22. Who found the original minutes of Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
23. Who had the original minutes in their attic?
24. Who is considered the greatest SAE of all time?
25. What is the title of the 3 volume book he wrote in 1911?
26. Why is the National office located in Evanston, Illinois?
27. What year did they centralize the Fraternity office?
28. What is the name of the Fraternity office in Evanston and when was it built?
29. What year did every member start to be given a gold SAE badge at initiation?
30. Who designed the SAE Coat of Arms and in what year?
31. Who are the only people able to wear the SAE Coat of Arms?
32. Who designed the SAE Flag and in what year?
33. Who is the only SAE who was President of the United States?
34. What states outlawed fraternities in 1915 and what year was it repealed?
35. What is in the first quarter of the crest?
36. What is in the second quarter of the crest?
37. What is the third quarter of the crest?
38. What is in the fourth quarter of the crest?
39. How many fleur de lis encircle the shield?
40. What is in the center of the crest?
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
Extra Credit
List all of the eating houses (not fraternities) at Davidson.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Pledge Test 5
1. Who started the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Leadership School?
2. What year was it began?
3. Who is the Eminent Supreme Archon?
4. Who is the Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon?
5. Who is the Eminent Supreme Warden?
6. Who is the Eminent Supreme Herald?
7. Who is the Eminent Supreme Chronicler?
8. Who is the Eminent Supreme Recorder?
9. What is the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Foundation?
10. What is the first function of the Foundation?
11. What is the second function of the Foundation?
12. What is the third function of the Foundation?
13. What is the fourth function of the Foundation?
14. Who was the first traveling consultant for the Fraternity?
15. How many brothers gave their lives for our country during WWII?
16. What is the name of the first  chapter in a Prison Camp in WWII?
17. Who is the great  cartoonist who was killed in WWII?
18. Where was the Centennial Convention held in 1956?
19. What year did SC Phi at Furman close down in the 1960’s?
20. What group did they become until they reaffiliated in 1984?
Extra Credit
Write the Greek Alphabet in order from Alpha to Omega.
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Final Pledge Test
What is the Founding Date of Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
Who are the Founding Fathers?
Founding Father 2?
Founding Father 3?
Founding Father 4?
Founding Father 5?
Founding Father 6?
Founding Father 7?
Founding Father 8?
Who is the First Eminent Archon?
Who is the First Pledge?
Where was the First Meeting Held?
Which founder was not present at the first Meeting?
Who is the First Person to die in the Civil War?
What is a Topoi?
What are men who travel road #1 called?
What are men who travel road #2 called?
What are men who travel the “Broad Highway of Minerva” called?
Where was the second chapter founded?
Where was the first Convention held?
What did the Grand Chapter do?
Who was selected as the first Grand Chapter?
What is the designated chapter name for the Mother Chapter?
How many ’s were killed in the War of Northern Aggression?
What is the only  chapter to survive the War of Northern Aggression?
Who is the only woman ?
What chapter is she pledged to?
What is the shape of the SAE pin called?
What are the colors of SAE?
What is the creed of Sigma Alpha Epsilon?
Who wrote “The True Gentleman”?
How many sentences make up the “The True Gentleman”?
What symbols are engraved on the Brother Badge?
Who is our patron goddess?
What are ’s mascots?
What does the Phoenix represent?
Who was the first chapter to organize after the War of Northern Aggression?
Who was the second chapter established after the War?
What year was North Carolina Nu established and school?
What year was North Carolina Xi established and school?
What year was North Carolina Alpha established and school?
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
What year was North Carolina Omega established and school?
What year was North Carolina Delt established and school?
What year was North Carolina Sigma established and school?
What was the first Northern school  expanded to?
At what school did a  chapter build the first house?
What are the regional districts of the Fraternity called?
Who is the ultimate governing body of the Fraternity?
How many votes does each chapter have at the Fraternity Convention?
How often does the Fraternity hold its Convention?
What is the Supreme Council?
What is the Fraternity Board of Trustees?
What is the SAE Foundation?
How many brothers does it take to start an Alumni Association?
What is the address of the Fraternity office in Evanston?
What is the penalty for any member who indulges in drugs?
What is the philosophy SAE practices for the running of local chapters?
Who is responsible for the explosive growth of SAE in the late 1800’s?
How many new chapters did he start between 1887 and 1894?
How many new chapters was the goal for SAE?
What is the name of the Fraternity magazine and when was it first published?
What is the name of the private publication started in 1892 by Harry Bunting?
What is the name of that publication today?
Who is considered the greatest SAE of all time?
What is the title of the 3 volume book he wrote in 1911?
What is the name of the Temple in Evanston?
Who designed the SAE Coat of Arms and in what year?
Who are the only people able to wear the SAE Coat of Arms?
Who designed the SAE Flag and in what year?
Who is the only SAE who was President of the United States?
What is in the first quarter of the crest?
What is in the second quarter of the crest?
What is the third quarter of the crest?
What is in the fourth quarter of the crest?
How many fleur de lis encircle the shield?
What is in the center of the crest?
Who started the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Leadership School and what year?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Archon?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Warden?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Herald?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Chronicler?
Who is the Current Eminent Supreme Recorder?
Who is the Current Province Omicron Archon?
Who was the first traveling consultant for the Fraternity?
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Davidson College • North Carolina Theta
Pledge Education Program Draft
How many brothers gave their lives for our country during WWII?
What is the name of the first  chapter in a Prison Camp in WWII?
Who is the great  cartoonist who was killed in WWII?
Where was the Centennial Convention held in 1956?
What group did SC Phi become until they reaffiliated in 1984?
Who is the first chapter established in Canada?
Whom do you apply for a student loan from SAE with?
What do you call the President of the Chapter?
Vice President?
Past President?
Who is the Associate Executive Director of SAE living in Charlotte, North Carolina?
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