Responding to the Selection Sailing from Troy 1. Describe the events on Ismarus. 2. What were Odysseus’ feelings when he was held captive by Calypso and Circe? 3. Why were Odysseus and his men defeated by the Cicones? 4. What impression do you have of the differences between the world of the Odyssey and our own world? Journal- What is your first impression of Odysseus? Which of his qualities and values seem most admirable to you? The Lotus-Eaters 1. What keeps Odysseus from reaching home? 2. What happens to the crew members who eat the Lotus? 3. The third dawn after the storm is described as coming “with ringlets shining.” What impression of the dawn does this image give you? 4. What does this episode suggest about the kinds of problems Odysseus has with his men? 5. Brief as it is, the episode of the Lotus-Eaters is one of the most famous parts of the Odyssey. Why do you think readers have found it so interesting? Journal- Have you ever been diverted from achieving an important goal by something that temporarily seemed more attractive? What distracted you? What qualities did you need to overcome the distraction? Explain. The Cyclops 1. Describe Polyphemus and his home. 2. Why does Odysseus not kill Polyphemus when he first gets an opportunity to do so? 3. What does Odysseus do to blind Polyphemus and ultimately escape from him? 4. What survival qualities does Odysseus exhibit in his conflict with Polyphemus? Journal- What do you think of Odysseus’ plan for escaping from Polyphemus? How else could he have escaped? The Land of the Dead 1. What does the ghost of Elpenor request? 2. What does Tiresias foretell? 3. What directions and warnings does he give? 4. What character traits does Odysseus display in this episode that he did not reveal in his adventure with the Cyclops? 5. Describe Odysseus’ reaction to the appearance of his mother’s ghost. Journal- Do Tiresias’ predictions and advice seem reasonable to you? Explain. The Sirens 1. What does Odysseus have his crew do to him so that he can listen to the Sirens’ song? 2. What does Odysseus do to protect his men? 3. How does he react to the song? 4. Summarize what the Sirens say in the song. 5. Compare and contrast the peril of the Sirens and the peril of the Lotus-Eaters. 6. Why do you think Homer decided to let only Odysseus hear the Sirens’ song? Journal- Gods, goddesses, and other characters in mythology often represent basic human qualities. What do the Sirens represent to you? Scylla and Charybdis 1. As Odysseus and his crew near Scylla and Charybdis, how do the men react? 2. Describe how Scylla kills six of the men. 3. How does Odysseus show himself to be an effective leader of men? 4. Why do you think Odysseus chooses to sail toward Scylla rather than Charybdis? Journal- Is Odysseus right to keep his decision to sail toward Scylla a secret from his men? Give reasons for your opinion. The Cattle of the Sun God 1. What does Eurylochus say to persuade Odysseus’ men to slaughter and eat the cattle of Helios, the sun god? 2. What is Zeus’ response to Helios’ demand for revenge? 3. How does Odysseus manage to escape death? 4. Do the men obey Eurylochus because his speech is more persuasive than Odysseus’ or because Odysseus is not present to stop them? Give reasons for your opinion. 5. What impression of the gods do you get from the conference between Helios and Zeus? Journal- During which of his adventures do you think Odysseus acts most heroically? Explain. The Return of Odysseus 1. What does Athena say and do to Odysseus? 2. Describe Telemachus’ reactions when Odysseus reveals himself. 3. What does Odysseus direct his son to do in preparation for an attack on the suitors? 4. Compare Odysseus’ emotions with Telemachus’ when they are reunited. 5. What is Odysseus’ relationship with Athena and Zeus? Journal- Is Telemachus’ suspicion justified? Explain. Argus 1. What was Argus like in his youth? 2. Why doesn’t Odysseus greet Argus? 3. Is Argus’ death just when Odysseus returns a coincidence? Explain. 4. How would this scene be different if Argus were younger and more vigorous? Journal- Were you touched by this episode? Why or why not? The Suitors 1. Describe Antinous’ treatment of Odysseus. 2. Why do the other suitors speak against Antinous? 3. Compare Penelope’s and Eurynome’s reactions to the events in the hall below. 4. Dramatic irony consists of actions and speeches that readers understand in a way that characters cannot. Explain the dramatic irony in this scene. Penelope 1. Describe the trick Penelope used to delay choosing a husband from among the suitors. 2. What emotions is Odysseus probably feeling during this scene? 3. What impression of Penelope do you get from her speech? 4. Why do you think Odysseus chooses not to reveal his identity to his wife? The Challenge 1. What is the suitors’ reaction when Odysseus, still in disguise, takes up the bow? 2. What does Odysseus mean when he says, “The hour has come to cook their lordships’ mutton-/supper by daylight”? 3. Does Odysseus’ success in the contest show that he is an extraordinary archer or merely that he has a god on his side? Give reasons for your opinion. Odysseus’ Revenge 1. Describe the immediate reaction of the suitors to the killing of Antinous. 2. What does Eurymachus do? 3. How does Telemachus aid his father in the battle? Penelope’s Test 1. Why is Odysseus displeased with Penelope? 2. What is her response to his complaint? 3. What is Penelope’s test, and how does Odysseus pass it? 4. Since Odysseus has abandoned his disguise, why does Penelope doubt his identity? Journal- Why do you think Odysseus is one of the most famous epic heroes?