Functional Skills English Level 1 Sample Recycling Paper CC Reading Notes to the assessor Assessor Information and Guidance General Marking Guidance Reading and Writing If a learner has crossed out a response to a question, the work should still be marked unless the learner has replaced it with an alternative answer. Markers should apply the mark scheme consistently across all papers marked. Standardisation will take place at the beginning, middle and end of the marking window to ensure this takes place. Markers should mark according to the mark scheme and should apply it positively awarding full marks where the answer meets the mark scheme. Where the answers do not meet the mark scheme, markers should be prepared to award zero marks. The mark scheme gives guidance as to how to allocate marks where an answer is graded according to candidate performance. Where the response does not meet the requirements of the minimum mark, zero marks should be awarded. Where the mark scheme allows a mark for ‘any (other) valid response’, the marker should judge the response’s merits based on the information provided in the assessment materials. Where the marker is unsure of how to apply the mark scheme, guidance from the team leader must be sought. Assessment Guidance Skill Standard Coverage and Range Task Number Marks allocated Reading 2, 6 2, 2 Read and understand a range of straightforward texts Identify the main points and ideas and how they are presented in a variety of texts Read and understand texts in detail 3, 7 1, 3 Utilise information contained in texts 1, 5 3, 6 Identify suitable responses to texts 4,8 6,2 In more than one type of text MS ER L1 Sample Paper CC – Recycling Page 1 of 3 Functional Skills English Level 1 Sample Recycling Paper CC Reading Notes to the assessor Assessor Information and Guidance Functional English Level 1 Recycling Assessment Sheet Reading Tasks Q Acceptable Responses 1a 1b 2b 3 4 5 Mark Available Batteries contain hazardous substances Any two of the following – one mark for each Contact local council Councils may have battery collection schemes AND/OR battery recycling banks (only allow 1 mark) Take back to manufacturers AND/OR retailers (only allow 1 mark) Take to civic amenity site OR waste recycling centre (only allow 1 mark) To persuade people to recycle or information about importance of recycling and the impact on the environment To persuade or importance of or information about recycling Check the packaging for more details 1 mark 2 marks maximum Any three of the following – one mark for each Cut down the amount of waste in landfill Cut down greenhouse gases/dangerous chemicals in landfill Reduce harm to environment from landfill sites Reduce need for deforestation Reduce need for using coal, gas and oil to make new products Takes much less energy to recycle products than to make from raw materials Preserves natural resources – wood, coal, oil, gas Landfill sites almost full No more space for waste Cut costs on production of new materials 1 mark each (3 marks maximum for examples) Each of the examples must have a valid explanation why they were chosen – one mark for each. Accept any valid explanation linked to importance to us/environment. Give 1 mark for each reasonable valid response. Plastic bottles Glass jars and bottles Batteries Mobile phones Clothing Paper Cardboard MS ER L1 Sample Paper CC – Recycling Candidate Mark 2 marks 1 mark (out of 2) 1 mark 1 mark each (3 marks maximum for explanation) 1 mark for each (4 marks max) Page 2 of 3 Functional Skills English Level 1 Sample Recycling Paper CC Reading Notes to the assessor Assessor Information and Guidance 6 Packaging Toilet roll tubes Methods. Accept any sensible response that shows understanding of the information in the text. Eg: Clothing – charity shops clothing banks doorstep collection by council Batteries – battery recycling bank manufacturer or retailer local civic amenity site waste / recycling centre. Accept any reasonable answer e.g. What can you recycle or “Recycling is easy” 7 Accept any reasonable reason for choice e.g. to persuade, to inform. 1 mark for using both texts 8 Two methods for saving money are identified from the text, e.g. it costs less to produce new products from recycled products than to make new products from raw material. You could sell your phone online It takes less energy to recycle than produce from new Choice of document Reason for choice, eg Doc 1 because my friend would want to know how recycling could help the environment. Doc 2 because it gives helpful tips about what and how to recycle Total marks for Reading Activities – 25 marks Pass mark - 18 MS ER L1 Sample Paper CC – Recycling 1 mark for each (4 marks max) 1 mark 1 mark (2 marks total) 1 mark 2 marks maximum (3 marks total) 1 mark 1 mark (2 marks maximum) Page 3 of 3