Instructor: Molly Faulkner (Ext. 2318) Office Hours: Office D-3k, W 2-3:30, Th 4-6:30 and by appt. Palomar College __X __ Transfer Course __X__ A.A. degree applicable course Course Number and Title: Dance 100: Survey of Dance Unit Value: 3 Minimum of Semester Hours: 72 Basic Skills Requirements: Appropriate Language Skills Course Materials (Required): Jacob, Ellen. (1998). Dancing the indispensable reference (2nd edition).Southport, CT: Variety Arts. Scope of Course: Survey of present day dance forms from a Euro-Western perspective, through lecture, film, and movement participation. Lectures focus on the culture of dance class, history, nutrition and anatomy, teaching and learning styles, choreography, and career opportunities. Movement emphasis is on basic dance skills, terms, and concepts inherent in most dance forms. Includes working with basic ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop styles. Course Content: This course will be based on the following: Readings from the texts Lectures and discussions lead by the instructor and students Movement/Artistic experiences led by the instructor and/or guest artists Videotaped performances of dance Objectives: • • • • • • Demonstrate an appreciation of dance as an art form through observation of contemporary dance works and performers Demonstrate the most basic dance skills, terms and concepts Demonstrate verbal and presentation skills Compare and contrast styles and techniques of various dance forms in today’s dance world Synthesize dance as a broad based discipline: including technique, performance, world cultures, choreography, career opportunities, physical and educational requirements Address the particularities of writing about dance Evaluation: Instructor-prepared objective and essay questions are used for testing. Students are evaluated on the basis of substantive participation in movement and discussion sessions, test scores, written assignments, oral presentation of work, and demonstration of choreographic process. . • Substantive participation in discussions and movement/artistic experiences and lectures (note: if you are not in class you can not get credit for participation) (30 classes @ 10pts each = 300 pts) • Art Collage – Who am I as a Dancer (50 pts) Graded on thoughtfulness, comprehension, and completion of project • One Mini Research Paper on a style/period/event/historical figures in dance. 3-4 pages. (75 pts) Please refer to the writing research paper guidelines. Papers are graded on content -- thoroughness and credibility of research, and use of sources and quotations; organization -- flow and cohesiveness of ideas, and proper citation of sources; and grammar: readability, and proper English usage. At least three sources two of them book or periodical sources. Database sources are considered periodicals. Please use either the MLA or APA style guide. • Paper Presentation and Outline-- a 10 minute lecture based on your research topic and paper (without a paper there is no presentation). Please include a visual aid (poster board, video, physical demonstration – if you can’t find a video, please ask me – I have a huge collection), and please provide a comprehensive outline for every member of class (35 copies) Practice the timing I will have a stopwatch and stop you at 10 minutes. (50 pts) • • • Paper presentations are graded on content -- thoroughness and credibility of research, use of sources and quotations; organization – flow and cohesiveness of presentation, clear articulation of ideas; voice – diction, clarity of speech (watch the uhms, likes and you knows) and volume, I need to be able to hear you; visual – quality and appropriateness of visual aid i.e – if your presentation is about the Tango – the dance sequence from True Lies isn’t exactly credible, outline – the comprehension and cohesiveness of the outline. Three, one page written critiques of a Palomar dance events --Observation criteria will be discussed in class. Must be typed and double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font. Dec. 8/9 8pm in the Howard Brubeck Theatre. Due within 2 weeks of seeing the show (25 pts ea = 75 pts total) Please refer to critique guide Midterm (50 pts) Choreography showing (50 pts) A = 650-585, B= 584-519, C= 518-453, D= 452-387, F= 386 and under Extra Credit Assignments (you may choose 2 of these 4 options): • Observation #3 Two Hours (approx). Please rent or see a film or video that has dance as a major portion of the plot. Write a page on what the plot of the film is, what style or styles of dance are represented and pick one or two dance moments and describe them in detail. Examples of films could be Flashdance, Breakers, Billy Elliot, Center Stage, Swan Lake, Top Hat, 42cnd Street, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. . . (10 pts) • One 1 page critique of a Palomar performing arts event (note every Thursday @ 12:30 1:30 there is a free music concert in room D-10). Due within two weeks of seeing the show. (10pts) • Critique #2 A critique of a live dance performance --Observation criteria will be discussed in class. Due within two weeks of seeing the show. (10pts) Notes: Everyone has an A in this class. This syllabus tells you everything you need to know to keep it. If you plagiarize, cheat or in anyway take credit for work that is not yours you will fail this class. Please see the student handbook, and the student code of conduct for more information. Absence Policy: You are graded on substantive participation in class the grading scale is reflective of this. Any absence can potentially affect your grade. I will accept a doctor’s note as an excused absence due to me within a week of having missed class. Participation is defined as being in class on time, staying the whole length of class, being active in discussions and movement portions of class, being willing to try things that may be unfamiliar to you, and most of all a good working attitude toward the class material, the fellow students, and your instructor. Note: Any absence will affect your participation grade. There are no make ups for choreography showings or exams, and I will not accept late assignments. If it is an extreme circumstance and you have made prior arrangements with me, I may consider it. Dress Code for movement sections: Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. The instructors need to be able to see your spine so fairly tight fitting t-shirts, biker shorts, sports bras, tight fitting sweat pants. . . No levis, baseball hats, gum. Street shoes may not be worn in the studio so either jazz, ballet shoes, or bare feet are required. No food or drink in the studio except for closed topped water bottles. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers before class. If you are sick -- coughing, wheezing, sneezing. . . I will send you home and still mark you absent so please use your best judgment and save us all the grief of getting sick. I will count three tardies as an absence. I define tardy as anytime after I take roll. In the unlikely event that I am late for class, please wait 20 minutes. If I am not there by then, consider the class canceled with no penalty to the students. All written assignments must be typed with 1” margins, 12 pt. font, and double spaced. They will be graded on correct spelling, grammar and organization as well as creativity, research and analysis. If at anytime you would like to speak with me about your progress or the class in general, please come see me. Ext. 2318, Office D3k, * My classes are based on a system of mutual respect, my respect for you, your respect for each other, and your respect for me. If you respect my time, I will respect yours. Dance Survey Calendar Week 1 Wed. Jan. 17 Syllabus overview Homework: Read Ch. 1-2, 14 in Dancing p. 14-30, 195-202 Week 2 Mon. Jan 22 Art Showings Due: Make art collage from pictures out of magazines, off the internet, other relevant sources, may include drawings or anything you would like. The title of this collage is “Who am I as a dancer” please make it relevant to your relationship with dance. Wed. Jan 24 Who can dance/research paper overview Week 3 Mon. Jan. 29 Meet at Library Homework: Read Jacob Ch. 10 113-156 Wed. Jan. 31 Dance History Homework: Read Jacob Ch. 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 31-68 Donald Mckayle Residency Wed. 6:30 @ MiraCosta Master Class Free Thursday 7pm @CSUSM – Lecture Demonstration Free Friday 8pm @Howard Brubeck Theatre Performance ($10) Week 4 Mon. Feb. 5 Anatomy Homework: Read Jacob Ch. 17, 18, 19 p. 215-241 Wed. Feb. 7 Nutrition Palomar Dance Festival Fri/Sat Feb. 9/10 8pm Week 5 Mon. Feb. 12 Teaching Learning styles Wed. Feb. 14 Ballet Donald McKayle critiques due Week 6 Mon. Feb. 19 – no class Wed. Feb. 21 Ballet Papers Due Week 7 Mon. Feb. 26 Modern Wed. Feb. 28 Modern Modern Dance Concert critique due Week 8 Mon. March 5 Jazz Wed. March 7 Jazz Week 9 Mon. March 12 Midterm Review Wed. March 14 Midterm March 19-25 Spring Break Week 10 Mon. March 26 Afro-Cuban Wed. March 28 Afro-Cuban Paper re-writes due Week 11 Mon. April 2 Tap Wed. April 4 Tap Week 12 Mon. April 9 Hip Hop Wed. April 11 Hip Hop Week 13 Mon. April 16 Student Presentations Wed. April 18 Student Presentations Week 14 Mon. April 23 Student Presentations Wed. April 25 Student Presentations Week 15 Mon. April 30 Student Presentations Wed. May 2 Choreography Week 16 Mon. May 7 Choreography Wed. May 9 Choreography Palomar Faculty Dance Concert Fri/Sat May 11/12 8pm Howard Brubeck Theatre Sun. May 13 2pm Finals Week Mon. May 14 – 8 -10 am Student Showing Due: Critiques for Faculty Dance Concert Research Paper Guidelines I expect college level writing. If you need help there are writing labs at the Library and in Room S1 You may also make an appointment to work with me (I need at least a week before the paper is due to help) I grade on three areas equally: Content, Organization, and Grammar. If you paper is not College level I will hand it back for revision – as many times as necessary. Content Please make sure your topic is manageable in the page limit given. The history of ballet would be a hard topic to cover in 3-4 pages. But the impact of Fanny Elsler on the female image of ballet would be narrow enough to handle. If you choose to write on a historical figure, just don’t give me a blow by blow of their life, pick an idea about them that you are intrigued by. How Gene Kelley changed the face of American Dance on Film is much more focused and interesting than a recitation of Gene Kelley’s life. I want to know WHY!!!!!!! Or HOW!!!!! Something is important. Make sure that you are supporting your ideas with your source material. I am not interested in what others have to say about your topic, I am interested in your ideas and how other writers support those ideas. Please explore your ideas fully within the scope of your paper. Do not introduce ideas that you are not prepared to cover and do not introduce new ideas in your conclusionary paragraph. That is to wrap up your own ideas. Do not end with a quote, I want you to end with your own words. I am serious about the length of the paper. If it is a 3-4 page paper I expect at least 3 1/2 full pages. If your paper is under the page limit I will grade off for content and organization. Organization No title page is necessary (let’s save a tree) Please put your name, course title, and date in the upper right corner (single spaced). The title of your paper should encapsulate the idea you are exploring in your research and be centered three lines (triple spaced) after the date. The rest of the paper should be double spaced using 12 pt. font (I prefer Times) with one inch margins top, bottom, right and left. Page #’s should be bottom center and please staple your paper. Your introductory paragraph that introduces the reader to your topic, your thesis statement (what perspective your paper will be exploring) and explain reasons why you have chosen this topic, should be triple spaced (three lines) after your title. Please indent all paragraphs five spaces. Each subsequent paragraph must include a topic sentence and support for that sentence. A paragraph should deal with only one major idea and support for that idea. If you are mentioning the name of a movie, dance, song, theatre production please italicize all titles. Please make sure your subject matter is organized in a logical manner. I need to understand the progression from idea to idea. All quotes need to be credited with the last name of the author and page # (if in APA – also include the year of the publication). Quotes should support YOUR ideas – I am not interested in reading a string of quotes. I am interested in what ideas YOU have and how quotes support them. Please write in a stylistic format. The library has handouts on the various styles. I prefer APA format where the quotes are followed by parenthetical source information. I will also accept MLA in which the source material information is in footnote form. Please make sure that your style is consistent. You must have a bibliography or works cited page that includes all of your source material. Grammar All sentences must have at least a subject and a verb. Please keep your paragraphs in the same tense. Make sure your paper is saying what you want it to say. Read it aloud and if it sounds stuffy or awkward, it probably is. Please spell check and proofread your paper. Those little mistakes really add up. WRITING CRITIQUES • Put your name on the top, somewhere and what class it is for • At least One full page double spaced, typed, 12 point font (times preferably), 1” margins • Typed with a printer cartridge that has ink • Stapled • Proper spelling and grammar are a given • Use a lede. A lede is an opening statement that catches the attention of the reader. • Give your paper a conclusion, don’t just stop, sum up what you have said. • I do not accept hand written critiques • Proofread your paper. If there are more than three errors in the first paragraph, I will hand back your paper to be rewritten and take off 10 points Choose one or two dances or moments that interested you, either good or bad and write on them, you do not have to give a detailed account of the whole show in fact, please don’t. Use your personal voice, and please write in first person. You saw the show, it is your opinion, therefore write in a style that is comfortable for you. Don't apologize in your writing, i.e., “I’m really not a good enough dancer to say that I didn’t think her technique was . . . “ Write with authority. “I didn’t like her technique because . . . ” I love bad reviews as well as good reviews but your opinions must be backed up with examples and intelligent reasons. "I didn't like it cause it was ugly," is not good enough. “I thought the angular lines of the choreography were inconsistent to the music and caused a dissonance that was never resolved,” would tell me why you didn’t like it. Things to look for are: Give credit where credit is due - - I want names: choreographer, composer, costume designer, lighting designer, dancers. Weave the names of the players into the body of your text, do not just list them off in chronological order. Intent - - what do you feel the dance was about? Did the choreographer achieve that? Why or why not? Style - - was it ballet, tap, jazz, modern, folk, a combination of several styles? Was that style appropriate to the dance? Why or why not? Choreography - - notice that this is different from the dancing. Were the steps the dancers were doing put together in a way that facilitated the intent. What kind of moves were used: flowing, athletic, low to the ground, a lot of jumps? Did you recognize any steps we do in class? Dancing - - how did the dancers perform the choreography? Did they look tired? Bored? Did they do a good job? Why or why not? How was their technique? Production Elements - - lighting, sets, props, multi-media elements, costumes: were these things effective in making a cohesive whole? Why or why not. A dance is more than just the dancers and the choreography. These are just a few of the elements involved in writing an intelligent dance review. If there are other elements you choose to write about, please do so. Live performance is amazing and I love anecdotes, like... "A dancer's shoe fell off and went flying into the audience and some old lady caught it..." If the unexpected happens or if you notice something that might have been a mistake, tell me about it. I prefer reading a slightly less formal style of writing yet still well organized. Make it conversational and don't just list facts. Use lots and lots of descriptive language. Tense - - Please write in the past tense. Present tense can be used you are stating a universal fact. “The Washington Ballet is a good company.” “I love tap dancing.” But if you are talking about the performance, “I saw the Washington Ballet and really liked it because...” “The lighting for the show reminded me of...” Of course this rule is meant to be broken if there is a valid reason but it has to be a good reason. Do not switch tenses in the middle of a sentence and try not to switch tenses in the middle of a paragraph. Most of all have fun with these assignments. I read hundreds of reviews each semester, make yours stand out, be funny, use big words, and have fun writing it... Make me remember it.