Interview FLCI
Did you review consent? (Y N)
Did you complete medication screener? (Y N) Health/Demographic screener? (Y N)
A. Subject number
B. Age
C. Race B W
II. Education.
“I’d like to begin by asking you a little bit about School.”
A. Were you ever restless or bored in grade school? (Y N)
A lot of the time? (Y N)
Was that more because you weren't interested ( ) or it was too easy ( )
Would you describe yourself as a “hyperactive” child? (Y N)
Ever diagnosed with ADHD? ( Y
B. How did you get along with your teachers? Any verbal or physical fights (at any point during school)?
(If trouble, ASK: When did the trouble begin?)
C. Did you skip school? (Y
N) When did you first skip? Age: _____________ How often?__________________.
D. Were you ever suspended (Y
1. Ages _______________
2. Reasons:
or expelled (Y N) from school?
1. Ages ___________
2. Reasons:
Total - S:
E. Were you ever seen by a counselor/doctor because of behavior problems at home or school? (Y
F. How far did you get in school? (last grade you completed?) Grade:
Diploma/ GED/ HSED? (Y
Where? ____________ When?_______ Any other college or technical training? (Specify)
H. How would you say that you compare to most others in terms of intelligence? (scale from 1 to 10)
Typical Person he Knew on the Streets: ____
Typical Guy at FLCI: ____
I. What do you think of the other inmates (What is your general impression)? How would the other inmates here
describe you (Is that different than how your friends on the streets would described you)? How do you fit in with
guys here? (Why?)
III. Family life.
“Now I’d like to ask you a little bit about your family while you were growing up (particularly age 12 and younger).”
A. Did you live with both your parents? (Y
If divorced, WHEN?
N) How did they get along? How did you get along with them?
Were there problems in the house ($, drugs, alcohol, hitting, name calling, etc)? (Y
How did you deal with any problems?
B. Were you pretty much doing what your (parents) wanted ( ) or were you getting in trouble a lot for not
following the rules ( )? (If trouble, how old when started? _____
C. Were you ever removed from your home because of problems at home or school (ever sent to juvenile
correctional facility, or something like Ethan Allen or Lincoln Hills)? (Y N)
[List out other options, e.g. group home, residential facility]
____grp. home, ____residential, ____correctional, ____mental inst., ____other:
Age(s): _________________ How many times? ________ Why?
D. Ever run away from home (overnight)? (Y
N) Age 1 st time ______ How many times? _____ How long? ______
Longest? _______________. Why did you run away?
How about staying out late, past curfew? (Age)
E. Do you have any brothers or sisters? How many? (Bro: ____; Sis ____; Step-bro: ____; Step-sis ____ )
What was your relationship with your bro/sis like?
F. What kind of contact do you have with your parents and siblings now?
calls (Y N) ________________________________ visits (Y N) __________________________________________
letters (Y N) _____ _________________________ other (Y N) __________________________________________
G. How do you feel about your relationship with your family (e.g. satisfied?)
H. Has your family been hurt by your incarceration? (In what ways?)
IV. Relationships.
A. How many close friends do you have? _______ (IF NO FRIENDS: Have you ever had a close friendship? Y
What’s the longest friendship you’ve ever had? ____________ .
What is a close friend? How far can you trust those friends? with your money or with personal issues?
How far could they trust you?
B. Has anyone close to you died? (Y
you emotional)? Go to the funeral? (Y
N) How did that affect you/How did you handle it (e.g. did you drink? were
If NO: Has anyone close to you been seriously ill? (Y N) How did that affect you? How did you handle it?
Did you go to the hospital? (Y N)
C. Would you describe yourself as an emotional person? What does that mean to you, for someone to be emotional?
(Show openly/keep to self? Run deep/stick with you or come and go, not affect you much?) (weak to show
What is a time in your life the happiest you've ever been?
What is a time in your life the most depressed you've ever been?
Do you sometimes pretend you are upset or sad because other people expect you to be? (Y
Ever do it to get others to do what you want? Or just for fun to get a rise out of people? (Y
D. Has anyone ever told you had an anger/temper problem? Do you agree with them (IF NO, Why?)?
If YES, short temper? or slow build up with explosion? Ever recommended for anger management counseling?
Does your anger get worse if you are drinking?
Would you describe yourself as a “charming” person (e.g. persuasive, good with words, smooth talker)? Or has
anyone else described you as this? Have you ever turned the charm on to get something you wanted? What kinds
of things?
V. Parenthood.
A. Have you ever had any children? (Y N)
Boys: (Total #) ________(Ages): ______________
Girls: (Total #)_________(Ages): _____________
How many mothers? ________ Are (Were) you married to the mother (or any of the mothers)? (Y N)
B. Where are your kids now (is s/he)? _________________________________________________________.
Do you still have a legal right to see them? (Y N); If N, why Not? ___________________________________.
C. How do (did) you support them? Have you ever had to pay formal child support?
D. How do you feel about how you’ve raised your kid(s) when you were on the streets? Were you able to
financially or physically support them? How?
E. Would you say that your kids always had everything that they needed like enough food, clothes, medical care,
and enough fun things? Y N (If NO, what happened?)
VI. Sexual History.
A. Have you ever been married? (Y N)
1. How many times? _______.
2. How long with each? _______ ________ ________.
3. (If never married--) Have you ever lived with someone you were sexually involved with? (Y N )
B. How old were you the first time you lived with a sexual partner (where it was just the two of your living on your
own)? _________; How long did you live together?_________ What happened with that relationship?
Has there been anyone else that you’ve lived with (besides the first sexual partner)? Y N (How many total (one
above plus these additional)? _______) (IF YES: How long did they each last? And why did they end?)
C. Is there a partner that stands out/ that you’ve felt the closest to? (If no romance, ASK: Who’s the friend that
you’ve felt the closest to?) (ASK: What was/is the relationship like? activities?) IF YES, What’s really special about
that person?
D. Over the years, (in your own opinion) have you had many sexual partners? (Y
What is the maximum number of partners you’ve had in one years’ time?
What is typical for you?
E. How old were you when you first had consensual (sexual) intercourse? _____; Was that in a relationship? (Y
How long did that relationship last? _______ Was that your only sexual partner before 15 (Y N)
If YES, How many more?____
F. Have you ever been in 2 or more sexual relationships at the same time? (So for example cheating?) (Y N)
Without them knowing about it? (Y N) What was that like? Would you do it again? (Why or why not?)
G. Now I want to ask you about some other kinds of sexual experiences. Feel free to just say yes or no to each.
Have you ever had (1) sex with friends’ wives or girlfriends? (Y N) (2) group sex (Y N) (3) gay sex? (Y N)
(4) sex with anyone much older than you (10 or more years)? (Y N) ages him________ other _________.
or much younger than you? (10 or more years) (Y N) ages him __________ other __________.
VII. Work History.
A. Tell me briefly what kinds of jobs you’ve had since you were 15 (outline).
B. What are the different reasons you’ve changed jobs over the years? (bored?)
For any of these jobs, did you miss work a lot or come in late a lot? (Y N)
Ever been drunk or high at work? ( Y N )
Have you ever been fired? What happened? (Y N)
Have you ever quit a job without having another one lined up? (Y N) If YES, ASK: How many times? _____
What's the longest that you stayed at one job? (what job was it?) _____________________________
Is having a job important to you? (Y N)
C. If ever out of work -- how were you getting by?
D. Have you ever collected welfare (Y N) or unemployment (Y N)? (H9) (IF YES, Were you actively looking for
jobs during those times?) How long? (W) ________________ (U) _________________.
E. Have you ever financially supported friends or family when they were going through tough times? (Y
Have your friends or relatives ever supported you or helped you out financially? (Y N)
What kind? _______________________ How long? _________________________
Is it difficult for you to feel like you need to depend on people for help or money? (Y
F. Have you tended to ___ stay in one place or do you ___ like to move around? How often have you moved? ______
Ever moved or traveled without telling family or friends? (Y N) # of times? _______
Ever just hit the road without a plan for where you were going (like just got in the car and went somewhere)?
(Y N) How many times? _________
G. What about your everyday life, would you describe yourself as a “thinker”( ) or more spontaneous/impulsive"( )
If you have to make a big decision, do you spend a lot of time weighing the pros and cons ( ) or do you just got
with your gut reaction ( )?
H. Do you often get bored outside of prison? (Y
What did you do when you go bored?
N) What bores you most?__________
Do you enjoy taking risks (doing things that are crazy/exciting or illegal/high associated with it)?? (Y
Like what?___________________
Would you describe yourself as a “thrill seeker”? (Y N)
I. Was there ever a time when you didn’t pay your bills, like: rent? (Y N) utilities? (Y
hospital? (Y N) (H15)
N) child support? (Y
IF YES: Why didn’t you pay your bills? Did you have the money but were spending it on other things or did you
just not have enough money?
How much outstanding debt/loans do you have?
J. Have you ever owed people money and not paid them back (who?)? (Y
N) How much do you owe them? ________
K. What are your long-term goals related to work? (ASK: What would you need to do that? What problems might you
have in achieving your work goals?
Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years after you get out?
Do you ever feel stressed or worried about the future? (Y N)
Why or why not?
VIII. Criminal History.
A. Why are you in prison now? [VOP? (Y N); Revocation (ever)? (Y
(What led up to that...?; Why did you commit this offense?)
Who or what is to blame for what happened?
How do you feel about what happened?
B. Was it something you planned out (Y) or was it spur of the moment? (Y)
What about other illegal things you’ve been involved in -- planned out (Y) or spur of the moment (Y)
C. What was your sentence? How did the judge/P.O./D.A. handle the case?
Do you think your case was handled more fairly or more unfairly? (Why?) (Y
D. Do you think there will be consequences for having a felony on your record? (Y
E. What effect did the offense have on others? (What about the person? ...people close to you? ...the victim?)
F. Now I want to ask you about the different kinds of offenses, regardless of whether you have ever been charged
with them, just whether you’ve ever done them. I want to know only about what has happened since you turned 15.
1. Have you ever driven a car under the influence? (Y N) (# tickets? ______; ages:_________)
How many speeding: _______ Do you like to speed? (Y N)
How many traffic violations (Operating after Revocation): _______
2. How many physical fights have you been in since you turned 15? #_______.
Do you tend to get into fights when you’re drinking or using drugs? (Y N)
What percentage of the fights you had involved your use of alcohol or drugs? _______%
What percentage of the fights would you say you started? _______%
What percentage of the fights did you use a weapon (anything like a bat, brick or gun)? _______%
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done in a fight?
Have you ever been in a fight where someone was on the ground and you continued to fight?
Have you ever hit or thrown things at your (spouse/partner)? Y N #______.
Have you ever hit a child, so hard that s/he had bruises or had to stay in bed or see a doctor? Y N #________.
3. Was there ever a time that you were making more money illegally than at a legal job? (Y
What were you doing?)
N) (If YES, ASK:
_____sell drugs: how long? _______
_____ pimping: how long? _______.
_____prostitution: how long? _______ _____sell stolen goods: how long? _______.
4. Have you ever done any burglaries? (Y N) How many? _______
Have you ever stolen from family or friends (Y N)? How often?______ What did you take?
5. Have you ever used an alias or gone by another name?(To avoid trouble with the cops) (Y
6. Have you ever made money hustling people like in pool or cards (pretend you are really bad but then are
actually pretty good and take everyone’s money)? (Y N) How about conning for money? (like a hard luck
story or investment scheme) (Y N)
Can you fool people easily when you want to? (Y N)
Do you ever do it just for fun? (Y N)
Do you tend to get what you want from people? What kinds of things do you get?
Ever live with someone where they were paying all the bills and you could have contributed but you didn’t?
Have others told you that you can talk your way out of or in to anything? (Y
7. What do you think of people who can be cheated or conned (i.e., the victims)?
G. How old were you the first time you were ever arrested? ______ What for?
What else is all on your juvenile record?
What is all on your adult record?
H. How do you feel when you are doing something illegal, in the moment? (Nervous? Excited? Scared?
Adrenaline rush?)
I. Looking back is there anything you feel particularly guilty about or sorry you've done (IF SAY CRIME ask:
anything other than crime)? (If YES, What did you do? Why did you feel badly about it?)
If you could say something to one of your victims, what would you say? (IF DRUG CRIME REPHRASE
J. Overall, what would you say is the main cause of your involvement in illegal activity?
K. How much would you say using drugs or alcohol has contributed to your breaking the law?
How old were you when you started drinking?_____ Using drugs? _______
What kinds of drugs have you used (list out)?
Why did you start drinking/drugs? (enjoyment/escape)?
Ever been in alcohol and/or drug treatment? (Y N) How many times? ____ How many did you complete? _____
Did you use again after completing those programs? (Y N) Why did you enter those programs (court?) ________
L. Are you satisfied with your life so far? (Y
What would you describe as your main failures?
K. I’m going to ask you now about some other sorts of activities. First I’ll ask if you’ve ever done this activity in your
lifetime, and then I’ll be a little more specific with ages. I’ve already mentioned some of these activities before, so if
you can just be patient, and then we will be done with this interview.
Did you ever shoplift (anything more than a candy bar)?
Did you ever forge someone’s name to get money?
2. Did you ever threaten anyone to get them to give you money or physically take
3. Did you do any vandalism (break windows, destroy property)?
4. Did you more than once start fights or get in trouble for fighting?
5. Did you ever use a weapon like a bat, brick, knife, or gun that could cause serious
6. Did you ever force or pressure someone to have sex with you?
7. Did you ever hurt animals on purpose (other than hunting)?
8. Did you ever hurt another person on purpose other than a fight (so like going out a
and seeking a person to hurt them, ie retaliation)?
9. Did you ever set any fires on purpose?
10. Did you often bully, threaten or intimidate others?
11. Of course, everyone tells a few lies, but do you feel you tell more lies than most
people to get out of trouble or get things you want?
1. Did you ever steal anything by breaking into someone else’s car, home or building?
Are you good at lying? (Y N)